
Presspauseradio.com's Quarter Circle Forward Review: The Walking Dead Episode 3

"The Walking Dead Episode 3 has proven that Telltale Games can truly capture the utter despair and horror that comes with a zombie apocalypse. In my opinion I do not believe that the graphic novel or the television show really show how desperate and terrible things have truly become. It's because the gamer is the one pulling all the strings, choosing between good and bad, and sometimes between life and death. In Episode 3, we encounter unforgettable situations that are very painful to witness. The Walking Dead is one of the first games I've ever played that truly gave me shivers and nightmares several nights after the initial play through."


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The Walking Dead: S02E03 – Long Road Ahead Review | GameCloud

William at GameCloud writes:

"In Harms Way does a fantastic job in avoiding a mid-season lull. The triumph, however, is in the final moments, with one scene in particular that you won’t ever forget. The problem is that Clementine won’t either, which is something we’ve grown less concerned with this season. I suspect this negligence from both the group, as well as the player, will play a greater role in the main story very soon and I fear it could end badly."

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The Walking Dead: Episodes 1-3 Android Review - Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid contributor Matthew Byrd takes a deeper look at what may just be the best examples of episodic gaming ever.

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The Walking Dead Episode 3 "In Harm's Way" Review - GamerSyndrome

GamerSyndrome's LadyHodor takes a look at the new episode in the Walking Dead series, to see once again if it levels up to that of the last series - if it does, tears will fall for a certainty. "In Harm's Way" finds Clementine and her crew caught in the clutches of cruel tyrant Bill Carver, and chaos is sure to ensue.

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