
Microsoft Hires Television Exec For Xbox Live Programming

Microsoft said today it's hired former president of CBS television programming Nancy Tellem. She'll oversee the launch of a new production studio in Los Angeles that will develop "interactive and linear content" for Xbox and other devices.

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nukeitall4280d ago


I would love to get all my TV needs on the Xbox. I hate paying for the cable box, then the programming. Xbox already ushered in movies over internet on the TV.

AngelicIceDiamond4280d ago

@DaThreats then don't nobody cares.

3-4-54280d ago

uhh.ok. It's honestly worth it though.

Been using it since 2003 and I love it.

Not sure how people can buy a $60 game, and then complain about paying $50 for 12 months.

Xbox Live is = to $10 less than a new game. One time payment. lasts for 12 months.

Yet those same people buy 5-6 $60.00 games a year.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4280d ago
cl19834280d ago

I wonder if this means more shows like Guild Wars, Forward Until Dawn, and ect?

Gamer-Z4280d ago

Could be their response to Wii U TV

nukeitall4280d ago (Edited 4280d ago )

Wii U still requires a box in addition to the console. I'm not entirely sure how it will enhance the experience, but this sort of thing (with hiring a high paying executive) is in the planning process way before a week ago announcement from Nintendo.

I think, Nintendo is less of a threat than Sony to MS so MS is probably watching Sony more.

greenpowerz4280d ago (Edited 4280d ago )

It can't be a response to nintendo when the company has been working on multi media partnerships and software trails(xbox 360 streaming apps) for years.

The xbox 720 will be compatible with cable service providers and their IPTV plans made 6 years ago(A cable company in the US already using 360 as a set top box)

StrawHatPatriot4280d ago (Edited 4280d ago )

It could mean they're incorporating more streaming content into the Xbox 360.

ChunkyLover534280d ago

This is cool news, maybe they will launch a new batch of shows like Inside Xbox? They already have interactive shows that use Kinect. I'm all for extra content, options are a great thing!

Falconer4280d ago

They should have never took Inside Xbox from us in the first place. We pay for the service and all they do is take stuff away and add more features that are free everywhere else.

ChunkyLover534280d ago

I highly doubt your paying for anything on Xbox. We get a ton of features that aren't on any other home gaming console. Microsoft is always adding features and the new dashboard is just one of the many things we seem to get on a yearly basis.

What kind of a company sticks with the same dash since launch?

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72199d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai199d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ199d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil198d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces


Xbox Live Is Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary Today

It's been 20 years to the day since Xbox Live brought online play to consoles.

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darthv72569d ago

I remember when Live turned five and they had special edition controllers made and everything. Kind of wished they would do that again for the 20th.

Orchard569d ago

Happy Birthday. OG XBL (and later 360 XBL) really revolutionized online gaming on console.

Crows90569d ago

Never understood the obsession with live...but I was gaming online on PC so not sure too much of what live did that the PlayStation didn't.

Profchaos569d ago

I had a PS2 and it's online experience was fine but it didn't have the same level of polish voice chat never worked for me but I was trying to play from Australia where not many people played PS2 online to the point where many devs simply dropped the online mode from the pal version.
That's not all PS2 games mind you there were plenty that worked perfectly but it was more on the dev and not the platform

During that era I also played a fairly large amount on online PC games and they were undoubtedly better than both systems. PS2 from functionality and Xbox because it was free

Playing my friends original Xbox it was a really polished experience it felt robust yet simple things just worked there was zero config.

Crows90569d ago (Edited 569d ago )

Yeah but the time ps3 came the experience was the same on both based on what I played...not too much online though to be honest. But I do think that the xbox did help bring online into the console space a lot. As well as PC games to consoles.

Profchaos569d ago (Edited 569d ago )

Today would of been the perfect day to drop halo 2 the original bc version free on gwg.... If only


Original Xbox Live 1.0 set to be revived via free third-party servers

Xbox Live 1.0, the first instance of online servers for the original Xbox, is set to return via Insignia, a free third-party service that's currently compatible with 20 titles, such as Call of Duty: Finest Hour and Counter-Strike.

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Blashted593d ago

Lobbies, Matchmaking, Leaderboards, Voice Chat, Content Downloads, Friends Lists, all set to return

Blashted593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

Halo 2 set to come later as it requires additional services to run online.

Beta sign ups available now with beta launch of 11/15/22. Certain features of XBL will roll out over the future.

Father__Merrin592d ago

How will this be playable on Xbox?

TheColbertinator591d ago

Let's tune in back to Crimson Skies HRR

Bnet343591d ago

Rainbow Six 3 and Phantasy Star Online Ep1&2. Things were so simple back then :'(