
Gamrreview: Horn (iOS) - Review

CHris Kerr: Horn is the latest effort from Phosphor Games, the studio that created the critically acclaimed mobile game The Dark Meadow. In Horn you’ll fill the shoes of the titular character as he embarks on an epic quest to stop a mysterious threat and save the kingdom. It’s pretty basic fantasy fare, but it’s portrayed well through the use of good voice acting and storyboards (which you can skip if you’re just in it for the gameplay). However, don’t think that just because the story isn’t Oscar winning you should forget about it completely. It certainly did enough to hold my interest, which is a feat not many iOS games have accomplished.

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Horn Review (GameWoof)

Horn is a 3D Action Adventure game that utilizes a dodge and slash mechanic, not much different than Infinity Blade or Phosphor’s own Dark Meadow, although from a different perspective. The combat system actually isn’t all that dissimilar from Phosphor’s recent effort, the Man of Steel movie tie-in game, that received unfavorable reviews from myself and other critics. What makes Horn unique and so amazing is the way the rest of the game is explored. Rather than being on rails like Infinity Blade or Dark Meadow, or worse just consisting of a string of battles like Man of Steel, Horn allows players to explore freely. When controlling Horn (the game’s protagonist) players can click anywhere on the ground and Horn will run there. It works quite well, certainly better than a virtual control stick, and even has an advantage over physical controls in that it allows players to admire the scenery while they wait for Horn to catch up to their commands.

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PadGadget: Horn Review

PadGadget: Zynga is a name that is fast becoming synonymous with mobile gaming, handily delivering smash-hit after smash-hit for iOS-based devices. For those gamers who love adventure-based 3D titles, Horn has become one of the most beloved and impressive high-definition games available. If you are apprehensive to spent USD $6.99 on a game before you have had a good chance to evaluate it, consider grabbing Horn Free.

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Top 50 iPhone And iPad Games Of 2012: 50-41

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Here we are, the best iOS games of the year. We started with a list of 200, whittled that down to about 100, then the gloves came off, as we fought to include certain titles and said painful goodbyes to others. The result is a snapshot of 2012, the 50 iPhone and iPad games that stood out the most. That said, join us each day as we make the countdown. On that note, it's time for games 50-41.