
Casual Games: A Hardcore Gamer's Perspective

I’ve spent a rather alarming amount of time lately with a couple games that scratch the same itch for me. I’ve talked briefly about Recettear, the RPG where you run an item store. I ended up taking the smart phone plunge a couple weeks ago (much to my chagrin) and wasted no time buying Game Dev Story, a type of sim/RPG where you run a development studio. I’ve had a ton of fun with these games, and that’s been surprising to me. But first, a little backstory.

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ninjahunter4248d ago

I was eating peanuts, saw Reccetear Listed as casual, now im cleaning peanuts off my keyboard. Reccetear is the most hardcore game you can find these days, mark my words.

ninjabake4248d ago

We really need to stop with this whole hardcore vs. Casual thing, its getting old.
If your a gamer your a gamer. I don't care if you play temple run,halo, angry birds, Tetris, gears of war, mario, wiifit, killzone or farmville your a gamer.

We need to accept EVERYONE into gaming so we can expand as medium. I don't think we need "labels" anymore if your gonna have a "label" it should be that your a gamer and that's it.

How silly is it that a nerdy Guy is shunning others for playing a "casual game"? You think that 'casual gamer' is gonna care? They'll probably laugh at you. Just because they don't play as many videogames as you, or the same kinds, or take it as serious as you do, doesn't mean they are any less worthy of playing a game of their choosing.

So in closing I just wanted to get that off my chest. We should unite rather than divide "casual vs hardcore" its just silly. And before you dislike, just try to read this with an open mind.

Just my 2 cents.

3-4-54248d ago

A lot of "hardcore " gamers play some of the worst most generic ugly games ever.

Saying you are "hardcore" is like giving yourself a nickname.

It's just douche.

Their are Gamers & people who don't play games.

ShaunCameron4246d ago

The funny thing is if it wasn't for the "casual" crowd the industry wouldn't have been able to get back on its feet after the crash. Besides they often account for the (vast) majority of any company's total console sales which disproves the notion that gaming is (or once was) a niche industry.


The 10 Best Spin-Off Games That Are Better than the Original

Xfire writes "It's not often that a video game franchise becomes successful enough that it gets a spin-off title or two. However, while most spin-offs help expand the base, some spin-off games end up being better than the original."

TallDarknWavy1066d ago

Zombie Army 4 was incredible, it just inches out Sniper Elite 4 which was also incredible.


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How Fictional Languages Work in Video Games

From Star Wars to Game of Thrones, fictional languages have evolved to a higher standard, with their own grammar rules to specific pronunciation. It has become popularised to consult language experts in order to harness a great deal of believability.

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JacobTillson1513d ago

Super interesting article. I haven't given a lot of thought to the comparisons of game languages before. Really enjoyed the read.