
Remembering Fun: A Look Back at ‘Prince of Persia: Sands of Time’

PopMatters writes: The dog days of summer are to video games what late winter is to film and the 1990s were to literature. For the most part, it’s filler between the spring and Christmas release periods. The triple A titles have already come and gone, the arcade lineup has dried up and the indie marketplace is still awaiting the next humble masterpiece. As frustrating as it can be to be staring at the calendar awaiting the fall, the seasonal lull marks an excellent time to go back and (re)play some old gems. Doing so shows one how much games have grown and how much potential they continue to show, but it also shows how changes in design philosophy have changed the way that games are made. And many of this year’s releases have lacked the fun that was characteristic of an older generation of games.

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Omar914249d ago

fantastic game. at the time there was nothing else like it. sadly the newer prince of persia games dont seem to have the same feel.

SuperLupe4249d ago

What made this game great was the incredible atmosphere.

prototypeknuckles4249d ago

This and 08 are the best in the series, now if only we could get a sequel.


'Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time': 15 Years Later

"Whether you’ve never played it or haven’t touched it in a while, sit down and let the Prince tell you a tale unlike one you have never heard." - Blair at Electric Bento

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LucasRuinedChildhood1994d ago (Edited 1994d ago )

I love them all. The Two Thrones is really underrated. A good mix between Sands Of Time and Warrior Within with hugely improved boss fights, better platforming and the Dark Prince but the ending was a bit weak.

Sands Of Time is probably my favourite but the more gory combat and switching back and forth between the past and the present in levels was awesome in Warrior Within. SOT and WW have very different aesthetics and atmospheres but I appreciated both of them. SOT feels more mystical and focused on relationships. WW is very Gothic and lonely. The Dahaka chases were fairly intense as well: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Edit: I forgot to say that POP 2008 is also way better than most people give it credit for. The Forgotten Sands is decent.

Inzo1994d ago

I would love for trilogy to be remade.

LucasRuinedChildhood1993d ago

Personally, I'm not sure a remake would really add much to the enjoyment of those games. Their controls are perfect and they still look quite good considering their age. The HD remasters on PS3 did the job. I just want a new POP game. It's been so long. Same for Splinter Cell.

no_more_heroes1993d ago

I actually remember most people hating how edgy Warrior Within was compared to the first. Never got around to playing it myself, but played the first and third ones.

milohighclub1994d ago

Hate it when developers just sit on ips. Either make it or sell it.

clevernickname1993d ago

Assassin's Creed is the spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia games. Ubisoft pushed out "The Forgotten Sands" in 2008 that, despite being a good game, was quickly forgotten. By then Ubisoft was fully engaged with developing the Assassin's Creed series.

UnSelf1993d ago

I had the Forgotten Sands. Despite IGN giving that game a score higher than a 9, it remains to be a staunch example of not letting a review dictate your purchase. No matter what, you could not DIE in that game. If you jump into a hole, the girl would autmatically save you every single time.

Til this day, im still disappointed i purchased that game for $60. It's a solid 8 at best

ShockUltraslash1993d ago

AssCreed is very mediocre compared to PoP games. The combat is dumbed down and platforming is repetitive.
The empty open world full of "checklist" is also designed to pad out the experience.

clevernickname1993d ago

UnSelf, sorry I meant to say that "Forgotten Sands" was released in 2010, not 2008. The 2008 Prince of Persia "reboot" of sorts was artistically beautiful and elegant but not much of a game, if it could even be called that. Absolutely no challenge whatsoever.

no_more_heroes1993d ago

Loved the hell out of this game!


5 Games We Hope Get the Bluepoint Remake Treatment Next

Bluepoint's recent remakes have been excellent, but which games do we want to be remade next, without being unrealistic.

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Derceto2177d ago

1. Syphon Filter, 2. Silent Hill, 3. Prince of Persia, 4. Psychonauts, 5. Demon's Souls

I'd be onboard with a proper Syphon Filter and Silent Hill remake by Bluepoint. Seems they can be trusted to stay true to the originals in their work.

I have to cast my vote for the original Deus Ex however. Being that SquareEnix still owns the property though? I'll just give up any hope of that of course.


Top 10 Games We Want Remade

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Over the past few weeks we have been talking a lot about video remakes. Which are great, which are bad and whether or not the industry as a whole is better off with or without them. Well today it all comes to a head as we count down the Top 10 games that we would love to see remade! Some of these are classic gems, that are still perfectly playable today while others are games that could definitely use some sprucing up to fix nagging issues that have kept them from reaching the next level but the one thing they all have in common is that we would love these classics to get a fresh coat of paint."

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PhoenixUp2187d ago

We want the RE2 remake to finally be shown off

Cajun Chicken2187d ago

Nobody mentions it much but MDK seriously needs a revisiting.

O-D-C2186d ago

Oh ya, it really does - I enjoyed MDK2 a lot but it's very flawed.

Cajun Chicken2186d ago

Call me a hypocrite, but I would love to see what MDK could do with optional duck and cover mechanics. With a risk/reward leaning your head over/around the cover whilst sniping, also minecrawlers were inspired, I'd love to see trundling interior city tanks in HD and it would need an equally epic soundtrack. MDK is one of my favourite games of all time. MDK2 was...okay.

2186d ago
MWH2186d ago

You sir know your games, MDK is a true classic 👌🏻

Derceto2186d ago

Would I like remakes for most of those games on the list? Sure.

Do I trust any of the companies which own those IPs, to make anything even remotely worthy of the original? Not a f****n chance.

Except maybe Zelda II and Kid Icarus for obvious reasons.

DillyDilly2186d ago

Sony fans don't want old games

showtimefolks2186d ago

says who? did you not see the sales for crash HD? we want old games which are remade/remastered done right. DMC HD collection is a straight up port of ps3 version of HD collection anf doesn't even support 4k or HDR so we don't want but than when a game like SOTC is remade by bluepoint it sold well

we just don't want old games via BC where you have outdated controls instead we want games to be remastered using betters textures, frame rate and overall smoother game. don't get me wrong i want BC as much as the next guy but not at the expense of releasing newer games. that's what MS has done just keep re releasing older games instead of investing in new IP's

and MS fans(which is you from your original comment) keep bring up SOT and PUBG sales to make their argument of having exclusives which are selling while when the sales argument is used by us sony fans we are told it's not about sales. Make up your mind because you can't use the sales argument when it favors y'all and when it's not good for you simply says sales don't matter

just like last gen it was so important for MS to release sale numbers for xbox360 to brag and now they much rather give useless stats like hours played

DillyDilly2186d ago

Old games are old games remasters or not

Sony fans are the biggest hypocrites on the Planet

2186d ago
Tankbusta402186d ago

Red alert or red alert 2 remakes would be amazing but they aren't going to happen as EA completely ruined the franchise. Even if EA decided to remake it, it would have microtransactions and probably have mobile construction yards or something stupid like CNC4 did.

EA ruined this franchise and its a damn shame... We won't see it ever again unless they make a mobile game out of it full of microtransaction goodness.

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