
Quadratum Mortis Interview with Nilay Yuce, Director, Lamagama Entertainment

Quadratum Mortis is an upcoming PlayStation 3 game that I have known little about since I heard of it earlier this year. Knowing only that combat, Move controls, and Latin are involved somehow, I of course have been wanting to know more. I contacted Nilay Yuce, director at Lamagama Entertainment, who shared with me some additional information about this mysterious game.

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Colwyn4485d ago

typical sony. i like the xbox and my pc but this is the pinnacle of video gaming when a company just bombards their fans with an inordinate amount of games.

Optical_Matrix4485d ago

As much as your trolling of anything Nintendo irritates me to no end, I couldn't agree more. Software is the main reason why Sony systems will always have my support.

da_2pacalypse4484d ago

this game looks pretty bad though....

NewMonday4484d ago

i give a wiled guess and say its something like Infinity Blade. always wished something like it would use Move. i wont burn thru 10 bloodlines in one day but it will be fun.

sinncross4485d ago

This has me intrigued. Hopefully we see more soon.

Andreas-Sword4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

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Andreas-Sword4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

I think, this game will be a Action game like God of War, or a Gladiator game like Mortal Kombat.

Here is a Screenshot:

What do you think ??

lastdual4484d ago

Art =/= screenshot

From the description, this sounds like a Move-based answer to Crytek's Ryse for the Kinect, waving each arm separately to control your swords/sword and shield, etc.

At least it gives you the option of using a gamepad, but the game is clearly being designed as a motion control title. I wouldn't expect anything like God of War or Mortal Kombat.

Rainstorm814484d ago

A gladiator game like Mortal Kombat??? HUH?

baodeus4484d ago

let say if he can use both sword and shield simultaneously, how do u move around while doing so considering u don't use the navigator?


Is his nipples sticking out of his armour?

baodeus4482d ago

This is actually a legit question. How would u move around when duel wielding with PS move, because i thought u need to use a navigator to move around (Sorcery, KZ, Socom, etc...) with one move for aiming.

Anyone here know if there is any PS move game that allow u to duel wield and move at the same time, without using a navigator?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4482d ago
callahan094484d ago

Frankly, this game just seems to me like it's going to turn into another Quantum Theory: it'll take forever, go multiplatform, and be horrible.

Andreas-Sword4484d ago

I think this game will be not go multiplatform!
This game will be released only for the PS3 !

SweatyFlorida4484d ago

It says it will be played with the move, meaning it's a move game most likely. Otherwise they wouldn't have said "used", they would have said "supports", so it can't go multiplatform. Maybe the WiiU, but definitely not PC or xbox.

RememberThe3574484d ago

I'm with you on that, I'm not gonna hold my breath. This developer hasn't done anything, and I'm supposed to be excited? No.

Daver4484d ago

This could be very interesting

BlmThug4484d ago

The game sounds sh** though

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4482d ago
D3mons0ul4485d ago

My wallet....MY WALLET!!!...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! !!!!!!

thedude444484d ago

yeah haha tell me about it.

RXL4484d ago

it's like they're punishing us!..

give us a breather!..

son of a biscuit eating bulldog!

but i guess it could be worse..we could have not enough exclusives..

*shuts up and knocks on wood*

Godmars2904484d ago

But let the game, from an apparent new developer, not be good and you'll be complaining thrice as much.

RXL4484d ago

no..because i research a game before i buy it?...

is it that hard to look up reviews...youtube videos and ask friends opinions?

you aren't talking to a fanboy child..lol..

didn't even know this was a "new" developer (as if there is such a thing in this industry now a days) until you pointed that out..

Platinum games was a "new" developer and they produced a fantastic game..

Reborn4484d ago

I think that's mostly the reviewers/journs.

Godmars2904484d ago

Pretty much what you're saying. That you're willing to put up your money before you've seen so much as a Youtube video or read a review.

And Platinum still had some games under their belt, some notable talent including someone from DMC, when they produced that "fantastic" game. They certainly just didn't have an ISO title out.

As someone who's certainly not a child I'm just tired of seeing people who claim that they aren't children either getting childishly excited over something they're lucky to even get a name for. Tons of post overflowing with fandom for articles entitled "announced project."

Its just stupid.

RXL4484d ago

so you're mad...because i like the fact that my console of choice has exclusives?

lmao...who are you?.....

and im 27...far from a child little buddy..

excuse me for showing some type of emotion...

and yes..researching a game is the best way to go about learning something as apposed to blindly buying an item....

i can't figure out if you're trolling or not..

"you're stupid for renting, viewing youtube videos of gameplay and searching through reviews before buying a game!..i hate when people put there trust blindly into a game"

and that's why i used quotations around "new"...smh

Eazy-Eman4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends...

Sorry, the damn song was playing in my head when I was reading the argument lol

Godmars2904484d ago

For what its worth, someone who:

1) Is older than you say you are.
2) Sole gaming console this gen was also the PS3.
3) As said before thinks that the practice of this console gen to become excited for a game which has neither been shown or in some cases even named is simply idiotic. More so because such often falls between the lines of fandom distinction which have also formed this gen.
4) Actually quotes the people that I quote.

Seriously, did you bother to check my profile before tossing out the fanboy label, Mister One Console Owner and fellow adult?

Hicken4483d ago

1) Age and mental age are usually mutually exclusive.
2) Good for you. Then you should have even less of a problem understanding why he might be excited.
3) Yeah, you're right: people get way too excited about games way too fast. However, he didn't actually say a word about this game; instead, his eagerness was directed at the prospect of yet another exclusive.
4) Quoting or not, you seem to have missed his point (and gone further away from it) with every post. See above- or his original post- for that.

Seriously, did you bother to check your comments and see how childish you came across before tossing out the word "adult?"

RXL4483d ago (Edited 4483d ago )

1) you're older...good for you...good luck with that...

the "who are you" was meant as in..."who are you to get mad at anothers happiness"..you're coming off as bitter...

completely missing the point

and why would i check your profile?..it's not that serious...

i was excited about the prospect of more exclusives...but oh no..not under your watch!...no one can get excited or happy over more titles!..heaven forbid...

for someone who is older...you sure do like to argue over trivial things...which obviously age is not a good indication of maturity....or wisdom apparently

CarlitoBrigante4484d ago




PirateThom4484d ago

It's Move, so I'm not that excited... but... on their website...

" After its establishment LAMAGAMA has been an official
developer for SONY ENTERTAINMENT."

Are they first party or something?

DigitalRaptor4484d ago (Edited 4484d ago )

Second party I think.

Their website says they're making an iOS game, but apart from that, there's nothing to indicate any sort of pedigree.

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