
Press Pause Radio takes on PAX Prime 2012: Wii-U Impressions

"Despite its debatable name, the Wii-U seems somewhat promising. The only issue, however, is whether or not it’s truly the console Nintendo needs to win back core gaming audiences. The Wii-U gamepad complements multiple titles, the new HD graphics makes games look sharper than ever, and the overall game experience is highly entertaining.

But again, is Nintendo really jumping out and breaking into the core scene again? We had a chance to glance at some of these games and figure out where Nintendo’s going with the Wii-U."


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DA_SHREDDER4295d ago

I appreciate the authors opinion, but I think everyone who has the idea that Nintendo needs to incorporate the WiiU controller significantly need to just calm down, breath, and realize that the controller is more than just a touch pad. It has a camera, speakers, mic, and all the buttons that a 360 controller has. Including L3 and R3 buttons.

Sure alot of games might not incorporate the controller to it's most potential. But one thing is certain, I can imagine myself playing most third party titles on this if it has the online right, and I can video chat, surf the web, or whatever else while I'm in the game. It's like the 360's smart glass, without having to take your hands off the controller. Just giving my 2 cents.

BrutallyBlunt4294d ago

I would love to see Nintendo take more chances when it comes to software. The Wii U might also struggle getting people to buy it for 3rd party games. Recycling old titles like Mass Effect 3 and adding a new interface, charging consumers $60, isn't going to cut it. Another issue is the pending releases of the next Playstation and next XBOX. If the Wii U is on par with current consoles but with more RAM it's doubtful the Wii U will keep up and once again Nintendo will fall behind. Sure, the GamePad offers a whole new level of immersion like ZombieU but that's already being done with Apple devices and Vita/PS3 to a lesser degree. I expect both Microsoft and Sony to move forward as well.

Qrphe4294d ago

Same, I may end up using it a lot more than intended due to the gamepad lol.

cleft54294d ago

The more people that get hands on time with the WiiU, the better. We need to get less rumors and more information about the WiiU based on people who have actually used the system. Right now there is too much speculation going on about the WiiU and it's capabilities.

My only question is simple: Is it fun to play games on the WiiU? This question can only be honestly answered by people who have actually used the system.

morkendo234293d ago

personal opinion:

I seriously hope the wii U give variety of games as SNES did. would hate Nintendo be stuck on FPS and MULTIPLAYER games only, as 2 other companies doing this gen.


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DualWielding2989d ago

the problem of scribblenauts is that it just couldn't work on Playstation/Xbox... Nintendo, PC and Mobile was not enough to support the franchise

grashopper2989d ago

Why wouldn't it? Think it would work great with the PlayStation second screen app. Doesn't Xbox have something similar too? Use the phone or tablet to type and the controller to play.

CorndogBurglar2989d ago

I'm not real sure a 2nd screen is even necessary. I've only played the DC Comics one, but they could have easily mapped all of the buttons from the touch screen to a controller to pull up the menus.....