
Xbox Reasons To Be Cheerful 1,2,3

PopBucket writes: So this year's Summer has been a bit...damp to say the least, the Olympics are over and the release date for Bioshock Infinite has been pushed back yet again. There are still some pretty good reasons to be cheerful though, despite all of that. Three to be exact!

A very wise man once said "Reasons to be cheerful 1,2,3" before spouting off nearly a hundred different things worth smiling about (some of them illegal). We're not going to indulge you quite so much, but we do have three solid reasons to be jolly. And here they are...

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Dms20124303d ago

I would add State of Decay to that list.

h311rais3r4303d ago

The only good thing coming is halo 4 :/

Atleast it's looking fantastic. Other than that I honestly could say I wish halo was on ps3 so I could get rid of my Xbox.

3-4-54302d ago

Halo 4, Black Ops 2, Fifa 13, NHL 13 , Borderlands 2, Assassins Creed 3 , GTA V

Please explain to us again why Halo 4 is the " Only" good game coming out ?

Are you 12 ? Do you not know of the existence of these other good games about to be released ?

4303d ago

20 Awesome Canceled Games You'll Never Get To Play

You can understand some games getting canceled, but these awesome looking games still baffle us to this very day.

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-Foxtrot88d ago

"Tommy saving the planet from an army of aliens after they abducted him and his entire bar, with the game ending on the promise that Tommy would be back, but that promise was never fulfilled"

The thing is with the original Prey 2 that Tommy wasn't even the main character, they replaced him with some generic looking space bounty hunter. It was a refreshing change to see an awesome Native American character with ancestral like powers fight aliens yet they ditched him. It was only after an outcry they showed much later in a new preview that Tommy was in the game as an NPC.

I'd have prefered a real sequel with Tommy as the main character, literally picking right up from the originals ending.

As for Eight Days...Sony really needs to pick this up

If Amy Hennig was still at ND, I'd have loved to see her tackle it after what she did with Uncharted.

isarai88d ago (Edited 88d ago )

I thought that was awesome too, and honestly i wish people werent so damn critical about cultural variety in games. I feel like people try to ruin devs lives if even one detail is off about their culture in a game and so everyone is too scared to try anymore

isarai88d ago (Edited 88d ago )

One of the lead engine programmers for Prey 2 at Human Head was my programming instructor when i was taking game design. This game was in limbo at the time and we asked once and only once about this game, the misery in his eyes when he told us "this is the 1st and only time ill ask you to never ask me about that game" was something ill never forget😅 he used a couple assets through the curriculum for teaching purposes but nothing very tangible. Just a function here, a 3d prop there. Such a shame. Years later i saw him at a magic tournament, we caught up and he still thinks about that game and how it's "practically done" probably sitting on a drive somewhere

shinoff218388d ago (Edited 88d ago )

Practically done? Jeez that fking blows because that looked much more interesting then what bethsada made. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the one bethsada made.

Lmno looked interesting.
I'd knock titanfall and fez off the list. Add something else. Scarface 2 man only if would've been awesome. Prey 2 should be higher to. Either way not a bad list. Out of 20 there's only 2 I'd hate on.

isarai88d ago

That gen got a lot of games canned right before the finish line. Cipher Complex, Battlefront 3, legacy of kain dead sun just to name a few

XiNatsuDragnel88d ago

Games that need to come out: Battlefront 3, 8 days, and timesplitter 4.

Skuletor87d ago

One that's not on the list is Killing Day, I remember seeing the trailer in 2005 and being impressed at the time. Being Ubisoft you know it would have been a AAAA game too, lol
2 Days to Vegas and The Getaway 3 are two other games that seemed promising but never came out.

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5 Ambitious Games That Shouldn't Have Been Canceled

Sometimes even promising titles never see the light of day. These are five of the most ambitious games that shouldn't have been canceled.

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GaboonViper319d ago

Silent Hills cancellation was a travesty.

mrbearbear318d ago

I still wonder to this day if it was a reboot, or sequel.

cammers1995318d ago

Lol. The tags made it so I didn't have to visit your website.

goldwyncq318d ago

Kojima wouldn't have started his own studio if Silent Hills didn't get cancelled so even if it stung at first, I'm fine with it.

chobit_A5HL3Y318d ago

i remember being so excited for patriots for years, only to have them release that siege trash. i hate how multiplayer games, pvp in particular, have ruined so many potentially good games.

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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

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kingnick447d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub446d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91446d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris446d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer446d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris446d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol