
Kingdom Hearts III, HD collection likely - Dream Drop Distance "spells it out"

PSU writes: "WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for things that happen during the credits of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. The ending of the game is NOT spoiled, but please read at your own risk.

We've waited. And waited. And breathed sighs of dissent as spin-off after spin-off flooded the market and fleshed out the Kingdom Hearts mythos without moving the story forward to the sequel we've been anticipating for years: Kingdom Hearts III.

The wait is over. Kingdom Hearts III is coming, and it's the next game in the series."

Hufandpuf4273d ago

I won't believe it until I taste it.

BiggCMan4273d ago

I don't want to read this because it says there is spoilers in the article (Just started Kingdom Hearts 1 for the very first time, will be getting into the series now) . So can someone read this entire article for me and tell me if the game is really confirmed, or just speculation? Like official statements and stuff?

TheFinalEpisode4273d ago

An HD collection with 5 games would be awesome! However I feel Dream Drop Distance is more important than 358/2 days and would translate better to the ps3

trenso14273d ago

@BiggCMAn it honestly has no major spoilers except for what happens in the ending credits.

OT:we all know KH3 is coming after dream drop distance nomura said that this game leads into the third one. but i do like what he said on the secret message ive been scratching my head as to what could mean. since awakening made me think of Ven and aqua. but i hope his theory is true.

showtimefolks4273d ago

didn't sony said expect more news about HD collections or something like that? What i don't like about HD collections are the trends that it can only have max of 3 games. Like ratchet and clank even though it had 4 games on ps2 we are only getting 3 why? Put all 4 on one disk and charge an extra 10 to make it $49.99

If SE is gonna do this right i hope we get a HD collection done right and all games but most likely we will get 2 or 3.

And its not a matter of if we will get a hd collection but when

wishingW3L4273d ago

The newer GOW collection will have 5 games though, maybe Square could pull off something similar.


trenso14273d ago

i believe the RE collection on ps3 has about 6 games

Capt-FuzzyPants4273d ago

I've read nearly all of Nomura's interviews in the past year about KH and he's constantly said that they were doing HD tests. I also remember him saying something about wanting to have an analog stick for 358/2 Days. And multiple times he has expressed concern on the series being spread out over many consoles and he wanted to do something about that, whether it be a recap in the form of a scene in the beginning of KH3 or writing or something. Combine that with the message at the end of DDD and I think a collection is likely. Now the question is will it include most of the games and Final Mix versions, and when will it release.

Godchild10204273d ago

At wishingW3L, the first 3 are on Disc and the PSP remaster version are downloadable. So, I think only 3 games in a collection on disc still apply.

I would love an HD collection of KH even if all of them are not on one disc.

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Kin23g4273d ago

Now that's GOOD NEWS.

I'm about to die out of excitement. I really need Birth by Sleep to be on that disc.

WildArmed4273d ago

BBS, I wouldn't mind playing that piece of art again.

That game is what got me into KH, now I wanna play the rest of the KH games.. really holding out for a HD collection.

porgep4273d ago

Woah, that's pretty clever!

-Mika-4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Not eally. The author of the article got it wrong.

The past will be reawakened
as a new number
in never-before-seen detail

That doesn't mean HD remake. That means that Kingdom Hearts 3 will be coming to HD consoles.

I know alot of fans want to see an HD collection but it might never happen. There're just too many Disney licenses involve for them to make it happen. They would have to renew all of the licenses and get the approval again for all of the Disney characters that appeared in both games. That going to cost alot of money and it will be really time consuming. You guys really have to understand that. So the chances are really not that high for a HD remake.

paybackprahl4273d ago

How does that explain "the past will be reawakened"?

I think it's pretty clear that "in never-before-seen detail" is referencing "the past", which makes me think immediately of HD collection.

-Mika-4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Why would an HD remake be considered a new number in the franchise. You're clearly ignoring that part of the quote.

"The past will be reawakened" obviously must be related to the KH story. It does not have nothing to do with an HD remake.

youndamie4273d ago

uhh no their are no licenses issues the games were made in conjunction with Disney and square.

TenkoTAiLS4273d ago


Actually there are some licenses involved outside of Disney and Square. Especially where they use Disney movies based on borrowed intellectual property.

Why do you think Deep Jungle and Tarzan never showed up outside of the original Kingdom Hearts? Even in CoM and Re:CoM where he is supposed to relive each world he visited.

Edgar Rice Burroughs estate is why. It didn't appear in any further games due to Square Enix's failure to acquire the required rights from the family of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

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Irishguy954273d ago

Nomura already confirmed KH3 is in development, just don't expect it to go into full production until Versus is complete

-Omega4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Well they better include alongside Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 all the games released after KH2.

Birth By Sleep
365/2 days
Dream Drop Distance

Because having a franchise which mostly Playstation fans experienced then having a game like Dream Drop Distance on aother platform, a game NEEDED to understand KH3...well I just think it's silly and unfair to KH fans. I mean not everyone is made on money to buy a handheld just to play a KH game.

Oh and I think they should include the final mix versions in english for the KH collection.

BlackTar1874273d ago

Square are messed up in this practice IMHO

paybackprahl4273d ago

Final Mix content: YES PLEASE

Freakazoid20124273d ago

Square well known to go with the best selling platform.Just look at their 2 biggest franchises FF and DQ. Both started on Nintendo consoles,jumped to PS and are now either back on Nintendo platforms or Multi platform

If you are a fan of games and not consoles it wont matter what platform they put it on, you'll get it. They know this and that is all that matters to them.

I do find that "Mostly Playstation fans experienced." insulting. While I have owned all PS consoles, I also own all Nintendo consoles and a PC. I dont consider myself a PS fan or a Nintendo fan or a PC fan. I am a fan of gaming. Which is why it wont bother me what platform KH is on. I'll be able to enjoy it if I choose to.

Moby-Royale4273d ago

I'm sorry but I completely disagree(respectfully).

I am not a fan of consoles. What I am also not a fan of is the idea that if I love kingdom hearts then I must also buy x, x, and x platform.

I don't enjoy handheld gaming. Even if I did enjoy it, I shouldn't have to buy four different platforms in which to play it.

Now, I'm glad for 3DS owners, psp owners, and gba owners that they were able to experience this great franchise.

But now, I feel that it would be a nice notion for them to make these, seemingly essential, stories available for the fans of the first two games that just didn't want to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars just to play one game.

BlackTar1874273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Freak i respectfully completely disagree and in no way agree with anything you said. To provide a some what defense for how they do business is sad in itself.

KH 1 & 2 were ps games they are the main story the drive that led this franchise forward. Square are backwards and have done nothing but bitter thei name in fans mouths since they became SQUAREENix

-Omega4273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Well I find it "insulting" that Square would release spin offs vital to the main series on Nintendo platforms instead of the PS3 where most of the KH fanbase is located. I'm not saying I havent bought Nintendo consoles I just find it silly o release them on those handhelds instead of where most of the fans are.

They did the same with Chain of Memories...without COM you were lost in KH2 story, once you had played COM (I just watched the cutscenes online) I enjoyed KH2 much more. So basicaly a gameboy advance game was needed to understand KH2, a game on the PS2...how does that work.

Hell even if they just released all the spin offs on the PSP/PSV and kept the main games on the PS2/PS3 least then all of the games would be seperated on differn't platforms and they have a bigger chance of being available from the PS store.

Freakazoid20124273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Well I mean you are both welcome to disagree but nothing you said proved what I said wrong in any way.

Whether you agree or not is irrelevant to the issue of them being platform jumpers.

KH has been on every portable as well as the PS2. So you played 2 out of what 5-6 games. And that not only makes you a big fan but some how SE should now cater to the only platform you own and nothing else?
It's not going to happen and no matter how many people click disagree it does not change the fact that Squares history shows them to be a platform jumper.

I got an N64 for FF7. Then I had to get it on PC because it never actually came to the N64. I didnt cry about it. I just knew I had to play it because I had loved every FF game before it.

If I were like you guys I would have missed out on 7 ,8,9,10 etc and sat around pouting about it acting like me buying FF1-6 on Nintendo consoles some how made SE indebted to me. It didnt. They made great games and I bought them.

@blacktar, The ONLY way to be shocked by their current actions is to be ignorant of their past. Had you known their past, you wouldnt be surprised by how they are acting now. I know Im not but ive been playing their games and watching how they do business for almost 30 years now.

BTW I thnk you both for your response and I dont mean to be insulting if it comes across as such.

I just cant believe you both call yourself fans, yet know nothing of how they do business

DragonKnight4273d ago

@Freakazoid2012: They may have not, but I will prove you wrong. First of all, SE are platform jumpers. Squaresoft weren't. They did it one time because of technology, not money.

Final Fantasy started on Nintendo yes, but when it came time to have FF7 come out Nintendo's cartridge based N64 wasn't going to cut it for how Sakaguchi envisioned the game. Since PS1 was new and unknown, Squaresoft couldn't have jumped to it for money since it was a BIG risk to do so.

KH started life on PS2. It sold because of PS2 popularity and a unique take for an RPG game. SE are platform jumpers due to ease of development or potential audience size. They have learned the Western business philosophy very well. Taking a game that has significant story developments (KH:CoM) and putting it on a handheld after there has only been 1 game in the series on a console, all while hinting that it's going to continue as such, is bad business.

You can love a game, but you don't have to love spending money on platforms just to play one game. There are plenty of people that don't like handheld gaming, but do have an interest in KH's story. They shouldn't have to suffer because they don't want to go broke buying various platforms for a series they like. SE placed KH on various platforms to A)Train development teams with easy to develop platforms. B)Spend less money on development while gaining fan dollars from people with more money than sense. And C)Extend their arrogant presence among multiple platforms. SE believe themselves to be pivotal in the success of platforms thanks to a swell head they received from FF's success.

It also isn't out of the realm of possibility that they were paid to put multiple games on multiple platforms. As for their current multiplat status, that's definitely for money and exposure though their quality has declined greatly.

In the end, there is no justification for this and people shouldn't have to "just accept it" as your posts imply.

Moby-Royale4273d ago

Lol I guess you can't read.

" Now, I'm gladfor3DS owners, psp owners, and gba owners that they were able to experience this great franchise.

But now, I feel that it would be a nice notion for them to make these, seemingly essential, stories available for the fans of the first two games that just didn't want to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars just to play one game."

That's somehow catering ONLY to us right?

Um, no.

What that is, is simply asking to be included.

Don't be a little brat about it, k?

Nobody is "shocked". We just want to be included now that they seem to be gearing up to KHIII.

Nobody is trying to debunk YOUR opinion. We simply disagree.

Can you handle that? No.

You fire back with how we "didn't prove you wrong" and blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah.

It's not about right and wrong, freak....azoid.

You really made a fool out of yourself and really showed your insecurities because a few people, with respect, disagreed.

Part of me is mad at you. The other part is sad for you.


Freakazoid20124273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

Moby-Royale,Oh so this is what your angry crying PM was about? Seem you are letting your anger get the best of you. Why not have mom and take you out for some ice cream and cool off...

Oh well I can at least look forward to more hate filled PMs

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TenkoTAiLS4273d ago

People always seem to use this "it's a Playstation franchise" or "mostly Playstation" argument. But truth is there's been 4 games on Playstation format (KH, KH II, Re:CoM and BBS), only 3 if you live in European territory's since they missed Re:CoM.

And there's been 4 games on Nintendos format, (the original CoM, 358/2 Days, Re:Coded and DDD). Yes the two numbered games are on Playstation, but the fact still stands that both Playstation and Nintendo have had an even amount of games.

People have their own opinions, and not everyone can afford to have multiple consoles. But each game adds to overall story, some not as much as others. CoM helps a lot with understanding KH II, and DDD is very relevant to the main story. While 358/2 Days isn't "important" in a broad term, it introduced an important character in Roxas's past and showed the Organization from the inside. Re:Coded was rather lax in the addition to the main story, it was a really fun game, the change of play style and mini game type areas were refreshing. And fixing the journal did give a little insight into where the series was heading at the time.

As I said, it's all personal preference and opinion, but as far as number of games goes both Nintendo and Playstation have an equal amount, importance on contents aside.

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KentBlake4273d ago

I hope so. This HD collection is my most awaited announcement of 2012!

SoundGamer4273d ago

I doubt there will be an HD collection. And if there is, a lot of games will be left out.

Also, KH III was confirmed long ago as the next game after Dream.Drop.Distance. However, I still don't think we will see it for ages.

-MD-4272d ago

I'd be cool with just 1/2 in an HD collection. I'd like the handhelds ones but I wouldn't be too bothered if they weren't included.

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Dream Drop Distance Derailed Kingdom Hearts in Style

While very flawed, DDD highlights why the series works as well as it does. Between a willingness to innovate and consistently strong character writing, Kingdom Hearts is never boring. The plot can derail itself off the tracks completely, but there’s still substance within the main cast.

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Miss_Vixen1848d ago

Although not 3DS games, I would like to see the Golden Sun games and Chrono Trigger be released on the Switch.

Fist4achin1848d ago

Yes. We are long overdue for a remastered edition of both of those games.

King_Noctis1848d ago

Or give Chrono Triggers a remake. I would really love to see that.