
Bringing Mutant Mudds to PCs and into 'CGA-Land'

"Renegade Kid's Mutant Mudds, the pixelated action game first released on 3DS – and a much more difficult game than its kid hero and water gun weaponry would suggest – is headed to PC on August 30. A trailer released alongside that announcement hinted at new levels, whose look recalls CGA computer graphics, joining the Game Boy and Virtual Boy-style bonus levels found in the 3DS game.

Renegade Kid director Jools Watsham wanted the new content to be 'special,' he told Joystiq. 'When the thought of doing the classic PC look of the 80's crossed my mind, it was the obvious choice to go with." These new levels require the skills of unlockable character Grannie, who is only available after the completion of the main game.
'To incorporate these special Grannie levels into the game, I revisited the first 20 regular levels and hid a special 'CGA-Land' door inside each of them. To ensure only Grannie can access these levels, each door requires the use of Grannie's combined power-ups to reach it.", writes Joystiq.


Dementium Co-Creator Wants To Make Another Horror Game

Jools Watsham, the co-creator of the Nintendo DS horror game, Dementium, wants to make another horror game that is "Dementium on a train".


Mutant Mudds, Yooka-Laylee Tabletop Games Announced by Limited Run Games

Limited Run Games has announced Mutant Mudds and Yooka-Laylee tabletop games, both of which are available for pre-order until early September 2021.

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Developers, Publishers React to Nintendo's 20-30 Games a Week eShop Initiative

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