
Pocket Gamer: Hands-on with Big Sky Infinity

Pocket Gamer: Ten seconds. That's all I lasted for the first time I played Big Sky Infinity, the PS Vita- and PS3-exclusive entry in the successful PC indie series.

In fairness, I was playing without having read the tutorial and without any previous knowledge of the series, bar that it was "really good". But, still: this game is no pushover.

A procedurally generated, side-scrolling twin-stick shooter, Big Sky Infinity may look like a traditional R-Type-style retro affair at first glance, but it's clear from my hands-on that it has some clever tricks hidden up its sleeve.

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Big Sky Infinity Big ‘Thank You’ Patch Out Now!

Boss Baddie & VooFoo Studio’s award winning twin-stick shooter, Big Sky Infinity, available on PlayStation 3 and PS Vita – just got even bigger! The massive Big Sky Infinity content patch is out now! After an overwhelming response from the community with over 200,000 downloads (and counting!), Boss Baddie and VooFoo Studios would like to say thank you! And what better way to express their appreciation than with a nice, big, free content patch!

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PlayStation Store Preview – February 12th, 2013: Overdue Dragonborn

This week, it’s better late than never with Skyrim’s Dragonborn DLC. Other standouts include Persona 4 Arena on the PS3, Ecolibrium on the PS Vita, and a pair of Twisted Metal classics. There’s also a Yu-Gi-Oh! game – I didn’t realize that was still a thing for there to be a game made about it.

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ftwrthtx4131d ago

I sure wish they would release ratchet & Clank FFA on the Vita.

TrendyGamers4131d ago

But we have to wait a few months instead.

Army_of_Darkness4130d ago (Edited 4130d ago )

Now it's just a matter of when I'm gonna buy one, not If I'm gonna buy one.

I need a price drop on the memory cards, the system itself and a JRPG like Ni No Kuni on the Vita to convince me to get it sooner.

MostJadedGamer4131d ago

There is also a Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires demo that is coming tomorrow which single handily makes this the best PSN update in months.

Its been a long time since I have anticipated a game as much as DW7:Empires.



Big Sky: Infinity
Dynasty Warriors
Page Chronica
YU-GI-OH! 5D’s Decade Duels Plus

WillGuitarGuy4131d ago

Same here, but Insomniac did say that whoever purchased the R&C FFA on the PS3 would get a free copy of Ratchet Deadlocked HD once that's out. Either way, it's a win win.

Wedge194131d ago

Pretty good week on the PSN! Can't wait to get back into Skyrim.

SAE4131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )

I don't know how you guys buy Dlc's. It just feels soo wrong to me. >.<

Edit:Even if i got the Dlc for free i still can't play it. I never bought one. I'm still used to ps1/ps2 xD

bluetoto4131d ago (Edited 4131d ago )


Then it pains me to tell you you most likely haven't played a complete game if you've bought or played ANY game made in the last 2 or 3 as most have DLC that's been obviously cut from the game, which you wouldn't know if you haven't played it.

Alot of DLC improves the experience as some games leave you feeling like it's good but missing something or unanswered questions.

And don't fool yourself, most people who haven't played DLC think they aren't missing anything, not true in some cases as most of the content is cut and clear to see once you play it(Batmans catwoman chapters, missing chapters in AC 2, KOA had withheld or missing content etc...)

Mikeyy4131d ago

We buy DLC because we acually enjoyed the game and crave more of it. (Crazy I know..)

You have never played and beaten a game 100%, and just wanted more?

DLC started on PC and back then It was free, added via patches, so I guess I've come to expect more content in games after release.

For almost any PC game there are patches with new content, or Expansion packs.

ScytheX34131d ago

hoping Persona 4: Arena doesnt exceed $40 but more than likely will be $50 -_-

Myst4131d ago

I don't know why but I am always still interested in seeing what new avatars show up...Anyway think I may get Alien Breed due to the Cross-buy and PERHAPS Dragonborn...

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PlayStation Plus Update: Guardians of Middle Earth Free; Karateka 50% Off

Posted by Morgan Haro // Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms -

Welcome to this week’s PlayStation Plus update, where we’re excited to bring news that the Guardians of Middle Earth MOBA greatness will be coming free to PS3 for PS Plus members! If you’ve never tried this unique genre that’s taking the gaming community by storm, give Guardians of Middle Earth a download and see what all the excitement is about. While you’re at it, check out a handful of discounts on some pretty amazing games you may have missed out on for both PS3 and PS Vita.

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Omegabalmung4139d ago

Almost bought Big Sky and Knytt yesterday too lol.

Donnieboi4138d ago

America: Guardians of Middle Earth (some $15 arcadey game -_-)

Europe: Sleeping Dogs (?!)

I'm not hating on EU, but why can't we get Sleeping Dogs TOO? Why not?

blackblades4138d ago

Most of everyone on ps blog is so ungrateful, you guys are going to be the same, and Donnieboi like literally its the first week we don't know what we're getting this month stop comparing to EU.

admiralvic4138d ago

Not really a fair comparison. since EU also got Guardians of Middle Earth.

MrBeatdown4138d ago

We will likely get a full retail game at some point this month. Our first game in January was NBA Jam, but we ended up getting Darksiders just a few weeks ago.

4138d ago
zeeshan4138d ago Show
zeeshan4138d ago Show
cleverusername4138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

U got Street Fighter and NBA jam! Why can't we have them?

I_LOVE_MYSELF4138d ago

Well, I still want Counter Strike! Why can't we get that too? Why not?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4138d ago
DivineAssault 4138d ago

S.O.B.!!!! i just bought Knytt underground last week & havent played it yet.. Damnit! They got me for $5 lol

Merrill4138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

Blah, terrible update. I would have re-subscribed for Sleeping Dogs, like the EU just received.

Apparently everyone is very easily pleased, even by a turd update like this. Maybe next's month update will finally give me a reason to subscribe again.

FunAndGun4138d ago

Just get a EU Plus account already.

Why is everyone so caught up with what EU gets? When did Sony ever say the content from US, EU, or JAPAN Plus subscriptions would be similar or comparable?

They are different and were never advertised as being the same.

Why is that such a hard concept to understand.

Do you also compare all your other purchases made in the US to how people overseas buy things? its just absurd.

JP13694138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

It's not all that absurd when the content is sitting on a server instead of in a plane or on a truck. And no, they never made any guarantees about similarity in content, but such a thing is implied when everyone is paying for the same service. I understand both sides, but to say it's absurd is just foolish.

"For all of you so called gamers out there, you should have been had the majority of these games in the first place before they ever even reached Playstation Plus."

Some of us so-called gamers have social lives and jobs. I simply haven't been able to get around to playing every game I'm interested in that came out recently.

lodossrage4138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

But to add to it, people need to look at the reality here.

The U.S. also has the cheapest gaming market in the first place. EVERYONE else has to pay more than we do. So yes, that combined with licensing does factor into what each region gets with Playstation Plus.

When EU got Guardians of Middle Earth last month, people in the U.S. complained about them not getting it. Now, you're about to get it but now the complaint is "we want Sleeping Dogs".

For all of you so called gamers out there, you should have been had the majority of these games in the first place before they ever even reached Playstation Plus.

And it's just like FunAndGun stated ever so clearly, stop whining and just get EU's version of Plus if you're so disgruntled. Nobody is stopping you from doing that.

It's that simple.

Edit- and for the record, the U.S. pays less than EU does for Plus. Their price for a year is 39.99 EU. That translates out to about $55 a year to our 49.99 a year.

vickers5004138d ago (Edited 4138d ago )

"When EU got Guardians of Middle Earth last month, people in the U.S. complained about them not getting it."

I never heard any complaints at all.

"For all of you so called gamers out there, you should have been had the majority of these games in the first place before they ever even reached Playstation Plus."

If this were 3+ years ago I might be inclined to agree with you, but there are an ass ton of worthwhile games out there to buy nowadays, even if you were to just spend money on $20 dollar games, most of us wouldn't have the time or the money for every single good game there is.

lodossrage4138d ago

We all have lives. But that has no bearing here. I have a wife, daughter, and a job too. But that doesn't give me the right to complain about something someone else gets overseas. Especially when they actually pay more than we do over here.

If I can't play every game I'm interested in, then I just can't. That's life. We compromise.

I feel you both about not having time. I feel the same way. But we make our own choices on how we spend that time.

The problem here is there is this extreme sense of entitlement going on within the confines of PS Plus. EU actually pays more, but the U.S. customers still feel they get shafted, which actually isn't the case at all.

delboy4138d ago

Why is everyone so caught up with what EU gets?

Grass is always greener on the other side :-)

FunAndGun4138d ago


Different territories have different rules. It is not a matter of flipping a switch to have a game appear on the US server. There are TONS of approvals and restrictions that must be made, in each territory, before every single game is green lighted.

NOTHING is implied because we pay relatively the same amount of money for a Plus subscription. YOU assume that.

If you have ever traveled around Europe you would be very surprised to see how things differ from the US. If you order a Coke from McDonald's it doesn't come with ice like in the US. They have items on the menu that are not served in the US and vice versa here. Things are just different. Products are marketed differently, Packaging is different, they might have more chocolate chips in their cookies, who knows.

The point is YOU want that ONE thing you purchase in the US to be the same as EU, but what about all the other THOUSANDS of items you buy every year in the US that differ from EU? I don't see you comparing all your other purchases to how people across seas buy things, just your Plus membership. IT IS ABSURD.

They are NOT similar, they NEVER were advertised as being so. These are your OWN expectations that get shattered every week when EU gets something you want.

JP13694138d ago

Look, I said I understood both sides. I understand that no promises were made and that there is an approval process to be mindful of, but to compare cultural differences at a McDonalds is ridiculous. Different stores have different policies and even chains will observe this behavior across regions and certainly in different countries. That these stores are affected by cultural norms has very little effect on a digital product. The only two things holding it back are popularity and the legal process. My point is that Sony should be a little more transparent about their selection process, because they have released a game in one region, and then released it in another the following month. This is most likely due to the approval process, but it adds confusion the next time it happens. People are waiting around thinking, "Are we getting the game next month, or not at all?". It's for this reason that I can understand why people get upset.
Now about all of us having lives, you're comment made it seem as though we all have unlimited time to play all the games we want. The fact that I haven't been able to get to all the games I'd like to play simply means that I don't have the time and that I like a lot of games. I don't think that means I'm not a real gamer, so don't make such a stupid comment next time.
P.S. Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense. I'm between classes and typing in a hurry.

lodossrage4138d ago

"Now about all of us having lives, you're comment made it seem as though we all have unlimited time to play all the games we want. The fact that I haven't been able to get to all the games I'd like to play simply means that I don't have the time and that I like a lot of games. I don't think that means I'm not a real gamer, so don't make such a stupid comment next time.
P.S. Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense. I'm between classes and typing in a hurry. "

lol my comment didn't make it "seem" like anything. You just ASSUMED what you wanted and think it was a stupid comment simply because you didn't comprehend it.

JP13694138d ago

I was exaggerating to show how asinine your statement was. Nothing of note to comprehend. You may have the time to play all the games you want, but I don't. Doesn't mean I'm not a real gamer.

lodossrage4138d ago

See, once again, you're assuming. Why don't you READ what I said instead of coming to you're own baseless forgone conclusions. You seem pretty smart so you SHOULD know better than that.

Where in my comment up there did you see me say that just because you don't have time to play these games makes you an non gamer? Do you know the difference between have and "have time to play"?

See, it's why we gamers have what we call BACKLOGS lol.

And on a side note, considering I'm already finished school,already in the work force, and raising a family, I'm willing to bet I have even less time than you do. And that's not even counting the other major things that need my daily attending. So please, do you really want to talk about who has time for what between the two of us? lol

vickers5004138d ago

"The problem here is there is this extreme sense of entitlement going on within the confines of PS Plus."

People have every right to feel entitled about things they pay money for. I feel entitled to a working, fully functional game when I pay money for it, and will complain and be upset if it has a lot of glitches, and I'll be upset if I pay full price for a game that doesn't give me my moneys worth and is only 3-4 hours. The reason I mention these is that the same concept applies to plus. People have the right to complain if they aren't getting the best value for their money, and they're not wrong in any way for doing so.

If Sony were giving all this stuff out for free, then I'd agree with you that there's a problem of entitlement, but this isn't some simple spoiled-child mentality, people are paying their hard earned money for a service, they have every right to complain if it's not up to the same quality in their region as it is in the others, seeing as how we're all paying for the same service.

vlonjati774138d ago

You are right man.Its what I did a couple of months ago.I have both EU and NA PS+.

lodossrage4138d ago

"If Sony were giving all this stuff out for free, then I'd agree with you that there's a problem of entitlement, but this isn't some simple spoiled-child mentality, people are paying their hard earned money for a service, they have every right to complain if it's not up to the same quality in their region as it is in the others, seeing as how we're all paying for the same service. "

No, that's EXACTLY what it is. Why you ask? Because as I've already proven, EU pays more for their version of plus compared to what we do. Go to a currency calculator and tally it up yourself if you think I'm talking nonsense.

And if they pay more (which they do), then why do most of the US audience feel they should get the exact same content?

If you and your girlfriend went to a restaurant right now and ordered a meal that cost you $40, then another couple came and sat next to you, ordering the same EXACT thing you did and paid $30, how would you feel?

vickers5004137d ago (Edited 4137d ago )


So you're paying a very SLIGHT amount increase in money, yet believe you deserve an insanely higher amount of quality? There's still differences between our countries that balance out the cost, we're basically paying the same price, where it might cost you a tad extra for ps+, something else you have in your country offsets that cost.

And even if you were paying more, the difference between the content you guys get and the content we get doesn't even COME CLOSE to justifying the difference. For your supposed TINY increase in price, you get almost a brand new, AAA quality game that hasn't been out for very long. We however get some mediocre pile of crap that almost nobody has ever heard of. You get gold for that small amount more that you pay, and we don't even get silver, we get trash throwaway games that almost nobody wants to play(or games so old, popular and cheap that everyone and their grandma has already played, and only benefits lazy people who would rather run the game off their hard drive than get up and put in their disc that they, in all likelihood, already own ).

Even if you are paying more for plus, we in the U.S. are still paying a lot of money for it too. 50 bucks is still a lot of money to spend on a service like that, and we still have every right to complain that we aren't getting our moneys worth, and anyone who pays for anything that doesn't get their moneys worth, has every right to complain, and they aren't entitled little brats for it. Being entitled means expecting sh*t for free or for nothing, except we're the ones actually playing for plus, so we aren't expecting something for nothing, we're expecting something for our hard earned money. People who don't pay for things have no right to expect things for free, but people who DO pay for things have every right to expect things from the thing they paid for.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4137d ago
NicSage4138d ago

WOOT GOME! so excited now i can play it on the ps3.

SlyFoxC4138d ago

wtf....first the game goes on sale and now its free...

i bought GomE on sale to find out this game is now free....why do this...i pay for the game and i pay for PS+. The idea of putting something on sale then having it free for a service someone currently pays for is ridiculous.

i better be able to get credits refunded to my wallet

jdktech20104138d ago

I learned my lesson with the ultimate editions a while back....just because something goes on sale doesn't mean it's time to buy if you have PS+.

It's a balancing act you just have to time correctly

porkChop4138d ago

Yeah they do that on purpose. They know the contents of each update a couple months in advance. They do this all the time. They're dumb though because they don't seem to understand that while ripping people off they're actually alienating their customers and convincing them to stop buying games. They're very short-sighted.

SlyFoxC4138d ago

i agree. From now on i will not be purchasing games until i know for fact that every deal has been done

admiralvic4138d ago

Actually, they probably don't know these things that far in advance. What probably happens is that they have an idea or a number of deals being worked out. It's completely possible that Guardians of Middle Earth sold poorly, so they did a sale. Numbers were still low, so they asked Sony to "cash" them out by scoring a few bucks via plus. Something similar happened with Shank 2, so don't be surprised if that's the case.

Sure this sucks, but you should buy games you WANT, not games that are cheap. Also a lot of people forget that online games have a "best played by" date, so while you might have paid 6x more for Singularity (just a random cheap game), getting a ranked match online is virtually impossible now. (if the servers are even up) It all works out to what matters most to you.

vlonjati774138d ago

Sly-last july I bought a '55 3D TV for $2200 ,and 5month later price dropped down to 1500 for christmas.Was I mad?Hell no.I like something I buy it.There is nothing to be mad about it in your case.The problem with people like you is that you take things for granted.YOU bought that game cause you were interested to play it and you had to pay.Before wasting more time I say one thing-Patience is a virtue.

SlyFoxC4138d ago

Dr. Phil before you tell me how i live my life why dont you take a step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE

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