
Why Kingdom Hearts 3D is a True Sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2

Kingdom Hearts 3D is finally, at long last, a Kindom Hearts title that will win over more than just the die hard fans. The game takes the series back to what made it great on the PS2, and adds to the formula.

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user54670074316d ago

They better do a HD collection with this and other games on for the PS3/PS4 before Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out

I don't see why they made it so you need to play this game to understand the third one. So you have to buy a 3DS to understand a game most likely coming to the PS4.

--Onilink--4316d ago

Well, if you think about it, judging from how square works these days, there is very little reason to think it would come exclusive to a console. If they do exclusives, its usually for handhelds, and they dont go with a console until it has a big user base. But if it turns out to be a console exclusive(which i doubt), they will probably wait to see which console is doing best in japan

Hisiru4315d ago

I agree with you. Kingdom Hearts 3D is one of the best games I played this year and it really explains a lot of things about the story. I hope we will see an HD collection before we get KH3.

taquito4315d ago

Kingdom Hearts is already available in HD for free if you own the original and have a halfway decent pc


pcsx2 is a near perfect emulator and makes ps2 games look better than some ps3 games!

NBT914315d ago

You probably don't to be honest, the 3DS game goes into pretty good detail of what happened in previous games, who the new characters are and such. There are flashbacks, detailed character bios, chronicles of the past games (including BBS, a PSP exclusive).

So I imagine they will do the same thing with KH3, especially if it happens to be the final entry in the story arc.

I will say though, if you are looking forward to KH3, you do owe it yourself to play through KH3D, its a really good game for the series. Definitely the best handheld one IMO and arguable as good as KH2 (I say arguable, because its pretty short)

IAMvideogames4316d ago

Yes, it's really nice for 3DS owners, but for the console only players, I have a feeling that Square Enix will have a "fill you in" cut scene at the beginning of KH3. There is something similar at the beginning of KH 3DS.

user54670074316d ago

Yeah but the amount of games that we've had since KH2 has been ridiculous. Many people were confused when they played KH2 without playing Chain of Memories despite the fill you in intro cutscene....and that was one game

Think what it's going to be like for KH3

wishingW3L4316d ago

I was one of those confused people. When I started playing KH2 I never understood why Sora was sleeping, who was Roxas and Organization 8 because everything was explained in the GBA spin-off. KH is a real mess man, I have never seen any other developer making such a mess with a franchise.

NBT914315d ago

No. The reason people were confused in KH2 was because it deliberately missed out a lot of stuff. The game took place around a year after Chain of Memories, during that time 358/2 Days took place which released some time after KH2. so even if you did play COM, chances are you still were not totally sure what was going on in KH2.

Lucretia4316d ago

Birth by sleep is def alot better tho. such a good game. glad DDD is great tho, thought it was gonna be another crappy nintendo Spin off like 358/2 days, chain of memories etc

kingofe34316d ago

It's not a spin off, it's a sequel. The only spin off I can call is re:Coded and that's only in terms of importance of story. Unlike that game all the other games are not spin offs. If that's true, then Birth By Sleep is also a spin off because it's on a handheld.

KingOptimusOrigin1114316d ago

But isn't Birth By Sleep the prequel to the whole Kingdom Hearts series.

kingofe34316d ago

@KingOptimusOrigin111 Yes, it is. As Chain of Memories is the sequel to 1, 358/2 Days is the intertwine between 1 and 2, and 3D is the sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2.

All of these games are important to the story, so I don't know why people consider some of them spin offs.

KingOptimusOrigin1114316d ago

Yeah I don't understand it either.

Lucretia4316d ago

i see where ur getting at. but ur sorta wrong. Events do take place after KH2, but its not a sequel, or not a full sequel.

birth by sleep was dubbed a prequel by nomura, it it essential to the main story. funny thing is all the other spin offs most of the time arent even needed. DDD is needed yes, but coded, 358/2 days etc wasn't needed.

Production value wise, story wise Birth by sleep is a full game.

man this mess is square's fault haha

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4316d ago
YoungPlex4315d ago

Sorry, but BBS was not a better game than DDD, in my honest opinion... Don't get me wrong, BBS is a great title and an excellent spin-off, but DDD truly feels like a sequel and picks up right were part two left off; it's also a bit longer and has a lot more to do and definitely looks better graphically, especially due to the 3D effect. I would actually recommend this title to anyone that missed out on all the spinoffs, due to the fact that it recaps all the previous entries via journal logs, which tells people what happened in the previous stories.

If your ready for KH3 and want to know what happened in all the previous KH games, without playing all of them over, then KH DDD is right for you and it also leads up to all the events that are going to happen in KH 3.

This has become one of my favorite titles on the 3DS and is worth having if you own one. Look at the sales, it sold quite well in its first week in the US, past 200k and has already and reached damn near a third of a million in total sales worldwide; so obviously fans of the series are all over it!

4316d ago Replies(3)
Xperia_ion4316d ago

Kingdom Hearts 3 should be on a boardgame.

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Miss_Vixen1882d ago

Although not 3DS games, I would like to see the Golden Sun games and Chrono Trigger be released on the Switch.

Fist4achin1882d ago

Yes. We are long overdue for a remastered edition of both of those games.

King_Noctis1882d ago

Or give Chrono Triggers a remake. I would really love to see that.