
Gamescom 2012 Press Conference Times And Dates

Gamescom is just a few days away starting August 14th, we have all the press conference times and dates listed below. DLB-Network will be covering all Events Live, with a Live Blog or Video Stream, Depending on availability.

Click the link below for full timing on all conferences.

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JBernardo4315d ago (Edited 4315d ago )

Even though I'm not expecting to, I really want to see the new Playstation being announced at this year's Gamescom. I mean, it has been 4 years already since I bought my PS3, and now that I have a new gaming PC I see the gap in technology between the two. It's not unbearable, but I would love to see, for example, Battlefield 4 at 1080p and 64 players in a console, and that won't be possible with the current gen.
So, as I said, even though it is practically impossible, I would love to see some new hardware from Sony (I didn't talk about Microsoft because they don't have a Press Conference, but I would love to hear about them as well...).


GAMESCOM 2012 | The Unfinished Swan PlayStation Move Hands-On + Interview With Ian Dallas

Here is an early analysis of the PlayStation Network exclusive game The Unfinished Swan based on iWaggle3D hands-on time with the demo code playable with the PlayStation Move at GamesCom 2012.

Also included in this video is an interview with Ian Dallas, Creative Director at Giant Sparrow (developers of The Unfinished Swan).

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El33tonline Hands-on Preview: FIFA 13

El33tonline writes:

"It’s another FIFA release and you are surely asking yourself ‘what more could they possibly do.’ The current offering of FIFA 12 has such a vast array of modes, features and content that I would think it would have been a challenge to improve upon it. During my time with the team of FIFA producers at gamescom 2012, I was educated on the influences driving the innovation within FIFA 13. With a vibrant community providing constant, vocal feedback there is always more they can do. "

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3-4-54291d ago

Can't wait. Fifa 12 was Great, this sounds even better.


El33tonline Preview: Wonderbook: Book of Spells

El33tonline writes:

"During our time at gamescom 2012 we got a more in-depth look at the new PlayStation Move experience, Wonderbook: Book of Spells, which is releasing later this year. We also got a glimpse into the history behind Wonderbook’s creation, how it came about, saw some of the early prototypes, and learnt how author J.K. Rowling came to be involved with this project. "

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