
Editorial: The DayZ rules of survival

In failure, you find a new lesson. The same can be said for Sam with his tribulations in DayZ. Check out his tips for survival so maybe you'll last a few minutes longer out there.

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acidbrn4300d ago

This game alone is why I would like to get a more capable laptop, or PC.

SeanScythe4300d ago

I hate people like this that say to shoot on sight. Then say to shoot someone in the face that is unarmed, why do that if they can't hurt you? Hell bring them along you never know when you may need a blood transfusion or someone to distract zombies or bandits.

I had one guy I saw being chased by a hoard of zombies after I just respawned. I followed him in the tree lines so he didn't know I was around. I figured if they killed him I could take his gun and stuff. He had an AKM and pistol, after a few minutes I lost sight of him but saw him lying on the ground I thought maybe he was knocked out so i went to see. He jumped up and instead of killing me he gave me a pistol, I could have shot and killed him but we made a team and went off together.

Snealiv4300d ago

I have run into a few people who leave their pistols in their inventory.

Then, when your back is turned, they execute you.

Take nothing at face value.

acidbrn4300d ago

That sounds like how I play Red Dead Redemption, I would follow people ready to have to defend myself, but I never attacked first. Found quite a few people that were willing to ride along and tackle missions and bandits together.

Irishguy954300d ago

You are Lucky. I never find anyone willing to be cool on it. I get shot every time

acidbrn4300d ago

I suppose that the reason many shoot first and ask questions later. Wasnt that the draw of the game? Zombies are the least of your worries.

Reminds me of The Walking Dead, where all the humans they come across, for the most part, are actually enemies.

SeanScythe4300d ago

Well I just spawned and wasn't worried about losing anything.

Irishguy954300d ago

Yeah it's realistic in that sense, except there is not as much Human emotion involved(gaming emotion/loot/risk/reward takes over), watch "The road". Everyone is paranoid and doesn't want to take risks

PeachyAenne4299d ago

I have a feeling I wouldn't make it very far. :)


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mastershredder324d ago

Bohemia can suck it with their Day Z cash-ins. So nice that they did a bait and switch before Day Z hit PS5.