
Touch Arcade: Blazing Star Review

Touch Arcade: You miss a lot of video games when you're a twelve-year-old kid with a paper route. You miss even more games when you have a mother who insists on sticking half your paycheck in the bank, leaving you roughly $30 a month to divide between Batman comics and cartridges for your Super NES that ran between $60 and $80 apiece. (In fairness, Mom's lesson stuck with me. Did I appreciate Street Fighter II after three months of chucking papers at customers finally earned me a trip to KB Toys? You better believe it.)

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Retro Themed iOS Titles on Sale

Triverse writes, "If you are a retro gamer at heart and own an iOS device, here is a list of games on sale right now, for a limited time, that you need to check out. We have side scrolling action games, we have side scrolling and overhead shooters, action and adventure, it is all here. Now get to reading and let us know what you end up purchasing in the comments below."

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Big List of Android Games on Sale

Triverse writes, "We don’t normally do a sales post for stuff but well, we are trying new stuff here. We have a large list of titles on Android that are on sale for a short period of time so grab them while you can."

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The Most Hardcore Android Action Games of All Time | Hardcore Droid

Action games have become a thriving genre on Android devices, thanks to a combination of original titles and the efforts of many developers to give their games of past decades a new life in mobile format. Here’s a look at some of the best Android has to offer at the beginning of 2013.

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