
Film Crit Hulk Smash: A Few Words On The Ending Of Mass Effect 3

You guys hated the ending of Mass Effect 3, but Film Crit Hulk loved it.

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Godmars2904297d ago (Edited 4297d ago )

Why is some idiot attempting to make a critical comment in regards to how everyone else is wrong about ME3's ending while using "ALL CAPS"?

Amazingmrbrock4297d ago (Edited 4297d ago )

Dude it's the hulk. Thats the schtick, he types as if he were the hulk yelling everything.

Ps this was a really good article. Way to go hulk.

TiberiusGill4297d ago

I have never found Film Crit Hulk appealing.
The worst part is he makes some really good points, but I'll never ever read them because I have better things to do than decipher his *WALL OF ALL CAPS TEXT!*

Xof4296d ago

Sorry, but if you think any part of ME3's plot was good, you have very poor taste (Deus ex Machina + Macguffin does not a good story make) and if you think the ending to ME3, which was both thematically and mechanically contrary to the themes and mechanics of the rest of the franchise was good, or even defensible...

Well, you're either a complete and utter moron or an EA shill.

Dfooster4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

How was the ending contrary to the rest of the game? We're you sleeping through the part where you discovered the asari were the bad guys against the geth and you had to make a moral decision to aid the war effort or stick by your best friend liari who was asari? Or seeing EDI become more human throughout the game showing that synthesis could work but being reminded by how this new found power can corrupt as was the way with the illusive man. These imbequities were littered all through the narrative of all three games.

aliengmr4296d ago

Asari? don't you mean Quarians?

None of what you are referring too has to do with the main plot. They are secondary arcs that have no real impact on the main plot.

Like Xof pointed out the main plot of ME3 was horrible writing. Can't be defended. The sub plots aren't the issue.

palaeomerus4296d ago

This is a lame rip off of Drunk hulk humor. And it really sucks. Piss off.

Dfooster4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

Loved the ending, the most thought provoking ending to a game I've ever witnessed based on the moral conflicts that had developed through the game to then come down to a single choice, I just couldn't decide and it was in that moment that I realised the game was a work of genius. Kudos to bioware for not giving us the usual crappy American ending of everyone lives happily ever after. This was a game where there was no black and white, good versus evil like gears of war, this was asking the player to make a moral choice, where you were making sacrifices in order to do overall good but having to live with those choices and that theme ran through the whole trilogy it just came to a head at the end and asked you the biggest question of all. Everyone in the galaxy is going to be affected no matter what but what do you think is the best way towards long term galactal peace or the "they lived happily ever after" ending??


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anast68d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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549d ago Replies(1)