
5 Franchises We Don't Want To See Next-Gen

GR: "As the shadow of the next-generation looms over this current one, I'm ultimately hopeful for the future. A new console hopefully means new games and a new IPs. Well, at least it'll mean new games for sure. As the Xbox 360 and PS3 take forever to ride-off into the sunset, I realize that there are far too many franchises.

In order to make room for new ideas and new characters in the next generation, here are five franchises I never want to see again."

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cervantes2404298d ago

I definitely would like to see more new IPs next generation.

fucadastates4298d ago

still great new AAA/big ips coming this gen. like beyond two souls, dishonored and the last of us. and they will have a better time getting out of the gate, than new ips early in a new gen (like heavenly sword and folklore).

but yeah.. we all want new ips

gaffyh4298d ago

Personally, I disagree with every single franchise on this list. As long as they can create a new and good experience, then I'd be fine with a few more games in each franchise. I just wish Pokemon would do more in each iteration of the game, it seems to be the same thing over and over again.

Abash4298d ago

I thought Id be sick of Uncharted after Uncharted 3, then when I finished it I loved U3 so much that I couldnt wait for the next Uncharted from Naughty Dog.

There is still a ton of life left in the Uncharted series

Boody-Bandit4298d ago

I agree with you gaffyh.
Either way it doesn't matter what we or gamerevolution thinks because they will all continue next generation. Uncharted is the series I most want to see next gen. Easily my top 3 favorite new IP this generation and I would love to see what Naughty Dog can accomplish with even more power.

NukaCola4298d ago

Nintendo needs to make Pokemon on Wii U. The controller is perfect for it. I want a full fledged HD adventurous RPG with online battles and the ability to everything the last 15 years offered and more. It's about damn time we got our HD Pokemon. Also would love to see the 3DS games being compatible with the console, but not just an Arena title, but an all out epic 40-50 hour story on Wii U.

On the rest. I agree to those who say if the experience can keep delivering, then why not let it? I just want next generation to bring us new experiences and titles.

Gaming1014298d ago

This should be re-titled to "If you created a successful franchise at any point in history, you should no longer be allowed to expand on what you created and enjoy continued success, pleasing your fanbase and growing your organization to advance gaming as an entertainment medium".

F'ing trolls on the internet can take their article and shove it.

Hisiru4297d ago

I want to see new IPs next gen, but I also want to see Nathan Drake in a new adventure. Come on... who doesn't like this guy and the Uncharted series?

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Nimblest-Assassin4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

These "franchises we do not want to see next gen" articles bug me

Simply because a franchise doesn't need to die. Look at Nintendo... Mario and Zelda have been around for more than 25 years now..

How? Because they keep reinventing themselves, while still maintaining what they are

This is possible with most of the games on this list

1)Assassin's Creed has all of history as its playground... they can craft new mechanics based on each new setting... look at the transition from Ac1, Ac2 to Ac3... its possible

2) Imagine a pokemon game with the scope of something like fallout or elder scrolls. That would get people excited to play it

3) The hardest ones on this list are halo and COD. Even though I detest COD and its multiplayer... I actually appreciate that they are making an attempt to tell a story for once, and are focusing more on it rather than your GOGOGOGOGOGOGO lone wolf multiplayer that keeps getting shoved out each year. They actually seem intent on delivering a good story... hell I might actually buy a COD game with my own money for once. Halo they could give a new focus to it... how about playing as a member of the covenant... and rather than just changing the hud... give them unique gameplay never seen in Halo. Bigger focus on stealth... leading armies... it can be done in that universe

4) Finally Uncharted... I love this series a lot... but I think ND might be done with it. Look at the games prior... Crash, then Jak and Daxter... ND is a studio who moves on to new things, and trys to do something different. I mean, there are games that try to pull of what ND did with Uncharted 2... the cinematic gameplay (The new TR and 1313), with huge setpiece moments... but when you look at ND now they are not doing that this time... everything is subtle.. calm and serene... and its an amazing change of pace.

But ND is a studio that doesn't stick to one thing and keep doing it. Each new game they make, makes the last one they did primative. Compare the gameplay of TLOU and Uncharted and you see what I mean. ND never looks back... they move forward. And thats why Uncharted is the only game I approve that needs to go. Because ND crafts new, intriguing games with each new IP they produce. If an Uncharted 4 does come out... I will still get it... but I hope they can bring new innovations to the series

Pull of a Bioshock Infinite

TENTONGUN4298d ago

yeah uc needs to go. i for one grew bored of uc3 halfway through. just tired of jumping and hangin onto shit. it was cool in 2 though. but youre right, time to move on

Outside_ofthe_Box4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

The only reason why I want ND to make at least one more Uncharted is because Uncharted 3 isn't a good way to end the series. UC4 just needs to wrap things up and then ND can move on to new things. I still want a Jak 4 though, only because I want experience Jak's world in this gen graphics.

For AC, releasing the game every year is what's making people leaning toward not wanting it to continue next gen. Take a year to 3 years off with that game. If AC came out every other year or every 2 years I doubt that it would have even made it on this list.

CoD needs to die imo, but it won't until people stop buying the game.

Spydiggity4298d ago

uncharted 3 didn't not make uncharted 2 look primitive. they were practically the same game.

as for the article. too bad if the author doesn't wanna see em. you can be damn sure ms isn't going to let halo go anywhere. sony isn't going to let uncharted go anywhere. activision isn't letting cod go anywhere. ubisoft isn't letting AC go anywhere.

Rainstorm814298d ago


i think he meant franchises not sequels...from crash to jak to uncharted to The Last of Us

lategamer4297d ago

1.) You hit the nail on the head with A. Creed. Tons enjoy the franchise, the plot, the history, etc. Why "end" it?

2.) Millions enjoy Pokemon as it is. I would love a Elder Scrolls Style Pokemon, but either way people love the game. And with each title Gamefreak has added improvements.

3.) I'm interested to see where IW and Treyarch take CoD next-gen. Thats all I have to say.

4.) Halo is fine. We played a member of the Covenant in Halo 2, and we commanded armies in Halo Wars. In ODST, we played as ODST (basically Tier 1 Marines), and in Reach we played as a squad on a suicide mission. In Halo 4, it will be the first time players play as the Chief in 5 years, and focuses on an entirely new enemy. I think that counts as a new focus, no?

5.) ND was thinking about making a new Jak game this generation, but they wanted the game to be more cinematic and realistic, and they decided it wouldn't fit the Jak universe. I think we'll prob. see an Uncharted game next gen.

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WeskerChildReborned4298d ago

One IP i'm interested in is Watch Dogs cause it seems like it will most likely be a Next Gen title.

Patriots_Pride4297d ago (Edited 4297d ago )

Watch Dogs look promising but here hopinig Ubisofte dont milk it to the ground like the did assasin creed.

I am all for sequals when the are properly done and feel like it deserves to be part of the first one but games like Bioshock 2 and Dragon Age 2 are perfect examples of sequals just for the sake of making more money.

The next gen rule should be that an ip should only have 3 games in the span on 5 years and let the game rest after that.

Also another rule should be that game have to be announce 2 more than 2 years prior to release - hate waiting 5 years for a game to be finished yes I am looking at you Versus, Last Guardian and Half Life Ep 3.

morkendo234298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

I as well like to see new IPs next generation.

and like the article said: here are five franchises I never want to see again." (Assassin's Creed III, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Culture, Halo 4, Next-Gen, GOD OF WAR, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception,SOCOM tried all those games once. in my personal opinion was not PLEASED!! more excitement with ALL ratchet and clank series than any of these clones of Castlevania,CONTRA wanna-be's

enough is enough sequals,prequals,spin-offs of the same boring game with nothing new added.
ND need to go back to Jax and DAXTER,CRASH BANDICOOT days.

The_Devil_Hunter4298d ago

Yeah prehaps ND doesnt stay with one series forever but none of their previous games have been as successful like their Uncharted games.

showtimefolks4298d ago

Let me break it down for y'all all 5 of those will be on next gen and maybe even the gen after. Those are what ou call system sellers and heavy hitters so no way they will just disappear

I can't wait to see how much each can improve with better tech

I also hope we get more new IP from nintendo and ms since so y brings out may the other 2 keep making sequels

BinaryMind4298d ago

"Hey guys, let's make a list of the games we don't want to see sequels to and make them the most popular game franchises!"

bigrob9044297d ago

what game he should have said was f'in mario. i swear if i see that damn plumber one more time.

geddesmond4297d ago

Well thank god the writer ain't the head of any of these consol game studios because next gen would suck without any of these games. Seriously did he just pick the top 5 games this gen and say "Ya know what website traffics slowing down, I think I'll write a stupid article about not wanting some of the most popular games on next gen consols"

-Superman-4297d ago

We dont want to see?
It seems to be more like you, not we.

-Superman-4297d ago

No need to kill game franchises.
Let them make as many games as they want, if people want to buy, play and have fun, then let it be.
Why just ban games just because you dont want to play it anymore, but what about others?
So... If i dont like Halo, then i should ban halo game and nobody never cant play it anymore, beucase i dident like this game? There are millions people who wants new maps, or weapons and have fun in multiplayer. If they want to play, they buy. I dont see no problem. Its still Free world, or what?

avengers19784297d ago

I for one am excited to see what next gen consoles will bring for all of these franchises...(except Pokemon, not my thing) Uncharted on a PS4 I cant even begin to imagine what they'd be able to do with that, considering Uncharted on the PS3 is one of the top franchises of this gen in terms of graphics... Call of Duty games are amazing on this generation of systems, imagine being in a fire fight with an entire army. AC games have huge locals, and that can only get better. Halo is a universe they can constantly do different things with that... Halo games sell even without the Master Chief in them, and Halo 3 is still one of the most played online games. Dont get me wrong I want to see new IPs with this gen and the next one, but good quality games, are good quality games, no point in giving up on something that sells well, and is actually good.

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Sev4298d ago

The one I don't feel like I'm completely done with is Uncharted. But that's because I'm a fanboy, and Nathan Drake is so dreamy.

That said, I found the write-up on why Uncharted should die pretty damn hilarious. "sack-of-bones grandfather" and "Elena needs to crack the whip and keep Drake at home" made me spit out my drink laughing.

alexcosborn4298d ago

Ironically enough, that's actually the franchise I'm most tired of. I've had enough of the treasure-hunting smart-mouth for one lifetime.

NastyLeftHook04298d ago

Its not like you have to buy the game, You can buy other games you know, Uncharted does not magically walk into your front door and sit on top of your game collection and constantly yell at you.

As for us, the uncharted fans, keep them games coming because they are abolute goty jawdropping treasure hunting gems that i cannot get enough of.

The_Devil_Hunter4298d ago

I hear ya. I love Uncharted so much. I dont want the series to end, its my favorite series this gen and some of my favorite games this gen.

Hazmat134298d ago

no this might be stupid but let say they do make a Uncharted for PS4 i got an idea/ people been bitching about its always about the gold and lost ruins what if drake and elena have a child and then some people kidnap him so its up to the dad and mum to find the child and kill the kidnappers? what you guys think? stupid? idk just a fun idea i had.

Wintersun6164298d ago

That's simply not what Uncharted is about.

kane_13714298d ago

although it is a rip off from Mummy 2, but still interesting

SYSTEMS-at-WAR4298d ago

Sounds like the basis for virtually every Liam Neeson film... I like it already! But really, Series are best done in trilogies and then left alone imo.

QuodEratDemonstrandm4298d ago

That scene where Liam Neeson's son gets snatched must have been cut from that Star Wars movie he was in.

Just joking, don't hit me!

You're right, though. Franchises tend to go downhill after the second or third installment.

user54670074298d ago

If Elena and Drake have a child I would cry...because kids always ruin a franchise whether it's a game or film.

Christopher4298d ago

What're you talking about? Shia Labeouf did a great job as Indy's kid...

Christopher4298d ago

I hope the sarcasm was apparent :D

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R_aVe_N4298d ago

As much as I like to see more new IP's this will not happen all 5 of those will be on next gen consoles mainly because they are cash cows. The only one you "might" not see is Uncharted mainly because each new console gen Naughty Dog usually makes a new franchise. You can bank on Pokemon, CoD, Halo, and Assassin's Creed to all be on next gen systems.

Psycho_PS3Truthh4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

The great and mighty uncharted series still have much more to offer the world and I think it will be announce right beside the majestic PS4 console, uncharted 2 is the greatest game this gen and it will be foolish for the kings to not have uncharted 4 on the PS4.

A lot of the sony studios are working on new topnotch perfect IPs, so bringing back atleast uncharted should be mandatory in society.

h311rais3r4298d ago (Edited 4298d ago )

I can name several games better than uncharted 2...........,.Not that uncharted 2 wasn't awesome.....but.....I don't even know what to say to blind people like you. I know your trolling but....Jesus ps3 fans like this make me ashamed I turn mine on...knowing what I'm connected to.....

I really hope you talk like that in real life. Cuz I'm sure your that kid who sits infront of the tv all day with no friends...

I'm also sure the disagree is FROM you

Psycho_PS3Truthh4298d ago

HAHA you made me laugh, like I care if your ashamed of someone loving what deserve to be loved for all eternity, the PS3 is greatness and I am proud of my love for the greatness it produce to all mankind existence.

GuyManDude4298d ago

You're not going to list those games? I'd like to see that list myself (not saying "YOU'RE WRONG!", just curious is all).

I don't know if Uncharted 2 was my favorite game this gen, but it's definitely in my top four along with Metal Gear Solid 4, Bioshock, and Portal 2.

SamPao4298d ago

I put my middlefinger up to everyone that agrees that Uncharted should die. F U! Uncharted is one of the greatest series ever created!
I and millions of other gamers want this series to live on!

_Aarix_4297d ago

Ill flat out say it now. Uncharted is overhyped, it gets praises out the ass from its cinematic experience but outside that its linear as hell which takes away from the experience. "heys guys a wall that were allowed to climb, thats not the way to our destination at all" -_- and it had WAY to much shooting and clunky at all. Dont lie, it was 95% shoot, climb, watch a cutscene. If you guys are impressed with "cinematics" then youre very crappy gamers. Crash bandicoot derserved the awards.

And of course the fanboys on here cant get a grip on reality. You can say anything you want to defend your precious title but 2 things is true
1) as a game, it was nothing special
2) uncharted...is...overrated


RandomDude6554297d ago (Edited 4297d ago )

Ill flat out say it now. Half life 2 is overhyped, it gets praises out the ass from its cinematic experience but outside that its linear as hell which takes away from the experience. "heys guys a wall that were allowed to climb, thats not the way to our destination at all" -_- and it had WAY to much shooting and clunky at all. Dont lie, it was 95% shoot, drive, watch character talk. If you guys are impressed with "cinematics" then youre very crappy gamers. Crash bandicoot derserved the awards.

And of course the fanboys on here cant get a grip on reality. You can say anything you want to defend your precious title but 2 things is true 1) as a game, it was nothing special 2) Half life 2..is...overrated

Nac4298d ago

I might be alone in this camp, but honestly, I like Uncharted 3 more than UC2. UC2 still is a water-shed moment in the medium, but I have a favorite and Among Thieves is not it.

cuddlemonkey4298d ago

My former president self and one of true holy awakening uncharted 2 have been united in holy matrimony now for unspeculated amounts of time within Sony's realm of superiority , unified in wedlock the intended number two of us exactly wait for what seems a punishing eternity for lord king ruler governer Sony PlayStation 4 supreme crispy base stuffed crust to reign terror upon all that oppose ones true greatness and lordship your highness .

Rainstorm814298d ago

your fanboyism is stifling ....I enjoy ps3 games too but damn that much love for a machine is a bit stange

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These Call of Duty games are officially dead as servers go offline

Following the Wii U and 3DS servers being taken offline, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Ghosts are officially dead.

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Call of Duty players are playing this game for the last time before it's taken offline

Call of Duty players are jumping into Black Ops 2 for the final time before its Wii U servers go offline for good.

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Xbox backwards compatibility sends old Call of Duty games back into the Top Five | UK Monthly Charts

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shadowT263d ago

Xbox $70 billion bet paid out

fr0sty263d ago

Guess that's what happens when there's no good new games to play...

4Sh0w263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

Well regardless of exclusives, or whatever else there is to play on Xbox or ps, CoD has has still been the top selling game on ps platform since forever also.....so no surprise that the most popular game franchise on any console could easily have a revival due to servers coming back online...this is just credit to xbox backwards compatibility & thats good thing for Xbox gamers.

wiz7191263d ago

@Frosty orrrr maybe it’s a breath of fresh air to be able to go back to the peak of the series .. and it’s beem great lol

mkis007263d ago

It's going to take 10 years for xbox to generate that much profit...

Rhythmattic262d ago

Why worry when they have OS, Server and Background Data in their hands...
Gaming is just the small piece, at the top left in a few K piece jigsaw.

EasilyTheBest262d ago

If you buy a house with cash for 1 million dollars you still own the house. Microsoft don't need to make the money back.

Rhythmattic260d ago

But its not money back, its about how it goes missing.

jznrpg263d ago

Shooters is what Xbox people play most of the time and that’s about it by the numbers and sales of games.

shinoff2183263d ago

Atkeast older gamers nostalgia is good. Jeez.

Jin_Sakai263d ago

Mostly because the new CoD games are garbage. The old games were much better.

Rutaprkl262d ago

Agree 100%. Cod 4, WaW, Black ops 1 & 2, those were the days.

Rhythmattic262d ago

For MP, Unreal tournament , QIII Arena (loved the UT mod) FTW!

RaidenBlack262d ago

Unreal Tournament and Quake III were simply amazing ... CoD's and CoD-likes' rise killed the arena shooter popularity ...
Unreal Tournament 2004 is my favorite in the series.
Didn't enjoy Unreal Tournament III, Quake Champions that much.
Too bad Epic cancelled Unreal Tournament 2014 becoz of Fortnite

Rhythmattic262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

I got hooked on the QIII Urban Terror mod (and my work colleagues I introduced them to)... LAN Sessions at the closing of the doors at work, into the night , sinking beers and eating pizza..... Good times.

thesoftware730263d ago

Wow, good games never get old I guess.

CoD will always be a beast of a franchise, and how awesome is it that you can just boot it up or pop it into your Xbox and play, MS BC is really a neat feature.

CrimsonWing69263d ago

Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.

1Victor262d ago

@crimson:” Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.”
I agree it’s worthy at the start of the generation when there’s few new generation games but halfway through the generation it’s not a feature.
Now it’s good that this game is finding a renewed life for its fan but it shows a mayor flaw in new games release when a close decade old game is toppling the charts

CrimsonWing69262d ago

I don't know if I understand what you mean. It's a feature regardless of the time into the generation.

Let's take Armored Core 6 for example. Let's say I'm interested in checking out the previous Armored Core games, sure would be nice if I could play them on my current-gen console.

We're about 3 years into current-gen and old games are hitting in the top 5 for sales charts in the month.

I do get where you're coming from with older games possibly being better than the newer games, but the feature stays the feature. I can only speak for myself, but when there's a lull in game releases or nothing great is out, I like to go back to old titles. It's just nice to not have to have a bunch of consoles out to do so.

I think moving forward it'll be less and less of an issue as like with the PS5 you can access most all of the PS4 games, but I like going back to PS1 and PS2. Would be awesome to kind of make backwards compatibility a prioritized feature moving forward. Hell, Sony was the first to implement it.

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