
Gungnir Review | GO Critic

Gungnir is challenging and may be a bit confusing for the casual gamer. It is the fourth installment of the Dept. Heaven series, developed by Sting and published by Atlus. Gungnir is a strategy, JRPG that focuses heavily on the detailed combat, and is not meant for the light hearted.

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The Oprainfall Awards for 2012 (Part 1)

Oprainfall begins their Game of the Year coverage with best DS game, best PSP game, Hottest Guy, Hottest Gal, Best Hero, and Best Villain.

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The Moneysaver: Bordering on Insane

The big upcoming release is Borderlands 2 and we've found a sale on the DLC subscription so you can be ready when those extras start rolling out. None of the big three (Best Buy, Gamestop, Amazon) have the console versions discounted, so you'll probably only find deals if you're looking for the PC download. Elsewhere, you can get the new NHL 13 collector's edition for the same price as the standard edition, and Green Man Gaming is really showing THQ some love.


GamerPops Review: Gungnir

In Norse tradition, Gungnir is the mighty spear wielded by Odin. On the PSP, it’s a newly-Americanized Japanese Strategy RPG brought to North America by Atlus. With its focus on grid-based gameplay and strategy, Gungnir does offer something different for PSP gamers, and that alone makes it worth the attention of JPRG fans.

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