
Operation Zero pushes for Fatal Frame 2 Wii in the USA

Destructoid: "Out of all the people I've ever talked to at Nintendo over the years, I've never heard any of them say that the company takes fan petitions seriously. Their track record backs that up. Other than Xenoblade, I can't think of one game that fans have petitioned for that Nintendo has eventually decided to localize, and even then there was no indication that Operation Rainfall factored into Nintendo's decision making.

So while I don't think this petition has much of a chance of convincing Nintendo to bring Fatal Frame 2: Wii Edition to the USA, I still thought it was worth telling you about, if not just for the excuse to write about the game."

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Summons754302d ago

should push for PS3 instead

Baka-akaB4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

go tell that to Siren on ps3 ... Not everything would sell better on ps3

Summons754302d ago

it originally came out for the ps2 so why not remake for the ps3

and I didn't like siren so that makes sense to me why it didn't sell

Baka-akaB4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

Nonetheless it's kinda similar . It was a remake on ps3 from the same genre and didnt sell much , despite mostly positive critics .

Kyosuke_Sanada4300d ago (Edited 4300d ago )

I think the biggest flaw with Siren was that everything was cut into missions instead of letting players delve into the world themselves like other titles. It gave it kind of a cheap feel to me but the creature design and soundtracks still are pretty good.

It will always remain a cult classic however....

Pozzle4301d ago

I think Nintendo now own the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series. But if they don't, it would be cool to see the Wii release ported to PSN in future.

nintendojunkie284302d ago

I'm still mad that Fatal Frame 4 was never localized.


It’s Nice To See A Game Company Actually Treat Fans Like Human Beings

NeoGAF poster TunaLover says he wrote a letter to Xseed, the small game company that brings Japanese games to North America.

He wanted to know if Xseed would release the Wii remake of Fatal Frame 2 in the United States.

Xseed could have ignored it. They could have responded with an automated "Thank you for writing!" letter. They could have written a boilerplate "We have no plans to blah blah blah." They could have said they don't comment on rumors or speculation.

Instead, as Barrera/TunaLover writes, Xseed vice president Ken Berry sent over a personal note.

MultiConsoleGamer4116d ago

That's a great story and I'm not even a fan of this series.

Snookies124116d ago (Edited 4116d ago )

Indeed, I've written Xseed several times and they've always been kind and have actually read my messages and responded courteously. They take time out to respond to you as a person, not as a dollar sign.

profgerbik4116d ago

Xseed just rocks is all, they know how to get business done right.

catch4115d ago

They are a small group of people who are legitimately passionate about great games. There are only a few companies that might cause me to try out genres I would otherwise be uninterested in (fishing, visual novels)but thanks to them I have broadened my tastes.

wheresmymonkey4115d ago

XSeed are a fantastic publisher. But being in Europe i hope that NOE continue to be so incredibly good to their patch. All the Project rainfall games were released by Nintendo in Europe.

It does seem odd that they don't unify more though. we could of had simultaneuous EU/US releases of all of them. Its not like they weren't being translated into ENglish,French and Spanish anyway.


Project Zero 2: Wii Edition Review | Meodia

For Halloween this year Meodia takes a look at the Wii game Project Zero 2 (Fatal Frame):

"This style with the sublime musical score and you end up with a real palpable sense of dread that manages to permeate throughout the game."


Feature: Halloween Scares on Wii

The scariest night of the year is now only two days away, a horrifying evening when strange children knock at the door and refuse to leave without a toll of sweets and candy. It's also the time of year when we willingly scare ourselves witless by playing frightening video games.

To finish off a week-long series of fond Wii remembrances, Nintendo Life wants to highlight some titles from the system's back-catalogue that are perfect for this time of year. It suggests turning out the lights, basking in the tiny blue glow of the Wii power switch and trying these titles this Halloween.

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