
Jewel Link Legends of Atlantis Out Now for Nintendo DS

Avanquest Software Publishing has released Jewel Link Legends of Atlantis for the Nintendo DS. Adding to Avanquest’s range of casual titles, the new game features Match-3 gameplay, which requires players to match or swap adjacent tiles and items until rows of three or more of the same symbol appear.

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Pocket Gamer: Jewel Link: Legends of Atlantis Review

Pocket Gamer: I'm going to level with you right now: match-three puzzlers are my kryptonite. They may be basic, largely unrewarding, and highly repetitive, but nothing manages to suck you in quite like some good old-fashioned tile-swapping.

The trouble arises when you realise that there are an awful lot of these games on the DS. Walk into any high-street game store and you'll be surprised at how many identical puzzlers you'll find in the DS section.

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EveryBody Plays: Jewel Link: Legends of Atlantis Review

EveryBody Plays: Match three games have become something of a DS staple as of late, with a new variation being released seemingly once a month - and it's not without good reason. Easy to pick up and play, with that "one more go" quality in spades, we know plenty of people who have serious trouble weaning themselves from the latest and greatest, and can't wait to pick up the next one. None less so than our Editor's own mum, in fact, who likes certain match 3 games so much, she's ended up buying them twice (admittedly accidentally) - so she'll likely be particularly interested in the latest offering, Jewel Link: Legends of Atlantis.

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