
"Spirit Camera" and "Project Zero 2" Reviews | Spiegel Online

The concept sounds fantastic: Use the 3DS game "Spirit Camera" to conjure spirits in your own four walls, with the help of the built-in camera and augmented reality technology. Unfortunately, this good idea has some pitfalls.
On the other hand, "Project Zero 2" is really scary.

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5 Survival Horror Games That Missed the Mark

MonsterVine: "Let’s take a look at five survival horror games that tried to do something special but, for one reason or another, completely missed the mark."

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Fatal Frame franchise guide: putting fright in focus

“Inspired by a true story” are the five words that can both inspire delight and strike fear in the hearts of anyone looking for something spooking to enjoy. Koei Tecmo has been using that approach to help sell the Fatal Frame series for years. By offering fictional locations, rituals and situations inspired by Japanese folklore and history, the company has provided people with a shooter that involves defeating ghosts with cameras to survive otherworldly encounters. Join us as we go through the catalog of Fatal Frame games.

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Amazon Black Friday Deals Reloaded on Wii U and 3DS Games (Half The Price)

Techtorial: Amazon has cut the prices of several Wii U and 3DS games with more than 50% savings before Black Friday begins.

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