
Top 5 Reasons PC Gaming Is Better than Console Gaming

PC gaming will always be superior to console gaming. The gaming industry is constantly pushing the limits of graphics, cpu and ram power, and the only machine that can keep up with industry demands is the PC.

Here are the Top 5 Reasons PC Gaming Is Better than Console Gaming:

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ATi_Elite4339d ago

Good list BUT......

5. Graphics: This is Next Gen Graphics

4. Use what ever KB/M, controller, flight stick, Hydraulic set-up, simulator, wheel and peddles, motion controls, or brain sensor you want.

3. Mods, Free DLC, High Texture paks really add to the gaming experience

2. Online Play: Private Dedicated Servers with Administrators guarantee No hackers and you can customize your gameplay how you and your crew want.

Not regionally locked so i enjoy kicking but on Russian or European servers.

1. Build it yourself within your budget to the specs you want and upgrade it when you want. ( Put a sticker and some lights on it so it looks different from everyone else's).

0. Emulator (every Gaming PC is a Wii or lesser) and if your PC savvy you can use your PC to make cash to pay for itself!

consoles have advantages too like like plug n play, Sony Exclusives, Trophies, and Microsoft points.

just enjoy your games no matter the platform.

vortis4339d ago

Why did you link to a video that's private? I wanted to see it.

DarrenLambert4339d ago

That's before mods. I can make Ass Effect 2 look amazing with enb, texmod and fxaa injectors. Something console will never do

kikizoo4339d ago

- graphics ? only 5,6 years after console's launch

and not the best games each gens, just facts.

Pandamobile4340d ago

Gotta love laptops. Came home from class one day to find 3 of my roommates playing TF2 in the living room on their school laptops.

That problem is avoidable :P

ATi_Elite4339d ago

I go to a Lan party almost every weekend.

they vary from a few friends at a house to hundreds of people on a college campus playing for prizes or just mingling with drunk Gamer chicks.

Other than that I usually Have a game on one or two screens while i have video Skype on another with my friends.

PC lets you play and see your friends but keep your carpet clean, gas in your car, and a fridge full of drinks. :)

Slugg3r4339d ago

This haven't been true this gen. Damn I some times miss those times me and my buddies used to play Halo splitscreen. Good times, splitscreen gaming has been mostly forgotten this gen though.

Kurt Russell4339d ago

I play Halo, Gears, Portal2 and L4D2 split screen all the time... more games need it implemented so I can mix it up when I have a guest playing!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4339d ago
WeskerChildReborned4339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )

I'm a console player and ik PC gaming is better. Mods, better physics, graphics, gameplay, and some games i really wanna play(Fortnite, Witcher 2, ARMA 3, Day Z and alot of others).

ChipChipperson4339d ago

It's console and pc gaming that is not the problem, it's the twatty owners who run their mouths about which is better. I don't care if this console has this or if pc has that; how is the game itself?

one2thr4339d ago

Lmao "twatty"
But the people you mentioned need to know their roles and simmer down... I totally agree with your post... But "twatty", Im definitely calling someone that at work lmao

NovusTerminus4339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )

PC gaming is better, tech wise, and mod wise...

But most of the games I play are not for PC... Resonance of Fate, Dragon's Dogma, BlazBlue Continuum Shift, Devil May Cry 3 (It's buggy on PC, horrible port), Ninja Gaiden.

PC does not get very many action games or JRPG's, so it's not my most used system, I have a gaming PC. I have Portal 2, Diablo 3, DMC4, Civ 5 and a handful of others... But it just seems to be missing my favorites.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2664d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905109d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5109d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5109d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5109d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5109d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5109d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495108d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5108d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5108d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2700d ago
Bismarn2699d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One