
VG: Unit 13 Review

VG: Shooters, first- and third-person, are a genre of games that seemingly defy all logic. Once you’ve played one, an argument could be made that you’ve played them all. Of course, that would be a pointless argument because obviously millions of gamers each year fork over loads of money to play the next installment of a certain military shooter that does very little to change an incredibly familiar formula.

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Sony might have killed the PlayStation Vita, but these games showed off its peak potential

Kevin Webb: "While one of Sony's main goals with the Vita was to produce experiences that felt like playing on a home console, the Vita produced a number of unique games that were later brought over to more powerful hardware. And as the Vita got older, independent developers began to take advantage of the console's strong hardware and dedicated player base. For example, PC games like "Stardew Valley" or "Minecraft" that had earned an indie following could be moved to the Vita at low cost, letting players take their favorite games on the go.

The PlayStation Vita may not have been a smash hit, but there were plenty of gems to be found on the handheld if you spent enough time looking."

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ArchangelMike1911d ago

Frobisher Says was one of the best games on the Vita. There was just nothing like it. It's such a shame that Sony didn't see fit to invest in the Vita long term.

REDGUM1910d ago

Agreed. Admittedly I brought the console only to travel with (a 41yo gamer here) finished killzone liberation and just started Uncharted odesey and Resistance games. I really only got it to play the games that just never came to ps3/4and surf the net. Its a handy console and it's a shame if has come to an end especially with no replacement in sight just yet!

ArchangelMike1910d ago

Yeah, I loved the Killzone Liberation. Although I have to say that since Sony have dedicated their focus only on the PS4 it has gone from strength to strength. I hope they keep supporting VR though - that might be a game changer for them next gen if they do.

monkey6021910d ago

Some excellent choices there. I spent so many hours on Soul Sacrifice and Persona 4

As much as I love the Uncharted series I couldn't come to terms with Golden Abyss. It felt like a few steps back in the series

King_Noctis1910d ago

Danganronpa, Stien Gate, and especially Persona 4 are some of the best titles that available on the Vita.

I will miss this console.

Chevalier1910d ago

So many great Visual Novels on the Vita

VariantAEC1907d ago

No Freedom Wars or Killzone Mercenary?
Both deserve remakes. Mercenary is cannon and Freedom Wars is just one of those ultra rare JRPG games I found fun and think could appeal to a wider audience.


A Look at All of the Third-Person Shooters Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Thanks to some solid late-in-life Japanese support, and a sea of backwards-compatible games, the Vita’s library of third-person shooters is a lot better than it first appears, covering a variety of sub-genres from horror to stealth to tactical, all the while providing games that are a tonne of fun to play."

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2094d ago
Zjet2094d ago

Missed so many games.

Also backwards compatibility differs from region to region.

Literally some stores like the NZ/Aus store will allow syphon Filter 1 and 3 but not 2 and the USA store is different again

IanTH2093d ago (Edited 2093d ago )

I haven't done it in a while so unsure if it has changed, but you used to be able to download any PS1 or PSP game to a PS3 and then transfer it to the Vita and it just worked - regardless of whether it showed as something you could buy in store for, or download directly to, the Vita. It opened up a huge library of back-compat titles that way.

Spectator22093d ago

What's missing, out of interest?


Top 5 PS Vita Shooters of All Time

The PS Vita has a plethora of titles, that plethora does not contain many shooters on the PS Vita. However the shooters the PS Vita does have can offer gamers a mixed experience. All of the shooters on the system will leave fans teary eyed but not always for a great reason. To prevent fans from dealing with post purchase crocodile tears, the VitaBoys have decided to lay out the best PS Vita shooters.

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