
With Increasing Sales and Popularity, the Future Looks Bright for PC Gaming

When people think about the competition in the video game market, their focus usually turns to the home consoles such as the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Nintendo Wii. However, people often forget about (or dismiss) the PC platform entirely. The additional cost and hardware requirements make PC gaming less attractive for some, and it is hard to compete with the “plug and play” ease of a home console. However, the PC remains a solid platform for gaming,

NYC_Gamer4330d ago

PC gaming always had a bright future regardless of the propaganda that many misinformed people spread

aliengmr4330d ago


I really can't add anything, well said.

CGI-Quality4330d ago

Indeed, but that's just what happens to any successful platform - it garners uncalled for "doom / gloom".

Fortunately for the PC, the world needs it, so it won't be going anywhere.

camel_toad4330d ago

Ive been out of the pc gaming scene since right after the first crysis but now with a new more-than-capable pc Im dying for Planetside 2. Loved the first one. Yay for pc!

Sephris4330d ago

PC's really are giving consoles a good run for their money this year. While consoles are giving us new chapters of the same game that are pretty much the same exact game you played before but with different scenery, you have games like Guild Wars 2 coming in August that have completely revamped and upgraded their entire game to make it far better than the original. But this is a good thing. It feels like the big 3 of the game consoles aren't really competing for our attention anymore. They cookie cut out the games and throw them to us expecting us to jump because we have no other choice. They weren't expecting the PC to be a threat. Now it is. Hopefully that will get them off their butts and make them use their imagination once more. Make them take a risk. Not all risks pay off, but in the gaming world when one does it it makes history. hopefully this will be the slap in the face they need to start making good, original content again.

CGI-Quality4330d ago (Edited 4330d ago )

In fairness, projects like The Last Of Us and Beyond: Two Souls are trying to keep things fresh (at least on PS3's end).

Nonetheless, by Sept, I will mainly be a PC gamer.

reznik_zerosum4330d ago

im not sure about Beyond: Two Souls ,its one of those awful movie-games where u press random buttons and keep ur mouth open.

JBSleek4330d ago

Beyond: Two Souls is an interactive movie with quick time events with a dualshock 3.

Veni Vidi Vici4330d ago

That's all Quantic Dream knows. All they do is make movies that you have to push random buttons at certain points.

I honestly don't get why people like this. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch a movie that will have better actors, directors, writers and where I can sit back and relax and enjoy the story instead of having to be bothered to press buttons as quickly as you can at random parts. It's not immersive at all.

I don't get it. To each their own.

CGI-Quality4330d ago (Edited 4330d ago )

All three replies are irrelevant to what I'm saying. Beyond is offering something not in abundance on consoles - a fresh type of experience, if you will. It's also a new IP, which is what Sephris was saying consoles were lacking at the moment.

Frankly, I don't see the fascination of Assassin's Creed, but my opinion of it is not important when there is a market for that type of title.

In short, whether you prefer it or not is of no consequence, and in this context, is really meaningless.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4330d ago
Flavor4330d ago

If the major players botch or delay for too long the next generation of consumer consoles, it could really pay off for pc's.

The trump card of the consumer consoles, ease of use and entry price, has been devoured by the mobile/tablet market. They will be trading on brand loyalty and gimmicks.


Bard's Tale IV is no longer compatible with Windows 7 apparently

Windows 7 official support ended recently and inXile Entertainment are now pushing Bard's Tale IV players to install Windows 10 apparently. Considering it was originally playable in Windows 7, players are not liking the minimum system requirements change.


Microsoft has made it possible to port Nvidia’s DX12 ray tracing to Windows 7

Building on the success of porting WoW's DX12 version to Windows 7, Microsoft has published help for other DX12 devs, which includes a runtime that supports all the features of Windows 10 October Update... including DirectX Raytracing.

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Microsoft Ports DirectX 12 to Windows 7 - Boosts World of Warcraft's Performance in Latest Update

That's right, DirectX 12 has come to Windows 7

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bmf73641896d ago

Strange they made this update with DX12 when Windows 7 is going to be EOL next year

rainslacker1895d ago

I guess when they said they needed the new kernel for DX12 that was just them spewing BS like they always do. I knew this to be true, because Win10's kernel is essentially Win7's kernel. Same BS they've spewed for so many DX updates locked behind new versions of windows, which held back PC gaming for so long, because devs wouldn't use the new API's, and even skipped generations of the API because MS didn't sell enough of the new OS's to make it worthwhile for the dev.

it is a surprise though, because I thought they were going to abandon older versions of windows because Win10 was their way forward, and Win7 doesn't have the native access to Live like they have now.

King_Noctis1896d ago

World of warcraft? Does this game need a boosting at this point?

Stanjara1896d ago

I still don't get it if dx12 is better for performance or not.

Sgt_Slaughter1896d ago

I guess it all depends on the developer and how they optimize it.

maybelovehate1896d ago

DX12 allows much better optimization. But that is of course up to the developer to take advantage of.

CaptainCook1896d ago

Since DirectX12 was built around Windows 10, it will always offer superior performance compared to Windows 7

rainslacker1895d ago (Edited 1895d ago )

If the dev takes advantage of it then yes. Even if you don't have a DX12 card, there are some things with the rendering pipeline which are better than previous versions. The low level stuff can be hit or miss with older cards, but luckily it can adapt when you do the actual application runtime.


DX is not built around Win10. The graphics API, which is the most important, is not actually tied to the kernel, and Win10 uses essentially the same kernel as Win7. MS saying it's a kernel related issue was them just once again trying to get gamers to upgrade to new versions of windows, just like they have so many other times in the past. That lie that MS kept spewing has held back console gaming for years, because devs often wouldn't support new versions of DX because people weren't upgrading their OS's.

Win10 does have other advantages in terms of game performance, but it has nothing to do with how the API and kernel are connected.

Stanjara1895d ago

Bravo...this is absolutely the right answer!

maybelovehate1895d ago

Yeah, it would make more sense to say that Windows 10 was built around DX12.

rainslacker1894d ago (Edited 1894d ago )


No, it wouldn't.

The windows Kernel, and DirectX have no direct relationship to one another. One is a software API that runs in windows, and is not dependent on it outside the interpreter that handles the instructions that get carried out between the API and the hardware. Windows itself does not in any way need DirectX, nor does the base rendering process have any connection to how Windows renders the OS, or anything in it. Developers can enable that in their programs, but it isn't required. It is even possible to uninstall DirectX if one knows the process to do so. I have done so on many occasions in my work due to beta versions having issues which didn't allow me to do my work, so I had to reinstall other versions.

Win10 is a modified version of Win7. A few core commands have changed, but the meat of the kernel is still the same. There may be dependencies for DX built into Windows which are based on the kernel, but dependencies can be implemented in older versions to allow it to work. MS just chose not to do so, because they want to push new versions of windows.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1894d ago
maybelovehate1896d ago

Seems strange to port it to Windows 7 at the same time they started to notify customers it has reached its end of life lol

eddvdm1895d ago

Woah, that's great actually! I can finally throw my Win 10 in the trash and go back to an OS that doesn't f*** up my games performance at each update.