
Fortnite Signals End of Console Generation

StickSkills said, "The answer becomes clearer when you realize what platform Fortnite is releasing on, which is the PC. Epic’s latest IP focused on exploration, scavenging and survival will be the first game the team has crafted using Unreal Engine 4, and that fact alone leads me to believe this isn’t a case of just wanting to only see Fortnite on personal computers. This game, which will follow a beta model similar to that of the highly successful Minecraft, will be pushing technology beyond what the PS3 and Xbox 360 can handle."

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NYC_Gamer4319d ago (Edited 4319d ago )

Epic is just trying to copy Notch with his successful Minecraft approach...Fortnite seems like a digital title that should be released on Steam/PSN/XBL in my opinion...I think its a pure waste of trying to showcase UE4.

stickskills4319d ago

Since we haven't seen gameplay, I think it's hard to judge if this should be a full-fledged release or not.

Army_of_Darkness4319d ago

we clearly know that it's coming to the PS4 and 720, its just that epic ain't allowed to say anything about the new consoles yet....
but that doesn't mean this generation is gonna end! well, maybe for microsoft since they depend on epic and a couple other developers lol!

WeskerChildReborned4319d ago

Yea, i think a better game to show the engine off would probably be Gears of War 4 if their will be one next gen.

stickskills4319d ago

Oh, I'm sure we can all count on another Gears of War title coming next-gen. Just hard to say if it'll be developed by Epic or People Can Fly.

Trenta274319d ago

We don't know how big the game is. They did say sandbox. Maybe it's bigger in size then RDR? Who knows. We just have to wait and see.

WeskerChildReborned4319d ago

Yep which i'm eager to see what the gameplay will look like.

4319d ago
Psycho_PS3Truthh4319d ago

For the this generation ends with beyond 2 souls and the last of us. I have not seen any gameplay of fornite to know if it is truly next gen upon the earth.

I think this game might still be able to run on the great PS3 console if they wanted. But to push next gen they decide to not allow it on the PS3 because EPIC them self cannot wait to use the PS4 the new king of kings and lord of lords in gaming.

Nimblest-Assassin4319d ago

Oh dear god.... you've moved from IGN to N4G....

Psycho_PS3Truthh4319d ago

No fellow gamer I am still on IGN for all eternity its just this place carries news in a more superior way.

HammadTheBeast4319d ago

Oh F*ck. I had a feeling of Deja Vu at first. Now this.

TekoIie4319d ago (Edited 4319d ago )

Of course both would be PS3 exclusives....

We shallz harnessies the powerz of teh cell togeva brah!!!!!

Grow up and stop being an ignorant fanboy who is going to talk about his PS3 even if its not the articles subject...

lonesoul654319d ago

Hey, I'm just happy that things are being PC focused again. I mean, It's been a great run for the current generation of consoles. Try to look it at it as this is one way that Epic is attempting to market their new engine and make sure that the next generation of consoles either meets or beats our expectations. Man, people are so negative in internet land. Smile, its good for ya = )

Hicken4319d ago

So... dozens of games are "pushing technology beyond what the PS3 and 360 can handle," and have been doing so for years. Why didn't any of those games signal the end of the console generation?

Lionheart3774319d ago

Which games have done this in the past few years? Please use examples.

Hicken4319d ago

Battlefield, Arma, Minecraft... according to my PC gamers, virtually everything on PC is miles ahead of console games.

Don't get me wrong; I'm a console gamer, myself. I just think it's interesting that an unreleased game signals the end of this generation for doing something other games on PC already do: surpass the capacity of consoles.

BrutallyBlunt4319d ago (Edited 4319d ago )

When you have companies like Microsoft and Sony who are willing to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into the R&D of consoles and willing to take losses on them how can the PC gaming market compete? What's different now is we live in an online enabled world so people can now get their games easily without investing a lot of money into hardware.

That's why this 'hardcore' community is so active on forums. They feel threatened and they should be. The days of Nintendo versus Sony/Sega are over. We now live in a world of choice and convenience. How many video stores have closed this past decade? Those stores also rented games.

"In the fiscal year 2012, it generated $1.2 billion in digital revenues, exceeding its goal of $1 billion this year, and representing a 47 percent increase year over year.
In an interview, EA’s interim CFO Ken Barker said the company is forecasting digital revenues in fiscal 2013 of $1.7 billion, representing a growth rate of 40 percent. At those levels, he said digital will now comprise 40 percent of the company’s overall revenues, breaking away from its reliance on traditional packaged goods."

Gaika streamed a demo of Mass Effect 3 and there was no loss in quality. What has happend to home video and music will happen to videogames. As it does you will see this 'hardcore' community ramp up their antics in the process and downplaying it at every turn.

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