
The Walking Dead Video Game: Stealth and Scent - PSBlog

Posted by Angel Gonzalez // Creative Lead, The Walking Dead Video Game -

Picture this: you’re moving through an abandoned convenience store in the middle of the day, and light is pouring in through the front windows. The shelves have been ransacked and only a few items remain. You stop to investigate a roll of bandages on the shelf and, feeling these will come in handy later, you grab them and turn to leave

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KickSpinFilter1854d ago

1. Lack of highly exclusive games this generation on XB1, has been the super depressing video game story this gen.
2. Anthem is another,
3. WiiU,
4. XB1 will not work without Kinect lie,
5. XB1SAD Edition,
6. Crackdown 3,
7. Street Fighter V,
8. Sea of Thieves,
9. No Man Sky, (although apparently good now)

1852d ago
AK911854d ago

MGS4 should replace 3 a lot of characters both hero and villain die permanently in that game, also including a lot of people from MGS3.

TWD season 2 should also be replaced with season 1 nothing telltale has done has broken me since the final section with Lee and Clementine (“keep that hair short” ☹️)


Which of this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains should you pick up? – 17th January 2017

Carlos writes "With another week come more Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains. Whilst the recent Deals With Gold sales have offered us a mixed bunch of both classics and clangers, this week sees some top deals that are sure to get any avid gamer hot under the collar, unless of course you have them already, at which point you can smile in appreciation of Xbox’s kindness this week.

But which are the best, the worst and the most tempting of Xbox Live Deals With Gold bargains that are in place between the 17th-23rd Jan 2017? Let us tell you!"

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neil3632694d ago

Song of the deep is a great price. Bargain of the week for me

2694d ago