
Will Games Like 'Horn' Spell The End For Video Game Consoles?

Horn, an action-RPG designed for Android and iOS, is being billed as the action game that tablets and mobile phones have been waiting for. The game has impressive graphics, and does look quite a lot better than the majority of mobile games. But murmurs that this is the beginning of the end for consoles are overwrought, as usual.

MariaHelFutura4348d ago


It isn't any less stupid today.

GribbleGrunger4347d ago

apparently even cutting your grass on a Sunday spells the end of consoles. Do you think they're salivating over the keyboard when they prod their podgy fingers at letters and manage to form a sentence? Or do you think they stab at the keyboard with a flick knife while throwing dagger eyes from beneath a fedora at the latest AAA console titles... 'Taint normal

jimbobwahey4347d ago

Do articles like this spell the end for video game journalism?!

Zweihanders4347d ago

I thought about writing out why the question this article asks is stupid but then thought better of it. No need to point out the obvious.

I'd say it's more stupid today.

KingOfArcadia4347d ago

Hmm let's see - I have two current gen consoles and a PC, but no mobile devices. I wonder if I'll ditch the three working games options I have now to buy some kind of mobile device to game with - yeah, not likely.

NovusTerminus4347d ago

I have: PS3, PSV, PC, 3DS, and a Wii.

No mobile devices. So no, and a touch screen will never have the proper controls needed for core gaming.

Want proof? Look at Devil May Cry 4, and then compare it to DMC4 Refrain.

dorron4347d ago

As of now, playing without buttons = fail.

Wingsfan244347d ago

I'll be back in 15, gnna go trade in my xbox 360, ps3 and all my games and pick up an android phone. I HAVE to have this game.

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Horn Review (GameWoof)

Horn is a 3D Action Adventure game that utilizes a dodge and slash mechanic, not much different than Infinity Blade or Phosphor’s own Dark Meadow, although from a different perspective. The combat system actually isn’t all that dissimilar from Phosphor’s recent effort, the Man of Steel movie tie-in game, that received unfavorable reviews from myself and other critics. What makes Horn unique and so amazing is the way the rest of the game is explored. Rather than being on rails like Infinity Blade or Dark Meadow, or worse just consisting of a string of battles like Man of Steel, Horn allows players to explore freely. When controlling Horn (the game’s protagonist) players can click anywhere on the ground and Horn will run there. It works quite well, certainly better than a virtual control stick, and even has an advantage over physical controls in that it allows players to admire the scenery while they wait for Horn to catch up to their commands.

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PadGadget: Horn Review

PadGadget: Zynga is a name that is fast becoming synonymous with mobile gaming, handily delivering smash-hit after smash-hit for iOS-based devices. For those gamers who love adventure-based 3D titles, Horn has become one of the most beloved and impressive high-definition games available. If you are apprehensive to spent USD $6.99 on a game before you have had a good chance to evaluate it, consider grabbing Horn Free.

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Top 50 iPhone And iPad Games Of 2012: 50-41

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Here we are, the best iOS games of the year. We started with a list of 200, whittled that down to about 100, then the gloves came off, as we fought to include certain titles and said painful goodbyes to others. The result is a snapshot of 2012, the 50 iPhone and iPad games that stood out the most. That said, join us each day as we make the countdown. On that note, it's time for games 50-41.