
Heroes Of Ruin Review | Capsule Computers

Luke Halliday writes:

"A good idea can only get you so far. Execution is what makes a good idea a great idea. Heroes of Ruin is a good idea, without a doubt. The concept of a heavily online focused RPG for the Nintendo 3DS in theory could make for an awesome game. But in practice does it work as well as it promises? Well that is the thing with Heroes of Ruin, it doesn’t. Heroes of Ruin is a good idea, that never became a great idea and it’s all due to the execution."

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futurefrog4352d ago

This review is really accurate I must say

masterabbott4352d ago

I thought that this game was far better than this .. quite dissapointing i must say.

klecser4352d ago

The article writer is obviously hurt that the game ending up being something different than what he expected. Different is not synonymous with bad. A lot of people wanted a game with a huge end game, but instead they got a game that is designed to be played over and over again, like classic video games.


The Nintendo Switch already has a model for good voice chat … in a 3DS game

App Trigger: "It's almost 2018. The Nintendo Switch has surpassed the Wii U's sales in Japan and is going on a year old. Its voice chat stinks, but Nintendo needn’t look far for a fix."

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FallenAngel19842353d ago

I can’t take Nintendo’s online efforts seriously when it lacks basic universal standard functionalities such as this

2353d ago

Video: Under appreciated 3DS Games

The 3DS has an extensive library of games, but due to the consoles low sales initially, a lot of great games flew under the radar of most gamers. Fear not though, as Shawn Long of Nintendo Enthusiast takes a look at some under appreciated 3DS releases from the earlier years of it’s life that you should be sure to check out. Whether you enjoy a good platformer, fighting game, or 3D adventure, there should be something for every 3DS owner to consider in this video.

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ModernSamuraiJay3614d ago

Good choices. I didn't know the 3DS version of Sonic Gen had different levels than the console versions.


Hindsight Review #2 – Heroes of Ruin : 3DSBlessed

HelenBaby writes : "During the summer of 2012 the 3DS was truly blessed, for those sorcerers at Square-Enix unleashed a trio of titles for it that, as a whole, served to elevate the console’s library (not to mention generate heaps of interest among those who had previously been on the fence about purchasing the console). Those titles were Theatrythm, Kingdom Hearts 3D and Heroes of Ruin. Sadly, every family has it’s black sheep, and the latter title proved to be the degenerate of this bunch.

Developed by n-Space, this action RPG showed so much promise. It’s graphics and playstyle led many of us to believe that this was going to be something of a pocket World of Warcraft. Sadly the game fell far short. Yes you can play 4-player both online and off (which was rare in those days), and even talk to other players online using the 3DS microphone".

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