
Activision Reveals Walking Dead First-Person Shooter

IGN writes, "Activision has announced a new game based on The Walking Dead. Not to be confused with Telltale’s episodic The Walking Dead adventure game, Activision’s version is a first-person action game based on AMC’s The Walking Dead TV show."

Blastoise4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

Could be good... don't know if I like the fact you play as Daryl though. I'd rather just be some new guy set in the "the walking dead" world

buddymagoo4350d ago

I just hope they don't speed up the zombies because that is not what the Walking Dead zombies are like in the comics or tv show.

Soldierone4350d ago

They already talked about going rambo....Which would NEVER be an option in the TWD world....

Honestly this game will most likely just rehash the COD engine just like almost every other shooter Activision makes. The best you are going to get is Singularity like gameplay, which is a bunch of cool perks that are never exploited and at the end of the day its COD with a new story and perks.

I hope I'm wrong, but if you honestly think Activision isn't just simply cashing in here, then you will be disappointed. They got the FPS crowd interested, and they got TWD crowd interested, its easy money.

gaffyh4350d ago

The past games the developers have made suggests that this game will probably not be that good, but I'll keep my hopes up.

Solid_Malone4350d ago

i expect this game to be rushed :/, rather than worked on properly

geth1gh4349d ago (Edited 4349d ago )

Why oh why do people still get their hopes up for games like these?

I mean when is the last time a no name game developer (activison is the publisher NOT developer) made a game based on a movie or show that wasn't just awful??

I mean to be honest I can't even think of a legitimate studio that has produced a game based on a movie or show that was barley more than okay at best.

I just don't understand given the track record why gamers still get pumped for stuff like this.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4349d ago
xAlmostPro4350d ago


What the hell, telltales adaption is perfect! It grips you like the comics and the tv show does.

I just finished episode 2 of the game and was talking to my mate about how i personally think it's the best tv show adaption i've ever played.

It gets your emotions going, you feel guilty, you feel like you NEED to protect Clem(look i even call her by the nickname).

Activision will create nothing but a cash in, look what they do to the bond games.


Bob Dole4349d ago

Bob Dole's infinite wisdom and knowledge says this game is based on the comic books. TV show has already strayed way off from the story of the comics. This game hasn't (yet).


*it's the best COMIC adaptation i've ever played*

Trenta274350d ago

From the brilliant minds who brought you Bloodryane, Monster Truck Madness, and Blair Witch. Yup. It's going to be good...not.

Trunkz4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

They know people like the CoD Zombies, so why not take a popular show and make it into an FPS, it's a pretty smart idea on Activisions part regardless if it turns out to be good or bad I think they'll make sales.

Skizelli4349d ago

I just hope it's not Call of Walking Duty.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234349d ago

a 3rd person - open world - RPG.....NOW thats what it should be.

mafiahajeri4348d ago

Daryl is my favorite character would have been to obvious if it was anyone else. Also he uses his gun the most saw he works for a FPS.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4348d ago
FarCryLover1824350d ago

Is it running on the Call of Duty engine like all Acti shooters do? Just curious.

Cablephish4350d ago

The farm in season 2?

That's gone man. Went up in flames.

TheGOODKyle4350d ago

Of course it's a shooter. Nothing else pleases Activision unless it's a generic, shooter cash grab.

killa916064350d ago

Hey, if it's interesting and attracts gamers to play it, then why not make it?

MiamiACR214350d ago

Because TheGOODKyle doesn't like it killa91606.

geth1gh4349d ago

Because thats what 80% of games these days do, ATTRACT gamers. That's it.

They all end up being crap games but spend large amounts of money on advertising campaigns and cg trailers that sucker people into buying it.

As long as they have the money they don't care what happens afterwards.

Gaming is heading in a sad direction.

WeskerChildReborned4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

Sound's interesting. A new first person zombie game.

HammadTheBeast4350d ago

Sounds exactly like an FPS "The Last of Us".

Meh. Naughty Dog has the real magic.

irokster4349d ago


s45gr324349d ago

Okay good for you but for me ugh another first person zombie game no thanks. Telltale's The Walking Dead game is pretty good and emotional. This is activision and is just going to be the expanded version of the zombie mode from COD

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Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

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This is what developers and manufacturers should do. I know going after cheat devices/makers is a cat and mouse game, and cost money. However, they can get that money back by sueing these manufacturers of cheat devices. Take a page from Nintendo's playbook.


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They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.


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