
3 Reasons why Mass Effect 2 is the best and worst Mass Effect game

The reasons are as follows:

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CommonSense4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

you can't be the best and worst, that's just stupid.

ME2 is simply the worst of the 3.

Irishguy954350d ago

I disagree, I think I liked it more than 1 and 3. I'd have to flip a coin between 1 and 2 but...i'd give the same level of quality stamp except
ME1 = RPg/w Tps elements
ME2 = Tps/w Rpg elements

ME3 = Tps with upgrade system.

I think they are all quite close in quality, just that ME3 ends it badly.

ME2 had a great ending and setting etc for it. Galactic core on the accretion disk of a black hole. Sci fi/physics nerd orgasm. Although yeah...copy of Battlestar galactic but who cares...Although I didn't like the overall story of go here get this, it was still good. And there was no 'final' choice ****, what you did in the game would define it's ending/ which was simply: You die, some squad members die or no one dies. It's a shame Bioware couldn't really carry on with this way in ME3 or use your war assets in it.

CommonSense4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

well, we're exact opposites pretty much. i would say 3 is the best, 1 is 2nd, and 2 is the worst. 2 was just boring, the friendly AI was terrible, and the ending came outta nowhere and then was barely ever mentioned again (talking about the human/reaper hybrid).

Irishguy954350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

Yeah you might think that, I think it was a 'Filler' story done right. I believe 1 had the best characters and 2 the worst before 3 came out. 3 only told you the ending, in 1 and 2 you gained new ones and talked with them etc. Although in 2 there was no sense of a 'crew' feeling like ME1.

3 has the best combat, in every area from allies to gunplay etc so I agree with that, just that it's not enough for the whole experience for me to think it was better, because then I could say Gears > ME. ME2 was in the middle, it had great combat and good...whatever ME1 had. I miss the Mako from 1 though, which was awesome to drive on PC(on xbox I didn't like it as much, awkward drive)

So anyhow, the overall Story wasn't really a focus in ME2, it was the characters side stories that were one. Using side stories so extensiely is risky, but so long as they are good it's not so bad. Take a look at FF7. Which imo was so good because the characters side stories. Red Xiii-cosmo canyon, Barret, Dyne-marlene Shinra, Cloud's past, Aerith, Cid/spaceship. Vincent/shinra/turks etc. Those stories improved that so much.

Edit- Oh also, if anyone ever plkays ME2 again. Do NOT do planet scanning randomly, just do it when you need it. Because that ruined it the first playthrough for me, made it extremely boring etc.


Also common sense, that Human/reaper hybrid was supposed to correlate with ME3's original ending which got leaked. So essentially Bioware had to ditch that ending/story for the Star child. It was about Dark Energy destroying life and stars and stuff which was brought up in ME2 quite alot. Tali's mission in ME2 was about it, the star was dying too quickly etc and Tali didn't know why. The reapers wanted Human s because of Shepard and stuff, they saw how unqiue humans were and wanted a Reaper of them. To help them find a solution to dark energy.

supraking9514350d ago

ME2 didnt have a good ending at all, plus it had that horrible boss fight. No story in ME2 was fully mentioned in ME3 cause there was nothing. All the major story was set in ME1 and concluded in ME3. ME2 failed ending, especially letting Shepard die again?! WTF.
People dont understand that Bioware state ME was a trilogy as ME1 was being made. They left ME1 and ME2 endings open cause there was going to be continuation no matter what. People got sad and angry and didnt accept that ME3 was the END. No continuation at all.

Irishguy954350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

Sorry, again Supraking, don't judge ME2 based on what ME3 did. ME2 had alot of the story, it was setting up

A: Why are the reapers here? An important topic/.
B: Cerberus

ME1 set up: The reapers are coming, they will destroy us. And here is Shepard, here is the universe.

Unfortunately, ME3's story got leaked and changed due to that. Which made 2 redundant filler. So don't judge it based on 3 and judge it on it's own merits.

ME1 was the only good End boss fight. ME3 didn't even have one.

Edit---also, Dark hollow, yeah get it, despite the meh ending, great game.

Also, I find it odd how you will let ME3 away with it's random plot device in the last 5 minutes of the game but rip on ME2 for what it had, even though that was hinted at the entire game. You just didn't know why until the ending. ME3 was supposed to build on that, not ditch it. Which is unfortunate since that is what happens when **** holes leak the game's story.

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Hovis4349d ago

I think you kinda missed the point, no offence.

It isn't saying that the game is the best/worst but more like 'here are some argument for and against, in case you were wondering'.

It's that idea that each and every game can at times be viewed as good or bad but each individual must make up their own verdict on the game.

supraking9514350d ago

ME2 was fun but it had no major story other than introducing Cerberus fully. Its just a recruiting game and fight a final boss at the end. ME1 and ME3 is where all the character development and story comes from.
its like LOTR The Two Towers, great action movie with battle scenes but no story. Only LOTR 1 and 3 had story.

dark-hollow4350d ago

Off topic but i played the first and the second games and i loved them very much!

Was thinking about getting the thirdbut all that backlash about how bad me3 turned me off this game.

Can anyone give me his opinion about the third one without spoilers? Is it a worty successor to the first two games?

Igniter4350d ago

ME3 is a great game especially for those gamers who enjoy the journey and aren't so concerned with rushing to see how it ends. There are a lot of haters but there are more that actually loved the game with either ending. Ending a trilogy isn't easy and I think some of us were more prepared for the end to be a little blunt. ME3 is still game of the year for me!

Dno4350d ago

if u liked the first two you shouldreally be able to make your own choices on this.....

legreffer4350d ago

I played ME1 and ME2 (for the first time) in the last 6 months and I'm about halfway through ME3 and I love it so far. It combines some of the best elements of the first two. If you loved ME1 and ME2 then you should play it.

Moncole4350d ago

Everyone I asked who played all of them said the first one is the best.

Dno4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

@ moncole
and it was.

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ApocalypseShadow369d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox368d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast368d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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LordoftheCritics569d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420568d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

567d ago
Fearmonkey567d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000567d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH567d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya567d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

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rlow1568d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol