
Mass Effect 3: 5 Other Broken Endings We’d Fix

WC writes: With Bioware this week releasing DLC to change the ending of Mass Effect 3 because the fans were not satisfied with what was available on the disk, we thought today would be a good time to loom at five other endings in games that we weren’t happy with and how we might go about fixing them if we had an all powerful New Ending DLC Machine. In no particular order, here are our picks (Warning, spoilers ahead).

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LiamIRL824325d ago

Yes Final Fantasy X is on the list... "shakes fist in anger"

Godmars2904324d ago

Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with the author, whom I'm convinced eight doesn't understand the stories of the games he listed or played them at all.

Could not care less about ES since it never interested me, but much of FFX's bad rep I feel comes from FFX-2 which was just a crap continuation. Tidus was a magical construct formed from human souls which made/fueled Syn, so once the spell maintaining Syn was broken of course Tidus lost his physical form while maintaining his own soul which went to the Farplane.

Nevermind that the whole point of FFX was about breaking the cycle which created Syn and the the Final Aion would become the new Syn while killing the sommoner.

Skateboard4324d ago

10 is such a great FF. How did it go from that to 13 ????

Compare characters from ten and the characters in thirteen XD

Even music, compare music!!!! X is such much better then XIII.

Canary4324d ago

It's not that hard to figure out. After FFX, Square merged with Enix. Then Nobuo Uematsu left.

Nimblest-Assassin4324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

Im I the only peson who liked Arkham Asylums ending, but hated Arkham city's?

The idea of him bulking up on titan in AA made sense, because if he didn't he would have lost. Batman survived everything he threw at him during the night, and Joker took titan as a final last ditch attempt to kill Batman. Joker might be really smart, but he is also a man who can also become very desperate when he is cornered and knows he lost... look at his purpose in AC.

And the whole people complaining Batman just walks away, it shows resolution, it shows the villians returning to their cells, it also is in character of Batman as he never tires, and moves on to fight two-face, as well as hinting at a possible sequel. AA wrapped up very well... but not Arkham city.


YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE BATMAN WALK AWAY HOLDING JOKERS BODY! Hell, he doesn't even speak to Gordon. People are more absorbed by the fact Joker died, rather than understand that the game leaves way more questions than answers. What does Azreal mean with Gotham burning? What about Rah's and Talia? What about hush? What about Harley? Nothing, no explanation after what happened... it just ended. The AC ending pissed me off, because rather than hinting at a sequel like AA, they make you know the story is not done.

However, they have been making the AC end game comics, which I have completed, and that should have been the dlc rather than HQ:R. Actually shows what happens to Jokers body, multiple criminals, what happened to the inmates, and Jokers final message to Batman.

Way better than HQ's revenge, that answered nothing.

Anyways, I love the Arkham games, and if they make a sequel, Im getting it day 1.

And before people tell me, why don't you hate on Assassin's creed? They do the same thing in all of their games... yeah I know and I hate that too

SilentNegotiator4324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

AC had a challenging, climactic ending boss fight that reveals a twist about the plot and Joker's whereabouts. AA had a boss fight where the boss threw goons at you because he took steroids after being cornered and saying the most clique crap known to man......"I'm afraid it's only just begun"

And if you weren't satisfied with the plot of AC, read 'The Killing Joke'. You'll appreciate the way the tension between Batman and Joker ends in AC then.....it personifies the whole struggle and where they knew it was going.

As for unanswered questions, I'll give you that. But that's all about an inevitable sequel. The most important question was answered; what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

Nimblest-Assassin4324d ago


Unfortunately I am not that up to date with Batman comics, but I have read the big ones like the killing joke, and I think thats the thing, there are many jokers. Im very used to mark hammils joker from the animated series, and thats why i think that he does in fact do desperate actions when a plan backfires. His plan in AA backfired when Batman resisted the titan, and the fact that he saved Gordon. All this transpired after the cheesy its only just begun.

And I think thats why I prefferd AA's story over AC. Where as AA was more of that Joker versus Batman feel, no central villian was present in AC, and you feel like no one really shined. Two face disappears after the prolouge, he turns out to be Catwomans nemisis, for a reason so ridiculous(he stole her jewels), penguin fades out, all the side mission characters feel like cameos rather than central parts, and the biggest dissapointment was Hugo Strange. I mean he knew who Batman was, but he never really did anything to affect batman, other than highlight his parents grave. Thats it.

However I appreciate the death of the Joker, and the relationship between them. They did that right. Im more annoyed by the lack of everything else. Sure the whole back to the beginning (the painting in the catwoman part) was well done, but the lack of closure really irked me. Thats why the endgame comics fill that void. I recommend you read them. It should have been the dlc rather than HQ:R.

What bothered me about Jokers death was his lack of presence throughout the game. He's there for a sec, then your off fighting Grundy, back some more, then your after Ra's. No character feels solid, but rather just there.

If anything, the death scene would have been a lot better if it was in AA, rather than AC.

MacDonagh4324d ago

If I could choose an ending to get fixed; it'd be a PS2 game called Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy. In the ending of that particular game; it fades to black with the line "To Be Continued". Very unlikely to get a sequel when the company who made it (Midway) has gone out of business.

Ranma14324d ago

Using FF10 pic?

Looking for hits i see

chrispen94324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

"Oh he's looking for hits!" Shut up. This comment is undermining the author's work. She is not looking for hits. Final Fantasy X is the most relevant game in the list of games she mentions and she is a J-RPG gamer (if you look at her description) so it only makes sense to make it the profile picture for the article. Don't be so childish.

DragonKnight4324d ago

Are you married to the author? It isn't a stretch to believe the author is looking for hits by using the FFX picture since ignorant douchebags have been whining about FFX for too long because they lack the ability to actually comprehend the game. They did it with FFVIII too. FFX's ending wasn't broken at all. People were just upset that it wasn't the fairytale happy ending they wanted it to be. The whining over FFX is unjustified. From the laughing scene, which was made to be deliberately awkward, to the supposed "broken" ending.

It's like people accept the entire premise of the game, even up to the point it's revealed Tidus isn't a "real" person, but get to the part where he fades away and "omg, dis iz teh worstest ending evar." Like shut up.

chrispen94324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

I'm not married to her... I'm just annoyed at this obnoxious crap that people say. Anyway, it's always a matter of opinion when it comes to broken endings in games. Personally, I do not agree Final Fantasy X had a broken ending but she still has the right to use FF as the picture for the article. What do you expect? Do you want her to place a picture of Eternal Sonata on there? Not many people connect with that game. Do people relate to Final Fantasy X? Yes. That's the right choice. The whole idea of a profile picture is to attract people of that certain genre and she wants to focus on that demographic. It isn't hit grabbing, its freaking common sense.

DragonKnight4324d ago

Contrary to what you might think, most people choose pictures that either have to do with the theme of what they are writing, or (likely in this case) what they perceive to be the best example of what they are speaking of. Almost never does it have to do with choosing an image anyone else relates to. The author chose FFX because she felt it was the best example for what she was talking about, plain and simple. It's quite clear she lacks the understanding of anything in FFX despite allegedly being an RPG fan. Everything she says about FFX is so wrong I could make an entire article about just that alone.

3 pages to talk about 5 games also smacks of hit mongering, especially when there is such a small paragraph used for each game. She invalidates herself in practically everything she says. It may be a matter of opinion about what is or isn't a broken game; but when you're talking about why you believe it is such a broken experience, it helps to be correct about the build up to it too, which she's not.

I find it hard to believe that it could be hard to believe someone could actually be searching for hits. The entire gaming media is built on it, and no site is immune no matter how small. In fact, the very premise of a Top 5 list is purely about getting hits. They are designed to rile up opposing opinions, get people to see the selections and talk (fight) about what was chosen.

Fyflin4324d ago

Human revolution gets my vote. Awesome game but pretty much exactly the same ending structure as ME3.

Cerberus294324d ago

I never thought about it, but they do have really similar ending structure. Human Revolution was still an awesome game though.

Fyflin4324d ago

Both games must have gotten to a point where they were too ambitious and couldn't back it up. I want an ending to be reflected on my whole experience of playing the game, rather than the last decision I make that takes up the last 30 seconds of a game, especially when the game (in ME3's case) is collectively about 60 hours+ long.

WeTheBelievers4324d ago

Deus Ex: HR takes my vote. The concept and story were so well developed yet by making your last choice be at the stake of a bush of a button, felt so lazy. I'm all for choices affecting conclusions nowadays but only if it's conjunctional with gameplay from the start i.e. Dragon Age: Origins

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A Look Through the Absolute Best PS2 Games of All Time

Take it down the memory lane with this ultimate list of the best PlayStation 2 games of all time. Just the best of the best right here.

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isarai208d ago

It's so disappointing that to this day, I have not seen a game match what BLACK offers in an FPS.

ApocalypseShadow208d ago

Shame isn't it. I thought we'd be at a point of destructible backgrounds, objects, pyrotechnics etc in shooters. I sold many a copy in the demo unit when I managed a franchise Game Crazy back then. But I stopped playing shooters because they didn't evolve. Heavy weapon. Shoot a wall or glass. Nothing happens. Lol. Except for Killzone 2. I enjoyed that.

But then I woke and remembered it's EA. EA didn't care really. They just wanted to kill competition from Criterion and Burnout. And own Renderware to profit from as many developers used that engine. Only thing was that developers ran as fast as they could away from EA to Unreal Engine and its pop in and Vaseline graphics. Shame on EA. And then they bought Dice for Frostbite. Evil busters.

Anyway, too many PS2 games to count. Some of my personal faves being DMC, Genji, Bujingai, Blood Will Tell, Onimusha, Way of the Samurai, Japanese Berserk, Japanese Macross game that blew away the US Robotech game, RAD, Castlevania Lament of Innocence.... there's just too many. Let me stop. Lol

Cacabunga207d ago

Code Veronica
Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore
The Getaway
Time Crisis 3
Mark of Kri

are some of my all times favorites missing on that list

shinoff2183207d ago

I've always Saud I'm not a fan of fps much , there's been some I really like and thought were really dope. Black falls into that category.

CoNn3rB207d ago

I would love nothing more than a remaster of the Jak series, including Jak X

Flawlessmic207d ago (Edited 207d ago )

The greatest console of all time !!!!

The last console from when gaming was pure, games didn't take 5 years to release, no online only, no half finished games, no mtx.

Ps2 was just banger after banger after banger.

It will always be my favourite.

sagapo207d ago

No Timesplitters in the list??

FinalFantasyFanatic207d ago

This is a really good list, pretty happy with the choices here.


20 Best Games of 2001

It’s been 20+ years since the time that gave us Mulholland Drive and “Bootylicious”, meaning this look at the best games of 2001 is going to make some of you feel very old very quickly.

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mskaline288d ago

alot of great memories here : )


FFX and FFX-2 Do Not Need a Sequel

As a complete duology, Final Fantasy X and X-2 just do not need a sequel. These games provided us with satisfying conclusions to the characters' journeys and meaningfully wrapped up their arcs. And after the terrible way -Will- presented its narrative, feeling more like an attempt to capitalize on the previous game's success than a well-crafted and meaningful sequel, that's all the more reason to just let FFX be what it already is. Any further attempts to force a sequel will only diminish the legacy and impact of Final Fantasy X and X-2.

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Snookies12337d ago (Edited 337d ago )

If they do another one, I'd really like to see more of a focus on the connection to FF VII. Since it was confirmed that they take place in the same world. Let's just keep the pop star element out of it for the next one... I really enjoyed X-2 as a game, but man that decision for Yuna and Rikku's character direction wasn't the right choice.

shinoff2183336d ago

The connection to 7 would be dope af. I can even begin to think how'd they do it. I mean storywise and stuff I know about the Shinra stuff and everything. I'd be down with a 10 3

-Foxtrot336d ago (Edited 336d ago )



It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously

"This story is a bit of a joke. When we created FFX-2, we wanted to create something, a totally new world. Except that when I created it, I realized that it looked a lot like FFVII ... But without realizing it. Afterwards, when it was officially said in Ultimania, it took a completely gigantic proportion when it was just an anecdote"

Thank God anyway

It's better when each FF is a different Universe

Snookies12336d ago (Edited 336d ago )

Except, it is canonically connected in the VII Remake. There's a Shinra character in X-2, who is actually shown in a picture on the wall in the Shinra HQ in Remake. Meaning at the very least, X and VII share the same world in the Remake version.

CrimsonWing69336d ago


I thought they said that was just a joke:

―It’s a sequel to VII?!!
Kitase: “No, that was halfway a joke. However, in FFVII’s ending, Holy was supposed to settle things, then it’s suddenly ‘500 years later,’ and there’s been nothing like a sequel for it. There’s room to fill in that gap. There’s room for imagination. Since Nojima-san and Toriyama-san have worked together since then, talk that it could be possible with those staff members built up for a moment.”

―So, how did talk of it as a sequel to VII come up?
Nojima: “I felt that VII and X had a relatively connected feeling, that VII has an essence there.”

―Ehh, so VII and X are connected?
Nojima: “No, there isn’t much to it. For example, what happens when people die is fundamentally the same in my mind. I wrote both stories following the same idea. At times, other thoughts pop up, though. Pyreflies are green here and there, and other colors besides.”


I think they were just having fun and making a gag out of it.

Name Last Name336d ago

@Snookies12 those are just easter eggs

-Foxtrot336d ago


Easter eggs man nothing more

Like I said it's better for them to have their own Universe then being connected

I mean think about it...FFVII and FFX are completely different outside of those small little things, the worlds are like Night and Day

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 336d ago
Flawlessmic337d ago

Nope but I sure would love a remake of ffx, my fav ff game along with 9.

JokerBoy129336d ago

Oh man, never thought I'd see someone with the same favorites as me lol. We're supposedly getting a remake of 9 at some point. I'm hoping we get something new from the FFX universe.

shinoff2183336d ago

I cannot wait for the remake of 9. It's got me pumped and it's not even official. Ff9 is damn near perfect imo

Abnor_Mal336d ago (Edited 336d ago )

I just saw a video about a rumor that Sony may have secured the rights for FF9 exclusivity for some possible remake.


Skip ahead to the 2:30 mark

Okay didn’t see others already said it

gold_drake337d ago

technically, they already do. in form of a novel and audio thing.

but .. i dunno. ive always wanted a prequel with the three guys.

not sure what else there is to tell about Spira.

shinoff2183336d ago

Sorry for the spoiler if true

Is it true if you complete x2 100 percent tides comes back in some way. I never 100 percented it.

Name Last Name336d ago

Yes, the Fayth ask Yuna if she wants to see him and they dream him up again.

shinoff2183336d ago

Thanks. That pretty much what I read.

dumahim336d ago

Is this article 22 years too late?

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