
'Battlefield 3' Premium tops 800,000 within first 2 weeks

USA Today - Within the first two weeks of availability, more than 800,000 players signed up for the Battlefield 3 Premium service, says EA Games chief Patrick Soderlund in an interview with Game Hunters.

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snake_eater4357d ago


people are so brainless these days...

Rampaged Death4357d ago

Yep they are brainless saving money. If they are going to buy all the DLC they may as well buy this and save money !

chela4357d ago

you dont even know what you buyin lol

yoyo121214357d ago

Yea we don't know what we're buying but battlefield is a awesome game I waited to buy premium after close quarters came out and it was well done so that sets the expectations and I have a feeling the other maps are going to be amassing because they've already showed footage of armored kill and it looks great and I can't wait!

chela4357d ago

@yoyo, i am battlefield vet. you clearly dont know what you talkin about. awesome game? for noobs like you maybe. you got feelings about buggy, noob friendly game? great. now wait for your on-rail AC130

4355d ago
awi59514354d ago

I got mine for 25 bucks from india thats worth it for me lol.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4354d ago
S_C4357d ago

WAW what happened to all the people who slated Elite, double standards much.

sllshrm4357d ago

As far as i remember, you don't save money with Elite...or am i wrong?

S_C4357d ago

i mean about the product itself, paying for stuff before they have even shown you it.

TekoIie4357d ago

so im brainless because i bought a package which gives me quite a lot of saving and something NEW every 2 months or less?

Oh the Irony...

bumnut4357d ago

Did you buy Karkand twice? I think its a joke that you don't get a discount for already owning Karkand.

I don't see that as saving money

yoyo121214357d ago

@bumnut You still save 5 dollars either way and u get extra goodies stop being SOO cheap
You probably got karkland free anyway

InFAMOUS14357d ago

40 million bucks EA just made of that... 40 million... Sickening, and yet they can't be bothered to fix the terrible sound issue with PS3.. No thanks EA! I'm done buying new games from you..

Tachyon_Nova4357d ago

Unlikely, EA are most likely forcing almost all of DICE's resources into making new games or new content to sell rather than on fixing the sh*t excuse for an experience they already put out.

yoyo121214357d ago

Nope it is stated (look it up) ea is mostly in charge of financing and advertisement and stuff like premium dice is in charge of the game itself
Dice has a budget that is larger than EA's budget so it's dice fault

InFAMOUS14355d ago

EA owns DICE... I am pretty sure what DICE does, goes through EA first.. The only other things, I can possibly think the problem is other than a terrible publisher and/or lazy developer is that there is simply NO fix for the problem.. Down to the basic fabric of the source code for Frostbite 2.0.. If that's the case, than still or even more, I am not buying a single new EA game...

XabiDaChosenOne4357d ago

And here I thought it was just me. In that case WTF DICE?!

dantesparda4357d ago


what "terrible sound" issue? Im being serious here.

GearSkiN4357d ago (Edited 4357d ago )

The deal is worth it. My opinion.

fermcr4357d ago

There a lot of stupid people that have way to much money to waste.

dazzrazz4357d ago

So whats the problem now ? I'm saving $25 by paying one time fee upfront rather than getting $15 a piece which would cost me $75 How is that stupid ???

ginsunuva4357d ago

How do you know you will buy every dlc? And why would you buy overpriced map packs in the first place?

finbars754357d ago

Yeah and your not one of them obvisouly.Im enjoying my content with all that money I wasted on it.Dam im stupid for saving money.

Rumplebumpkin4357d ago

Remember how DICE said that they would never charge for DLC?
Good ol' EA.


kassler4357d ago

Never charge for just maps, he said. Close Quarters is a lot more than just a map-pack.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox567d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia567d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad566d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

566d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin566d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

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MadLad693d ago

There's fun to be had here.
