
YouTube App on Vita - GameFans.com Review

Gamefans dot com is the sister site to phandroid dot com. GameFans writes:
"Tuesday marked the first day Vita owners could start watching YouTube videos on the go. While no new games were released, at least Sony filled the void with something that has been long since overdue. Does it live up to the high expectations of patient Vita owners the world over?"

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Killman4356d ago

For a dedicated gaming handheld, this app is damn good. It works very well.

Chicago85064356d ago

agreed friend. Looking forward to the Crackle app as well.

Game on.

boybato4356d ago

what gaming channels would you guys recommend?

VR-4nic4356d ago

The new You Tube app is nice to finally have but there has always been a way to download You Tube videos to your PS Vita. Now granted you can't watch the video until its downloaded but its still pretty cool to have this as an option. Here's the link to the video check it out. http://youtu.be/e6CVzyTCXTw

Razongunz4356d ago

no one cares about that now bud, we got the app, why would anyone download every single vid they wanna watch when the app is out?.. the download thing was nce when we didnt have a app..now we have one so the download trick is useless and pointless now.

bunfighterii4356d ago

Still waiting on a good web browser...

DlocDaBudSmoka4356d ago

i can understand the hate for the ps3 browser, but i thought the vita browser was quite capable. much better than the psp. only thing that really sucked was not being able to watch vids on any sites.

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Welshy343d ago

Wasn't this touted as a feature of Stadia previously and never came to fruition? I swear I remember a whole thing about "watching a youtuber play Assassins Creed? Just hit the embedded play button and immediately jump to exactly where they are in the game!"

just_looken343d ago

It was then it came out in beta i tried it then like alot of google stuff poof gone into the either.

Now its back no doubt behind there youtube paywall crap after you buy the game sense they supported stadia so well you know this will get all that support also.

gold_drake343d ago

google should be more focusing on their google play games to function on pcs already.

i dont wanna wait any longer haha

just_looken343d ago

Windows 11 can do that right now

Though yes janky it would be nice if it was from google but like m$ and its xbox pc app these trillion dollar companies take there time on everything.

GoodGuy09343d ago

Makes sense. Youtube is...a very big platform and been around very long lol. If I could go to a game streaming tab on my youtube app instantly, that'd be cool honestly.


Battlezone Retro Arcade vs Atari 2600 vs Atari 5200

Another day and another Retro Arcade vs Retro Console video.

How did Battlezone convert to home console? Vector graphics were next to impossible to create on the the consoles from the 80's. So we take a look on how they did it and if it was successful.

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Ozzy2407696d ago

PSVR version has the original vector game in it. Plays great in VR