
Ngmoco's Cousins predicts the death of consoles within 5-10 years

Ben Cousins, general manager of Ngmoco, formerly of EA DICE, Sony, and Lionhead, has not been shy about his support of the mobile space, or of freemium. He was the driving force behind EA's free to play Battlefield Heroes, and now Ngmoco's Swedish studio's triple-A iOS title.

At GDC Taipei, Cousins gave a keynote that shared his projections for the five big trends in the game industry across the next 5-10 years. Most interestingly, Cousins outlined how and why he believes freemium and mobile will effectively kill game consoles.

"When I'm talking about mobile, I'm talking about the operating system, not the device," he clarifies. "I believe these operating systems will start to appear in other classes of devices, other than just mobile phones and tablets. In the future I think mobile gaming maybe won't be so mobile, and we may need a new definition for them."

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miyamoto4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

"We've got approximately 8 hours to stop that from happening."

"We WILL... Stop THAT from happening!"


LOL! Not gonna happen my distant Ben Cousin. LOL!

pixelsword4360d ago

Yeah, sure; like how digital downloads just took over this gen as predicted, right?

PixL4360d ago

Isn't that funny that people who predict death of consoles all work in social/PC gamedev?

CouldHaveYelledUiiW4360d ago

They've been saying this since the PC.

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Take Two's Purchase of Zynga is Practically AOL Time Warner 2: Electric Boogaloo

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darthv72874d ago (Edited 874d ago )

I have to give props for the use of Electric Boogaloo reference. I don't think many young folk will even know what that is.

On topic... wasn't that where Don Mattrick went after leaving XB?

Lighter9872d ago

I'm not that young tbh. I only remember the reference from Family Guy.


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