
All The Bad Parts - GOTY Edition Now On Xbox Indies

Well Bred Rhino is pleased to announce that the Game Of That Year edition of All the Bad Parts is now available on Xbox Live Indie Games.

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10 Xbox Live Indie Games Worth Playing

Buddy Acker of SpawnFirst writes: "The Xbox Live Indie Games section of the Xbox Live Marketplace is depressing. I’ll actually go a step further: it’s utter junk. Most of the games available on it are poor clones of popular games, games filled with pictures of barely clothed cartoon women or farting games rife with quicktime events. Most people will stick with Xbox Live Arcade when attempting to find an independent game to play because otherwise their efforts will be akin to searching for a dime in a fountain full of pennies and cement."

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All The Bad Parts Review (Armless Octopus)

"I’ve been punching dudes for a long time. Monsters, punks, hoodlums, and even dinosaurs have felt the sting of my digital fist, but I’ve never played a punching simulator quite like All the Bad Parts. This game is the perfect example of what makes the Xbox Live Indie Games platform so damned cool. It demonstrates that one guy with a few original ideas can create a unique experience devoid of the predictable plotlines that typically make their way into big budget productions; it dismisses the standard ‘save the world’ trite for a more personal, emotional story."

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GamePro - All the Bad Parts Review

GamePro - Despite some repetitive exploration and terrible combat, the strange story and surprising depth help redeem this side-scrolling indie action title.