
Pachter: Max Payne 3 did less than 50% sales than LA Noire

Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter revealed some startling news from the NPD on his Twitter feed: Max Payne 3 did less than half of LA Noire's launch business in the same period of time.

4340d ago
Voxelman4340d ago

what a bomb the game is, what happened to the biggest and boldest advertising campaign Rockstar have ever done?

Winter47th4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

The game sold 3 million copies at launch. The game did VERY well and there are reports they're already working on the 4th installment, it didn't bomb. What is this guy talking about?


"It has been revealed that Rockstar Games' critically acclaimed title has sold "approximately" 3 million units during its initial launch. Parent company Take-Two Interactive revealed the impressive numbers during yesterday's annual fiscal conference call."

That's without even taking into account the PC sales.

StrawberryDiesel4204340d ago

those were shipped units, not confirmed sold at retail genius.

Voxelman4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

Which is not great for a AAA Rockstar game that has been in development for 8 years.

Tho I wasn't aware that Max Payne 3 had shipped 3 million that is actually really good, but that actually kinda makes it worse in a way as L.A. Noire only sold 1.6 million week one so if sell through is half of that, there are ~2.2 million unsold copies of the first shipment which is a terrible sell though and retailers are unlikely to be ordering more copies any time soon and the retail price will drop like a stone as retailers dump the stock.

DeadlyFire4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

Sometimes this happens when a brand is shelved for how many years before a sequel comes about?

I count 1.65 Million for Max Payne 3 so far without digital sales factored in so number could easily be 2 Million or so. I say it easily reaches profitable mark within the year. Which makes it good enough for another sequel. I rented this game and I actually plan to buy it later when its cheaper. Its great game I believe.

honkyjesus4340d ago

For a megabudget game by Rockstar those numbers are shit, especially considering they must of set a world record for marketing.

Knushwood Butt4339d ago

It may have shipped 3 mil, but it has still bombed at retail.

Still, Rockstar still have the cash in their pockets for that 3 mil. They probably won't get any more though.

Think I'll pick this one up out of the bargain bin.

scotchmouth4339d ago

I think of this as a reboot of sorts for the series. It's not like it had a huge fan base to begin with. I think it sold well and gives R* something to build off of.

t0mmyb0y4339d ago

Is there anyone who is as psychic as Pachter who knows when he will retire? Cuz I'm guessing they are wrong too.

STONEY44339d ago

"those were shipped units, not confirmed sold at retail genius."

I don't know what people don't get about this. SHIPPED IS SOLD. There's no way to accurately track how many copies each individual store has sold to tally it all up, especially with non-major retailer stores. And when a store buys a copy to put on there shelf, Rockstar has their money.

This doesn't just go for games. It goes for movies, music, ect. Stores also just don't blindly ship 3 million copies. They do it based on pre-orders stats and anticipation, then in the weeks after launch, it's based on supply and demand.

ELite_Ghost4339d ago

since when is 3 million units a bomb?
what are we up to now? COD 2013 standards?

Boody-Bandit4339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )


Shipped = sold as far as the publisher is concerned genius. When are people going to realize that? The only people that care about sold at retail are those that want to use it as fuel to lite a fire. The developer and publisher make their money when the game is shipped. They don't give the games to retailers on consignment.

mynameisEvil4339d ago


Before MP3 released, the series had sold 7.5 million copies as of September 2011. I think that's plenty of fans to be sitting in there.

You have to remember, when the first game came out, it was pretty damn huge for PC gamers. It had so much new technology and it was just a game that many thought, "HOLY CRAP. I don't even know how it's going to get better than this."

razorshadows4339d ago

3MIL for a BIG IP multiplatform is nothing...
and like strawberry said,i doubt it sold that much..these numbers are shipped units wich make SOLD units even worse

pathetic for a supposed much awaited game like MP3

Dee_914339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )

A games doesnt sell as much as another game so it "bombed" ....Thats that N4G logic for yah.
Do you have any info to back up those numbers are shipped ?
What you dont ?
Yet you assume it is.
I learned at a very young age that if you base your arguement off an assumption 9 times out of 10 you will come out looking like a ass in the end.

da_2pacalypse4339d ago

Well, RDR shipped on the same day as Alan Wake (which is arguably just as good as RDR). Alan wake barely sold while RDR broke records.

I guess Rockstar is getting a little taste of their own medicine now after releasing on the same day as Diablo3. Turns out Diablo3 was a huge letdown, I probably should have bought MP3 lol

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joab7774340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

To b honest, I'm not so sure it has to do entirely with the economy. Competition is at an all time high. I have always been able to buy games I want day one but I can't anymore. Not because of money but because I am buried. Games are built for longevity now. In the past 6 months I have bought battlefield 3, skyrim, batman, kingdoms, mass effect, the witcher, CoD, dragons dogma, uncharted and others. These r not short games by any means. I couldn't have played it if it was given to me. RPGs are huge this year as well as online shooters....very time intensive. Last year, I had time to play LA noire. I bought and played lost odyssey last summer waiting for the fall. And its only gonna get worse. People have to pick and choose much more nowadays.

yeahokchief4339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )

you're wasting your time. you should check out max payne 3 instead of collecting meaningless achievements in those other games. it's a much better experience and one you definitely won't regret it at any price. the singleplayer is amazing & fairly short so you'll still have plenty of time for those other games. the multiplayer will keep you playing for months if you want more.

OhMyGandhi4339d ago

that's funny, because I was thinking the same thing. I'm only halfway through Skyrim, and have been catching up on games I've missed out on (RAGE, Alan Wake, BLACK, Hitman Trilogy and so on). But the trend is that when most people take their time, they are going to play older games for longer periods of time. I haven't caught up at all nowadays. I still have many games to play.

I also think that gamers are in a transitioning stage, those who love the franchise and have the money to support the developer, buy the game, but for others, like myself, my blockbuster is damned far away, and gamefly is a tad too expensive especially when I'm busy with summer college classes. When are we going to get on demand rental services from Sony or Microsoft? I know you can buy games, but I would love to see streaming capabilities within a rental service on XBL or PSN to save me the drive.

I loved Max Payne 1 and 2, and want to play 3, but I haven't had the time nor money to devote to the game. (I played 40 minutes or so of skyrim every day while taking 5 classes, and it really hurts my soul to tear myself away from the game, almost like watching a damned good tv show and cutting to frequent commercial breaks.

joab7774338d ago

I do plan on playing Max Payne 3 before September. Thanks for the heads up.

Oh_Yeah4339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )

oh i didnt know this was a game...all i remember was watching a long ass cut scene, sometimes getting to control max lol for the most part thats what it was. i liked the gameplay, just wish there was more of it and less cut scene

BlackPrince 424339d ago

Ironic since Max Payne 3 is at least 50% better than LA Noire was.

avengers19784339d ago

Max Payne is a pretty good game, the game play is good, MP is fun, but does not work well, if they fixed that it be nice, plus even though the arcade stuff is just playing through single player in bits and pieces it's still fun to try and get higher scores... I really think it will be played all summer long, and eventually sell 5 to 6 million copies

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Neckbear4340d ago

It's a painfully mediocre third person shooter with only the name of Max Payne, but neither the style nor the soul.

Not "amazing" in the least, I'd say.

Spydiggity4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

i think it's one of the best third person shooters i've ever played (and i have played a ton of third person shooters). you have your opinion, i have mine.

really disappointing that it got so badly outsold by la noire ...which actually is a mediocre game.

Trenta274340d ago

I do too think it was amazing. I don't even know how you can call it mediocre. What were you doing? Playing it with a blind fold on?

Bathyj4340d ago

I enjoyed Max Payne, but lets face it, if it didnt have the bullet time or the Max Payne name, it would be a very average TPS.

Still liked it though, cos it does have those things.

Shadonic4340d ago

its a shame that so many people are judging it on the fact that its not like the original max Payne narrative wise and ignore the amazing gaming mechanics put in i mean its the first third person shooter that has a prone mode with turning like that and fluid animation such as this can not go unnoticed. Hell if this is what i have to look forward to in consumers when i start working in the games industry then i better start popping pain pills and taking shots like max.

Rubberlegs4340d ago

I agree its missing the "noir" style storyline but the gameplay is top notch. Smooth controls and some of the best shooting mechanics on the market. This actually gives me hope that GTAV shooting mechanics will be much improved.

h311rais3r4340d ago

Someone clearly hasn't played it.

morganfell4340d ago

Careful Neckbear. You will be lambasted for speaking the truth. Gamers and reviewers (ha ha over that word) alike love to ignore all of Max Payne's doorway wide issues. They claim they are objective until they crank the fans up and slap on the blinders. Then you see them for their true selves.

Bathyj nailed it. It has one gimi...er... mechanic.

Ducky4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

^ ... speaking the "truth"?
It's an opinion.

The game has issues, but it also has some redeeming qualities. Whether one ultimately likes or dislikes a game is just an opinion.

I personally liked the fact that the game didn't have regenerating health. It added a certain kind of intensity that is often missing from shooters today.

ReservoirDog3164340d ago

Haha, I disagree wholeheartedly. It literally has perfect controls in nearly every way, the writing is continuously fun even though it's so dark, it's pretty long for a game released nowadays and the multiplayer is really fun too. It's almost a perfect package and I recommend it to anyone.

Perfect controls and I'm glad R* keeps making hits and selling them well.

CommonSense4340d ago

"if it didnt have the bullet time..."

...it would be uncharted.

so to the people saying that it's a gimmick...at least it's something other than a cover based shooter.

STONEY44339d ago (Edited 4339d ago )

It's one of the best games I've played recently. It has really good dialogue, a cool style, fun gameplay, nice graphics. After a finished it, I replayed many of the levels several times. The shooting is really just so damn fun.

I'd say the bullet-time is more of a core part of the game than a gimmick. Without the bullet-time, it wouldn't be Max Payne. It's like removing the plasmids from Bioshock. It would also just play like a poor-FPS. It wouldn't be Bioshock.

FunkMacNasty4339d ago

@ Neckbear,

That's your opinion. I thought it had PLENTY of "style and soul" not to mention all the hallmarks of a R* classic: grit, brutal violence, dark themes, and a very 'noire' presentation.

Not to mention, Max Payne 3 is an excellent example of how Naughty Dog's Uncharted series has profoundly influenced 3rd person shooters this generation. Especially the style of shooting from cover, and the constant yet seamless narrative-to-gameplay transitions.

GuyThatPlaysGames4339d ago

@BathyJ "even if it didnt have the bullet time or the Max Payne name, it would be a very average TPS." But that's what makes this game MAX PAYNE. Everybody knows that Max Payne is know for the bullet time and over-the-top shooting.

TruthSeeker4339d ago

I loved the animation, they was fluid and top notch,so were the graphics .The story, for me at least was not captivating.

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chaldo4340d ago

Would you guys just stfu? You all complain about Assassin's creed and call of duty being the same and wanting a change. Sheesh.. Gamers are never satisfied.

Shadonic4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

Yea gamers need to see the game for what it is and not what they imagined it to be.I learned this early on and instead i take the game for what it is and just think of improvements. Im hoping this will help me in my desired future in the gaming industry.

mynameisEvil4339d ago

I don't really feel it was amazing. While there were some really nice touches (how Max's body handles the environment while shoot-dodging, great graphics, nice set-pieces), there's a lot I didn't care for. The writing, for instance, sounds more like Rockstar than Remedy. You can tell that it simply wasn't the same with lines like, "This place was like Baghdad in g-strings." The gameplay is... KIND of Max Payne-esque with the shoot-dodging and the dual-wielding, but the added cover system (which I decided to stop using entirely), weapon limit, and number of cut-scenes interspersed throughout the level, and the on-rails sections that happen about every other level. JUST LET ME RUN AROUND AND SHOOT PEOPLE, STOP MAKING ME SIT ON THIS DAMN RAIL-LINE.

Then, of course, the entire setting itself is decidedly non-noire. Even when in New York, the new take on the cut-scenes makes me feel like the camera is an actual camera that won't stop glitching everywhere and the supposed comic-book style the game is trying to emulate comes off as too clean in comparison to the very dark look of the earlier games full-on graphic novel cutscenes.

All-in-all, it's a great game and a very solid third-person shooter, but I prefer the previous two games in the series by a long-shot. In some ways, I can agree with Neckbear that it has neither the style, nor the soul, but the game is quality overall and I'd still recommend a purchase to anyone a fan of the genre. Long-time series fans such as myself, though, might feel a bit disconnected by the changes.

Hellsvacancy4340d ago

Ive not played it, not overly excited for it, ill will buy it, when i see it for £20-£30 at Asda, which will no doubt be soon

Ive shot up too many things this year gaming wise, i wanna hit summin with a sword, been playing DarkSiders, and ive been enjoying it

WildArmed4340d ago (Edited 4340d ago )

I liked the game, you should def. give it a go. This is probably the only shooter I've finished since Uncharted 3. It kept me engaged the whole way, and was pretty challenging at that. I really enjoyed it, they really nail down the "badass" feeling by the end of the game.

You do not feel like a 'everyday man', but a badass punk haha kinda the opposite of the uncharted feel so to speak.

I think it's probably one of the best games I've played all year round.

But I'm dying for some hack n slash too, they don't come often enough.


Indeed, it may not be a proper Max Payne sequel, but it's still a great game, a great narrative piece. Initially, it is annoying to see all the camera effects, but after a few cut scenes, you begin to appreciate the style.

user77927884340d ago

In the airport when the music comes on...

RXL4340d ago

agreed..it was a great game..

don't go in thinking "oh..Max Payne"..

it'll smash your preconceptions of what story telling and narrative is in a game

plus the action is incredible...

StayStatic4339d ago

The Airport Scene was awesome when the song kicked in:

metsgaming4340d ago

Wow this is actually shocking. Very Suprised, but im sure its still selling well enough.

ginsunuva4340d ago

especially considering their massive ad campaign. I saw an Mp3 ad on tv every 5 minutes "Buy this game because it's from the makerz of Gta and Rdr!!!!"

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Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

Read Full Story >>
TheColbertinator14h ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast14h ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.


L.A. Noire And Bully — Rockstar's Lost Gems That Deserve A Sequel As Much As GTA

Hanzala from eXputer: "I do appreciate GTA 6, Rockstar, but if I could trade it for a new L.A. Noire or a Bully game, I'd do so in a heartbeat."

Skuletor26d ago

How are they lost? You can get L.A. Noire on Steam, PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch and Bully is on the PS5 and Xbox Series too.

Psychonaut8526d ago

I want a new Manhunt game. But that will never happen.

Demetrius26d ago

Mfs are too sensitive nowadays and would cry instead of being concerned bout real world problems

Demetrius26d ago

Whenever gta 6 launch we won't be getting another rockstar title for another 10 years lol but on the positive side they bou to come back n show how open world supposed to be done 🔥

Skuletor26d ago

I won't expect any singleplayer DLC like IV's The Lost & Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony after it launches either


12 Years Later, L.A. Noire is Still an Excellent Experience

There was a lot to love about Rockstar and Team Bondi's 2011 open world title.

Read Full Story >>
shinoff2183132d ago

One I never finished. I've been looking at the ps4 version off Amazon the last few months just never bit

Knightofelemia131d ago

It's worth playing LA Noire is one of my favorite Rockstar games. But I would also check out pawnshops or thrift stores if you want the game dirt cheap. Someone may have been dumb enough to dump the game.

andy85131d ago

Baffles me when people have these opinions about acclaimed games 😂

RhinoGamer88131d ago

100% agree... not perfect, but an engaging/refreshing experience.

sagapo131d ago

Agree, at time of release those facial expressions were amazing! They still hold strong even today imo.
The game on its own was good. Something fresh, but sidequests were a bit meh after a while.

Nacho_Z131d ago

I picked it up on sale recently, going to play it next summer. I'll get more out of it this time, first time around I treated the open world like it was GTA and goofed about, whereas now I'll play it with more respect. RDR2 has trained me well.

I also hadn't read Raymond Chandler at the time so presumably that'll add another layer of enjoyment too.

1nsomniac131d ago (Edited 131d ago )

Absolutely stunning game. So underrated. Played through it again last year and it still stands up so well. Like many of rockstars games it’s actually a far better experience on PC. I didn’t enjoy it as much on console. Completed it at least 3 times on pc.

The rumours of a sequel are awesome news despite the fact I think Rockstar are now the shell of the company they once were.

SyntheticForm131d ago

Team Bondi made a hell of a game.

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