
Crytek believes we'll have CG quality, in-game, graphics in two years - CryEngine Cloud announced

DSOGaming writes: "After that mind-blowing Agnis Philosophy tech demo, here comes Crytek, claiming that CG quality graphics are just around the corner."

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4354d ago Replies(3)
StayStatic4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

"Let’s hope that Crytek - or another company – will unveil the full capabilities of CryEngine 3 in a PC exclusive game."

Don't toy with my emotions ...

omarzy4354d ago

maybe on a pc, but not on consoles. that tech demo was better than unreal 4, and unreal engine 4 is only scheduled for pc(currently) i do not see these kinds of graphics for real time game play if the companies actually want people to buy the console they sell. Damn thing would cost a fortune, games would be 80 dollars, and development time would take forever, and be very costly. If they do not make enough money on the game then they dont make another one. these kinds of graphics would be a complete disaster!

Hassassin4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

I don't understand why making extreme graphics translates directly to a costly development cycle.

Now a days (video-game) 3D artists generally make models much more complex than what they finally implement on games, and textures are downscaled from their original high rez versions.

Other effects such as smoke and lightening don't add up too the difficulty; new-gen light may even make things easier as they don't have to use baked light.

Other "next-gen" features are 60fps and FHD (and hopefully 1440p). Which are non-relevant.

Anyways I hope console "next-gen" brigs something substancial to the table. Then I can max out those games on PC.
EDIT:"The engine is meant to be highly efficient, with the goal of drastically changing game development by making games faster and cheaper to produce."
source: http://www.ign.com/articles...

omarzy4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

hopefully things will change with development costs, but even the devs on ps3 and such are voicing out on costly development. Would most devs want to make that transition? If they can, then all the power to them, but as it is right now, i am not too sure. Now as you said, next gen engines may give developers some advantages in art, and such. Just have to wait until then.

edit: thanks for the source. gives the whole idea more hope

Yangus4354d ago

Nice,but not only 2-3 hours singleplayer campaign?

-Square Enix's Angi's Philosophy CG quality graphics-Development time this visulas 50-60 hours and huge content FF game...4-5 years..i think.

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Crytek Interview - Hunt Showdown's Success and How It Has Evolved | MP1st

MP1st talks to Crytek about Hunt: Showdown's success, future title updates, inspiration behind weapons and more.


Crytek Gives Brief Update on New Crysis Game; Studio Has a "Great Team" Working on It

Crytek gives an update on their new Crysis game, confirming that it's still in development, with more to share down the road.

DefenderOfDoom2165d ago

Actually would love a new Crysis campaign.

P_Bomb164d ago

Ditto. Ran through them again last year. I’ll grab the new one.

Crazyglues164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

Yeah they really messed up by not adding the Multi-player to the Crysis Triogly because while the campaign was fun I really loved the Multi-player and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like on current gen.

They could have dropped new maps and DLC and fans would have bought it up... -But they dropped the ball and did just the Campaign's with no new content or story, which was just crazy.

Anyway still hoping Crysis 4 is the whole Chicken Sandwhich with all the toppings.... Can't wait.

PrinceOfAnger164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

Yeah It will probably be 5 years development

SimpleSlave164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

That's awesome. So how long till the studio closes and everyone gets fired?

purple101164d ago

Series S owners: "but can it run crysis doh?"

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Crytek Sends Cease and Desist To A Popular Photo Mode Modder Frans Bouma

Immersed Gamer writes: "Frans Bouma just received a Cease and Desist letter from Crytek, developers of Crysis. Did he pirate their game? Or maybe he infringed on their copyright? What horrible thing did Bouma do to deserve this? Well, he modded in a photo mode so that people could take beautiful pictures and share them on social media."

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annoyedgamer854d ago

Open source the code and dump it on the internet.

mastershredder854d ago

"from his Patreon page" Uhhhh yeah.......Oh gee and I wonder why that was problem? You know where this goes there Filip or perhaps you are just not quite yet.

Mazgamer854d ago (Edited 854d ago )

It's astounding how quickly someone uniformed will take a side of soulless company just because a modder might be making some pocket change.

For your information: He puts all of his camera mode mods on GitHub, completely free of charge. His Patreon is nothing more than a way to tip him some cash for his work.

He says so himself on his GitHub page:
I do this for fun, not profit, but can't create cameras for games I don't own. I've therefore setup a Patreon page which allows you to safely support my work".

Are you following "mastershredder", or are you not quite there yet?

Giblet_Head854d ago

I did some digging and from what I can see it's probably the "early access" releases of his mods only through Patreon that may have stirred Crytek to send the C&D. Apart from that his mods are indeed available free of charge through his GitHub page.

CobraKai854d ago

It’s a non-profit mod tho. It confuses me cuz modders can do things like completely overhaul the art assets of a game or add licensed cars, but adding a photo mode seems to get the cease.

Orchard854d ago

I guess they want to be the next T2/Rockstar...

Fishy Fingers854d ago

Rarely do you see something with so much potential (Crytek) shoot themselves in the foot so many times.

BlackIceJoe854d ago

Instead of sending a C&D Crytek should thank him, for this, because this will lead to more people buying and playing the game.

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