
PlayTM Gives 7.2/10 To The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

1/19/2008 - Tom Carpenter of PlayTM writes:

"If you take a look through any gamer's game collection it will reveal something about them. There is something deep within our psyche about what we enjoy playing; on a subconscious level it might be something to do with role playing. Every time that you switch on that racing game, that deep desire to be Lewis Hamilton arises. Or perhaps that stealthy FPS reveals the James Bond in you. It's for this reason that I believe that I have passed over a lot of the more kitschy junior titles preferring to stick to the more full blooded affairs. This was not always the way but as I have grown older it has become more apparent. This has resulted in me not giving a second thought to the Spyro series. First established some near 10 years ago Spyro has been on many adventures but admitting this is my first foray with the purple fellow, I join him on his seventh adventure, the second in a trilogy from Krome Studios, the third development company to add their sparkle to the series."


CCG Review: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

GuG Writer, Casey Covel does a review of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night on the Wii.

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Phoenix Games reviews The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

This addition to the hugely popular Spyro franchise, The Eternal Night continues were "A New Beginning" left off. A new villain, Gaul the Ape King, now threatens our hero and is going to resurrect the Dark Master on the Night of Eternal Darkness. You must battle your way through challenging levels and defeat the usually Spyro enemies to reach the Ape King and prevent the resurrection.

Phoenix Games sat down to play this one, expecting to play a good game (Spyro games usually are) but was presented with something else. This game wasn't good at all. First, the controls of Spyro are flawed. Many times the double jump doesn't work and Spyro falls to his death and you must replay that area all over again. Just your average jump and glide can be difficult to execute.

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The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Review from Gamespot

Spyro continues his quest for mediocrity in yet another frustrating, unoriginal adventure.

The Good
* Special attacks and slow motion sometimes come together to make
for fun moments
* Lovely soundtrack.

The Bad
* Constant knockback attacks make the difficulty frustratingly
* Awkward controls
* Slow-motion mechanic is unnecessary and improperly balanced.

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