
Earth Defense Force 3 Portable for Vita gets a new trailer and content

Earth Defense Force has done pretty well on the PSP and PS3 in past iterations, and gets a revised outing on the Vita soon. A new video is out showing the EDF team fighting off some fricking-great alien monsters and mechs.

It does look a touch primitive but packs in the nasties and with four-player co-op should appeal to the Monster Hunter-deprived. It will launch in Japan in a normal, Limited Edition and a double-pack offering two copies. The Vita version comes with all the content in EDF3 plus new missions and monsters.

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xX-Jak-Xx4375d ago

man that was awesome i like this game
i hope it will release outside japan also

miyamoto4375d ago

uh..where is Godzilla when you need him?

Sheikh Yerbouti4375d ago

Random mewlings:

Here's hoping for a stateside release...

Ortho should license this game on its commercials...

This game makes me feel itchy...

NicSage4375d ago

Anyone else notice the news channels name? " NGP News " heh

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Fluttershy771368d ago

I'm so old that when I read D3, I get exited cause I'm thinking on D and D2 hahaha