
The Supreme Court Might Be About To Shut Down Used Game Sales For Good

"Used games are a point of contention between gamers who want to save a little money and game developers who worry about losing new sales to used games. But it may all be moot, if an obscure case that's about to go before the Supreme Court goes copyright holders' way. Here's what's going on, and why you should care."

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SactoGamer4348d ago

I suppose if SCOTUS bans the sale of used video games, they'll have to do the same with used movies, music CDs, books, cars, and Magic: the Gathering cards too.

ddurand14348d ago

how about used anything?

cars, chairs, couches, tvs.

where does it end?

jadenkorri4348d ago

u cant stop used sales, the implications of what would happen if this goes through. Just because game stop does it on a larger scale than most used sales gives no right to the publisher to complain. Next thing would be apple complaining about used iPhone sales, then car dealerships.

f7897904348d ago

Which is why this case won't go anywhere. Implications are always considered in these cases.

Pushagree4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

Good. Used game sales are a bane on capitalism. Everyone has a right to profit on thier goods. Gamestop is the only business that does NOT give a share of thier profits to the owner for used sales and that is not fair.

jeeves864348d ago


If I want to sell something that I purchased legally to someone else, I should be allowed to do that. They should be allowed to buy what I'm selling, too - provided I'm not selling something illegal.

Used games are not a bane on capitalism - it's a facet of your buying power. If publishers want you to buy a new game, then they should offer you incentive to buy a new game, not punish you for buying a used game.

TheFirstClassic4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

Once you buy a product though, you own it, not the company or whoever that sold it to you. You have a right to sell the things that you own, and gamestop has a right to sell what has been bought off of you. Obviously copying what you buy and selling it is a different story.

If this passes, you might as well shut down every pawn shop in america since they would be commiting the same actions, just with different products.

Edit: well said jeeves, the ability to sell what you buy is a part of capitalism.

Pushagree4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

You don't own what you buy. You are paying for the services of what you buy. In this case, you are paying the company to be entertained. In order for you to sell something that somebody else has a patent on, you have to ask THEM for permission and give them a share of the profits. After all, without their work and inovation into the product, you would not have been able to make money on that said product at all, so it is only fair that you give a share to the owner who made it in the first place if you intend to make a profit on the item that they made.

Gamestop doesnt follow this rule. They STEAL money from hardworking people by not giving a share to the company when they resell used games. That MUST be stopped.

TheFirstClassic4348d ago

@push thats simply incorrect, items aren't services, they are physical objects which you own. You pay for that patent once, when you buy it. You're just plain wrong, and putting such restrictions on the used market hurts the free market as a whole.

Hellsvacancy4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

"Pushagree" lol, i dont think so, its good to know that your not on the same side of us gamers

If developers started making better games maybe i wouldnt buy them used

Its the publishers/government that drain the money from the developers not us gamers

Sometimes i feel like i can save the planet from disaster, what good would it do me with people like yourself habitating it, deluded do gooders

Trebius4348d ago

Its hard to buy new games when you have games like CoD which are the same every year with no improvements being regurgitated constantly. Developers should either hold to a standard of game development and give us games worth purchasing, or just make buying used games less convenient, which is what theyve been doing.

Buying used means you usually cant play online without a pass, thats just the start, just make other decisions like this and stop complaining about used games sales. Encourage us to buy new by giving us MORE...

Who wants to buy games brand new when you also have to buy a bunch of DLCs after the game comes out???? Developers are getting too greedy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4348d ago
Persistantthug4348d ago

The laws of THIS country are the laws.

The laws of an outside country don't apply here.

The minute you tell me this isn't true, then that's the minute this isn't the United States Of America anymore.

fermcr4348d ago

Dam... now i can't sell my used condoms.

FarCryLover1824348d ago

That's pretty funny, but I am sure there are people in this world who would buy them.

TekoIie4348d ago

just go to the black market brah!

nukeitall4348d ago

Supreme court will strike this down. No worries.

Wingsfan244348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

This is stupid, like really stupid. So now, with the digital era, we have to worry about our actual "ownership" of what we buy. And now, we can't even sell back, they physical merchandise we have. I understand devs want their money, but every used game already aquainted to a purchase of less than or equal to $60.00

This isn't that great of an analogy, but honestly, if you buy a candy bar you eat it, the company made it's money, you buy a game you play it, the company made it's money.

MrBeatdown4348d ago

Let's put it this way... save for a weirdo or two, nobody wants that candy bar once you're done with it.

That game you played though? That's a different story.

And that's the problem content creators face. Basically, uh, how should I put this... games don't have the luxury of being turned into poo once the credits roll.

Wingsfan244348d ago

Unfortunately, I think the answer would be CD Keys..

ginsunuva4348d ago

Games aren't physical. They come on physical storage devices. They, themselves, are digital. Can you sell the computer or phone applications you bought?

xCaptainAmazing4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

It's so absurd. Even if they were banned, there'd be a game trading classifieds site launched immediately for regions all over the world that people could check out and trade games directly with others. No middle man.

As a matter of fact... we should hope this happens. Private sales will net you a more fair amount of cash, and straight trades are crazy convenient.

MrBeatdown4348d ago

Cars are a very poor comparison. With cars, you get what you pay for. Buy a new car today and you'll get, let's say, ten years of usefulness out of it.

But if you buy that used 2001 model, you're damn sure going to know it. It will have problems. It might smell like the previous owner's dog. It might have rust. It might have cigarette burns on the seat.

Vehicle condition deteriorates. That in itself is really all the vehicle market needs remain healthy. Condition is a major factor for car buyers.

With games, there really is no deterioration of the appeal a game has. A person who pops GTA4 into his console will get an identical experience to the one I had when I played it on release day back in 2008.

With the way retailers guarantee the functionality of a game, unless you are a collector who likes to get a copy in pristine condition, there really is no incentive to buy new. Price difference is a clear reason why you should by used though.

That's the real issue here... how do you persuade a customer to buy content from the creators, when the content is basically identical no matter who you buy it from?

nukeitall4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

By adding more content after the fact, such as GOTY editions. Also, a good idea is to make the game so darn good, that customers don't want to sell it back.

High demand games a high trade-in and resell value, which means more new copies are sold.

Finally, a good analogy is software and music. I would even argue that music is far worse off, because the price took a drastic dive from $10+ albums to $1 songs, it's easy and fast to share/pirate, and ripping a music CD is trivial.

So yeah, game makers aren't some vodoo business that deserve special treatment that other industries don't. Suck it up and make a good game!!!

MrBeatdown4348d ago

Releasing GOTY versions results in the vanilla version's price dropping, which means used versions drop even further. And making games that people don't want to trade in? That's much easier said than done. Look at insanely popular games like Skyrim or CoD4 which can provide hundreds and hundreds of hours of entertainment, and were or still are regarded as one of the best in their genres. That didn't stop trade ins.

Software and games are a much better analogy, but far from perfect. I don't buy a lot of software, but doesn't most of it come with DRM nowadays? I can't say I've ever seen a used copy of Microsoft Office at Staples.

And music? Piracy is probably a much bigger problem for them than games, but at the same time, they have far more control over their financial viability than game makers do. Anybody can record music in front of their computer nowadays. It's dirt cheap. But I'm sure there's a whole lot of people involved in the process that drive cars that cost more than my house. I'm kind of guessing here, but I'm assuming the NECESSARY costs associated with producing a successful album are much less than that of producing a successful game.

I'm not saying games deserve special treatment, but it would be naive to act as if games don't face a very different set of challenges from other products.

nukeitall4347d ago


"I'm not saying games deserve special treatment, but it would be naive to act as if games don't face a very different set of challenges from other products."

That is my point, every other industry face issues some far worse than this yet they don't get protection.

The idea that you aren't allowed to resell a used product is ridiculous. There are plenty of products that suffer effects from used market, yet we don't ban the sale of a legally used item, do we?

If the industry can't sustain itself, it will morph to do so. We already see that shift with indie type games. We shouldn't violate consumer rights,because they can't make money. That's after the fact that large companies like EA and Activision very healthy.

If there is anything I would like to see, is reduced taxes for small businesses. Not consumer rights violation to protect mega corporations. They do that fine on their own!

MrBeatdown4347d ago

You're right. They don't get protection. Some don't need it. Others find ways to do without it.

For software, the one thing most comparable to games, it's DRM. DRM is the road games are headed down. Just look at online passes.

If laws don't eliminate used games, publishers will. Either way, we will end up at the same point with us getting screwed by restrictions. Personally, I'd take restrictions that keep me from selling something over restrictions that keep me from using something.

thebudgetgamer4347d ago

Tell that to people that buy madden games that remove online features after a year.

nukeitall4347d ago (Edited 4347d ago )

"Personally, I'd take restrictions that keep me from selling something over restrictions that keep me from using something."

Given the two evils, of course I would prefer to be able to play my games. The question is, why are the pirates getting a working game while I get the short end of the stick?

So if used games were illegal, I will turn to pirating. It's easier than owning, far cheaper and I even get the better experience! F developers/publishers!

Fact of the matter is, publisher/developers already got their cut of second hand sales via online passes. What more do they want?

MrBeatdown4347d ago (Edited 4347d ago )

"So if used games were illegal, I will turn to pirating. It's easier than owning, far cheaper and I even get the better experience! F developers/publishers!"

That doesn't make much sense. You have to deal with DRM now. If you can get a better experience for less by pirating, why aren't you doing it already?

I'm not sure why you would care about getting the better experience in just that one scenario. With publishers being the ones that have to protect their work because laws won't, we're already getting screwed by things like online passes. We're not benefiting much as things are.

Like I said, I'd much rather have games I can't sell, but can at least be used as I wish with fewer DRM restrictions, than be stuck with online passes and all these different forms of DRM in games I bought new, and as a result, are devalued to both myself and a potential buyer anyway.

Sure it's not a guarantee that things like online passes would decline if laws killed off the used market and these massive resellers like GameStop, but I can't say I would mind taking the chance in hopes that it would.

Either way, one day, we won't be able to sell our games, whether it's due to law, DRM, or digital downloads. I'd rather take my chances with the law and hope that it provides equal protection for consumer rights, or at least some encouragement for publishers to offer customers a better experience with less restrictive DRM, and physical copies.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4347d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4347d ago
BubloZX4348d ago

Shoot might as well ban goodwill and salvation army.

GamingPerson4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

good point.

I wonder what corporations are behind this.

Tuxedo_Mask4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

You can sometimes find old games at Goodwill and Salvation Army stores. If they ban used game sales it will apply to them too.

BubloZX4348d ago

Its not a charity. You give goodwill and salvation army your stuff for free. They sell it to profit, they are like gamestop but worse. They make 100% profit gamestop only makes money after they sell a used products. Gamestop has to order and buy the they games new then sell them at little to no profit. Then they gotta hoe people trade stuff in. And they pay you for your stuff. For a lot less then what you paid but atleast they give you something.

omarzy4348d ago (Edited 4348d ago )

so how have i been buying, and selling japanese games all these years? that just contradicts the whole "buy and sell within the united states" notion because they said if games were made outside of the united states, then we could not buy or sell

TridentSlayer4348d ago

or...just saying....we download all of our games from home with massive hard drive space and not having to pay again if we delete it....no...just a thought

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Sarah Bond dodges questions on Xbox studio closures

While on stage with Dina Bass at The Bloomberg Technology Summit the President of Xbox, Sarah Bond, was asked about the Xbox studio closures of Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios

14h ago
ApocalypseShadow10h ago

Of course she did. She's part of the problem and will just tow the company line.

VenomUK9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Bloomberg’s Dina Bass could barely read her scripted question without looking at her notes, whilst Sarah Bond who WAS expecting the question spoke without saying anything of substance or answering the question in any meaningful way. Clearly she’s had the same expert PR training as Phil, but this avoidance was disrespectful. In time the short-sighted decision to shut down Tango Gameworks will be seen as of the most notorious examples why Phil Spencer messed up his tenure in charge of Xbox. That’s a fully built out talented team that could’ve been put to work on any project.

Additionally, Phil Spencer should not be using Sarah Bond as a patsy for his mistakes- he should be answering that question.

gleepot6h ago

I think you are all really overselling Tangos value. Hi-Fi rush was a lot of fun. Ghostwire was incredibly dull. Evil within 1 and 2 were just okay.

lucasnooker6h ago

Evil within 2 was incredibly under rated. I thought that game was surprisingly good

NotoriousWhiz3h ago

Someone else said it best. I don't think it was a Phil decision. It was most likely a Satya decision. I think Microsoft is done giving out free money to Xbox.

Cacabunga39m ago

people please boycott Activision Bethesda next release and support Hellblade.
these people mus understand that they cannot treat their fans and employees that way.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 39m ago
XiNatsuDragnel9h ago

Yikes you don't help Sarah 😬 making a problem worse

Christopher8h ago

She's playing her role. There's absolutely nothing any of them can say other than the truth, this is about profit margins and not quality, so they just don't answer anything and wait for gamers to forget.

Hofstaderman9h ago

Like a deer caught in the headlights.....

notachance9h ago

I always wondered why xbox had multiple leaders with similar titles like Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, and Sarah Bond, like, how many heads do you actually need?

Seems to me it would be more cost efficient to cut 2 of them instead of all those studios.

DarXyde8h ago

Frankly, I suspect she is the most competent of them. I don't mean that I like her more, I mean that she's the best at articulating herself and giving the talking points MS wants to give. The others are starting to sound more like her than her sounding like any of them.

Are any of these people "responsible" for what's happening? No. This reeks of Nadella. But that being said, I don't see any of the Xbox heads stepping down in protest.

"Don't shoot the messenger", sure, but at the same time, the messengers don't seem to take umbrage with the message. Not enough to remove themselves from it, anyway.

RpgSama1h ago

Dude, 100%, forgot Major Nelson and Aaron Greenberg, like what is the point for all these suits? They have more C-level executives than games released in a generation.

This is just so they can all pass along the hot potato one at a time and in between all of them can say a lot without actually saying anything, misinformation at its finest.

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The Games Industry Continues To Wonder What Is The Point Of Its Own Existence

While many gaming layoffs are cruel, Tango Gameworks being culled after Hi-Fi Rush doesn't even make sense.

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Psychonaut8519h ago

Good read. I think the point is important. Cuz the message it sends is, make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down. How the fuck are you supposed to feel any sense of job security under those conditions. The level of core incompetence at play in the upper levels of this industry is staggering. This is common sense shit. You can’t chase trends on a 2 year cycle when games take fucking 6-8 years to make. Just let artists fucking art for gods sake. They don’t understand the basic principle that they’re all haggling for the same slice of fucking pie and the market will not bear it. Find a different fucking pie.

TiredGamer16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Might be a great game but it clearly did not make enough money to justify having the team make another game (under the MS umbrella).

It's never been just about whether your game is good or bad. The industry is full of great/underrated games that have a cult following or critical acclaim, but that fail to make great sales. Sad but true. It's a high stakes game, and at the end of the day, companies have to be profitable and make profitable investments. At the very least, there has to be the expectation of a long-term profit even if not profitable today. That goes for anything, no matter if the company is gigantic or a tiny mom-and-pop. We don't have to like it, but our buying habits played a hand in creating this monster.

I will keep harping that the industry has overreached its actual market and that it will implode. That implosion is already starting.

ApocalypseShadow11h ago

I partially agree with what you're saying in that companies need to sell well to make it in the industry. Something I've said again and again. Sony and Nintendo understand this about gaming by selling the game for as long as you can, then drop it on a service for additional revenue. It's why you won't see Sony and Nintendo expensively developed games on a service day one. It doesn't make business sense to do so.

The thing is about Tango is that they weren't given a chance after the acquisition when their game was shadow dropped on a console where gamers are told to not buy games but to rent them on a service for pennies. That kills day one sales even for small indie like developers who have big budgets for their company size.

Microsoft destroyed them in favor of pushing their services over investing in these developers futures or their games they created.

P_Bomb13h ago

“…make a bad game? Well shut you down. Make a good game? We still might shut you down.”

I got chills. It shouldn’t have come to this.


Report Claims Xbox Is Planning More Cuts Following Studio Closures

"The sudden closure of several video-game studios at Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox division was the result of a widespread cost-cutting initiative that still isn’t finished.

This week, Xbox began offering voluntary severance agreements to producers, quality assurance testers and other staff at ZeniMax, which it purchased in 2020 for $7.5 billion, according to people familiar with the company’s plans. Others across the Xbox organization have been told that more cuts are on the way.

Speaking about the closures more broadly, Booty said that the company’s studios had been spread too thin — like “peanut butter on bread” — and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed. They decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere, he said.

Game Pass has not seen the massive growth that Xbox boss Phil Spencer may have been hoping for."

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just_looken1d 13h ago

Sense it seems very few remember that human's were around before 2020 the next studio to close will be bethesda based no doubt on the history of.

Fallout 76
Elder scrolls online
elder scrolls blades mobile
fallout mobile
The vr versions of old games

Then you got starfield pissing out cash nothing to cover it.

I doubt tod's team or any sub team is making m$ cash they are no doubt on the chopping block for job cuts

If you can remember before 2020 even fallout 76 was made with over 4 studios.

purple1011d ago (Edited 1d ago )

pretty sure starfield coming to playstation 2024, nx gamer deep diving on the creation engine update in a recent blog, he seems to think, there is a lot of stuff developed to use on starfield for its Playstation release,

who will buy it though, ?? I think M$ has lost all good will now, after the Activision debacle, and now all these studios closing, people dont want to support them even if the game is half decent

Abear2123h ago

Bethesda is the only studio to release anything noteworthy on Xbox. Take Bethesda out and they have nothing this Gen. Hifi Rush and Starfield are probably their two biggest hits.

Cacabunga20h ago

They are counting on bethesda and activision on consoles and PC.
I really hope there would be a massive boycott movement against just the next release. I’m sure they will reconsider.

They see employees as trash, i will never give them a dime.

Eonjay14h ago

Someone said that cost $350 million to make Starfield. The use cost of making games has gotten crazy. With MS putting everything on GP it makes it harder to recoup costs. This is why I assumed that everything is coming to PC and PlayStation. I think they will have a whole slew of titles ready for the Switch 2 launch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 14h ago
-Foxtrot1d 14h ago

"Speaking about the closures more broadly, Booty said that the company’s studios had been spread too thin — like “peanut butter on bread” — and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed. They decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere, he said"

So what you're saying is...you bought all these studios and you guys can't run them.


Inverno1d 14h ago

Spread thin after firing over 2000 employees a few months prior. So basically they created the problem and their solution was to just fire more people. Absolute geniuses over at Xbox, of course can we even believe this to be the reason for the closures?

FinalFantasyFanatic21h ago

I was just thinking this, they just fired all those people and now stated they are spreading their staff thinly, this just reeks of incompetence.

just_looken1d 12h ago ShowReplies(2)
Profchaos1d 12h ago

Leaders can't run them hire more management create new roles don't shutter entire studios cause you can't figure out how to run them.

Unless the reality is this whole consolidation thing was really an excuse for IP harvesting

anast1d 2h ago

He's lying. They are doing it for the shareholders.

1d 9h ago
kayoss19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

The crazy part is that if Xbox goes under, all these great studios will also go under. They've bought up all these studios and instead of letting the studio manage themselves, they fire 2000 across and now they're complaining that they're understaff. Sounds like xbox bit off more than chew. Just like all the promises that they've made but cant keep.

JEECE17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Well, what do you mean by "if Xbox goes under"? Because MS itself isn't going under. So if they decided Xbox was no longer worth it, it's not like they would just eat all those losses. Sure, for individual developers where there are substantial costs in terms of the people working at the studio and minimal money to be made selling related IP (i.e. Arkane Austin probably costs a lot in resources but MS couldn't have made much selling the studio because Redfall is worthless and they probably want to keep the Prey IP), they may just close them, but if they were getting out of gaming completely, they could sell the IP and related studios elsewhere. Like we may mock Bethesda Games Studios on here, but their biggest IP (Elder Scrolls and Fallout) are very valuable. Similarly, I know Halo has seen much better days, but you are kidding yourself if you don't think that IP is worth a lot.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 17h ago
Eonjay1d 14h ago

Reports are suggesting that Game Pass will be getting a price hike soon and that Call of Duty may not be added to the day one offering. I honestly have a hard time believing this but it does beg the question why exactly did GP fail? I think the answer is that it just didn't get the growth that it anticipated. Jim was right but I wish he wasn't because at the end of the day, its gamers, devs and other front-line workers who have to absorb the blow for Spencer and team's miscalculations.

1d 13h ago
NotoriousWhiz1d 13h ago

And out of the ashes something even better than Xbox will be born.

Eonjay1d 13h ago

Honestly as long as is not a situation where the industry has to contract in order focus wealth on a few people who are already trillionaires..

Barlos1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

It's already here and it was born before Xbox was even a thing. It's called PlayStation.

Tacoboto1d 12h ago

I think 2022 killed the Series X.

2021 was a good year for Xbox though and maybe the best in a long long time, hardware and software and as a publisher. Halo Infinite launched to popularity, Forza Horizon 5 blew everyone away, Psychonauts 2 was so well received, Flight Simulator on console, Deathloop even on PS5 & PC.

But they followed that up with next to nothing. Then 2023 with Redfall, a disappointing Forza, Starfield, and 2024 leads with closures and layoffs. And some tweets reminding us Hellblade is days away.

The only disappointment with the PS5 is not enough Sony games. Xbox followed up no games with disappointing ones.

Einhander197222h ago

PlayStations history has been built around third and second party publishing. The vast majority of games that people recognize as PlayStation games were made like this.

Insomniac only because a PlayStation Owned studio a few years ago in response to Microsoft buying up studios, every game they made prior to that for PlayStation was as a third party making a games published by Sony.

PlayStation has had an incredible year using that business model.

We got Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Helldiver 2, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, and Silent Hill is right around the corner.

Eonjay19h ago

I think Xbox S. Brand was already dying for some time. Your 2022 point is interesting but also remember that is a year after the lock down which hD created false demand.

Einhander197222h ago

"I honestly have a hard time believing this but it does beg the question why exactly did GP fail? I think the answer is that it just didn't get the growth that it anticipated."


Game Pass failed because from day one it was maintained by subsidization. Game Pass was never profitable, I mean, sure you can say that was because it didn't get the growth they predicted, but their predictions of it having "billions" of subscribers were completely ridiculous, to the point where saying that it didn't have fast enough growth is as completely out of touch with reality as their predictions.

Eonjay19h ago

To clarify, what I am saying is that there is a scenario where GP would have worked and thats where they had a lot more subscribers. You see MS isn't dumb and they charted out how many subs they would need to make the system work. That's why Spencer testified that they would need 80 million subs by 2027 (which is crazy now in retrospect). Now we also understand why Satya Nadella's bonus a few years back was based on that unrealistically high Growth in GP subs. From the beginning they knew that the only way to make it work was with a large base of subs. This is because as you said simply subsidizing won't work forever.

Einhander197218h ago

"To clarify, what I am saying is that there is a scenario where GP would have worked and thats where they had a lot more subscribers."

Yea... but again they expected/wanted an obviously unobtainable number of subscribers. Do you think that taking the risk was a good idea if it was based on getting billions (even 80m) of users?

"You see MS isn't dumb"

Are you sure? Have you been reading the news?

"That's why Spencer testified that they would need 80 million subs by 2027"

This was a refined estimate for the courts, and probably more truthful maybe... but go back and look at the first few years of game pass Microsoft actually said they were going to reach billions of people. Yes that was marketing, but still what they presented to the public to sell the idea.

I actually don't want to argue with you, normally I find your comments agreeable, but this one just came off a little off base to me.

Tacoboto17h ago

"Game Pass failed because from day one it was maintained by subsidization"

I do agree with Eonjay here - *if* Microsoft got the subs they want, Game Pass could have worked. Microsoft assumed people would buy into a subscription service like they already do for TV and Movies and Music.

But that didn't work out, at all, with the catastrophic consequences that we're seeing today.

"Microsoft actually said they were going to reach billions of people"

Reach != Subscriber count. That's your own conflation. Reaching just means "being available in" and usable in, billions of people with the awareness and ability to access the service. There exists no quote saying they estimate "billions" of subscribers.

Eonjay14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

No worries. I consider it more of a conversation than an argument. I learn alot from people who don't agree with me. Bring it on lol!
And yeah I forgot about the whole 'reach billions' PR from MS. I think theybare a victim of their own BS. I think at these companies you do have people push back on pipe dreams from the management.
I mean clearly it wasn't a good idea lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 14h ago
FinalFantasyFanatic21h ago

Maybe they need to put less games on there or just simply charge more from the beginning, I think they guttered their bottom line, they didn't make as much as they could have from selling games.

kayoss19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

GP fail because these studios poured in $100 of millions to makes these games only for it to given out free in GP. Even if Microsoft pay them to put in on GP, they are not making some of the profits they can potentially make. Especially not for AAA games. For studios making lower quality games, this may work but not for AAA. Look at Sony, their AAA games are award winners. Look at god of war ragnarok, they sold 5 million copies to date and needed to sell 3 million copies to break even. Thats a tough market to be in when your AAA game is not guarantee to break even let alone trying to make a sizeable profit.

JEECE17h ago

Ragnarok sold 15 million as of last November.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 14h ago
Scissorman1d 14h ago

For all the armchair executives who were calling for Sony to release its big-budget AAA games on PS+, the same exact thing would have happened at PlayStation. Game Pass has killed Xbox. Congrats.

shinoff21831d 14h ago

There's not many of of us clamoring for Sony to do this because most of us understand it would kill Playstation. I'm sure there's a few but I've not seen alot of it myself.

just_looken1d 13h ago Show
porkChop1d 2h ago

"the same exact thing would have happened at PlayStation"

But the same thing *has* been happening at PS. They've closed, what, 3 or 4 studios so far this gen? Laid off plenty of staff, restructured studios, etc.

BehindTheRows1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

PlayStation isn’t struggling. Xbox is. That’s the difference.

Sony also didn’t buy out multiple publishers with LOTS of studios and leave them in a state of uncertainty.

So, he’s absolutely right that Sony not following Game Pass in its entirety was smart as this very thing could have happened. Name a team, like Tango, who wasn’t struggling (like Tango) that Sony closed. Every closure was because of a studio who wasn’t pulling their weight.

rlow122h ago

You’re right about that. People on here will turn a blind eye and downvote because it’s Sony. Jim Ryan flew to the London studio and spent the day with them. The very next day they were all fired.

Calling out MS and not Sony. No matter how the studios came to be. Won’t make a damn difference to those who lost their jobs. In the end it’s all the same.

FinalFantasyFanatic21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

This is why I have always advocated that Sony should not follow Microsoft's footsteps and adopt their model, Xbox couldn't afford to do it, Playstation certainly can't either.

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