
Sorcery Review | Critical Gamer

Critical Gamer writes: At a glance Sorcery, with its cartoony yet carefully designed fantasy world, may appear to be Sony’s answer to the Fable series. It is – if Fable was asking ‘do you fancy doing what I do without the humour, charm, freedom and fun?’. This is clearly a game designed to validate Move’s existence, and therein lies the bulk of this game’s problems. As a ‘proper’ third person action game, it utilises a control system that proves to be both its greatest attraction and its most consistent stumbling block.

Basically, in one hand you hold a navigation controller (or DualShock) with which you control character movement and, once unlocked, activate your magical shield. In the other hand you hold Move, which you use just as your avatar uses his magical wand. Said wand is your one and only weapon in the game with several uses, initially limited to shooting destructive bolts of magic. Flick Move to the left, your avatar shoots to the left; flick up, he shoots up; and so o...

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sly-Famous4389d ago

I am busy playing Sorcery and it is brilliant, I just find it sad that guys that have no gaming skills have to review the game.

360GamerFG4389d ago

There's always some excuse when it comes to PS3 exclusives. Reviewers are noobs, bias, unskilled, stupid, lazy, sleepy, fatty, cranky, floppy or Swedish!

trouble_bubble4389d ago

Holy gawd dude, you're still trollin' Sorcery days later? Why don't you post in this review thread http://n4g.com/news/1005220... where it got 4.5/5???? Hmm?

TBM4389d ago

don't worry trouble he has nothing better to do with himself since his beloved system has a crappy motion camera with god awful games for it.

he doesnt have the stones to post in the positive reviews because he's an extreme fanboy.


The legendary narrative adventure game series “Sorcery!” is coming to the Nintendo Switch in Q3 2021

"The Poland-based video game publisher No Gravity Games and the UK-based indie games developer inkle, are today very excited and happy to announce that they have just joined forces to release the legendary narrative adventure game series "Sorcery!" (part 1 to 4) to the Nintendo Switch in Q3 this year (2021)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


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Sorcery Review At Skewed And Reviewed

Wesley at Skewed and Reviewed took a look at the new version of Steve Jackson's beloved classic and found it to be a fun although at times lacking game. He did love enough of it to say that it is worth checking out for fans of the series.