
Why Do We Want Realistic Stories With Unrealistic Characters?

Epic Slash writes: It always seems like stories are getting flak for characters that don’t do what the audience thinks they should be doing. If characters are meant to mimic real life enough to be believable, why do we condemn them when they do exactly what they should.

Why can we not accept characters that act like humans?

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smashcrashbash4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

Question, who doesn't accept characters that act human? Isn't it more that people condemn the characters for behaving unrealistically to situations? I am kind of confused what the article is trying to say. Is he saying that characters should be more human? Is he saying people don't accept human characters? Is he saying that characters should make more mistakes to seem more human? I think we have reached the point where we have accepted many characters that are obviously not perfect and flawed. I also don't understand him with the hero winning. Of course the hero must win in the end. The question is what does he sacrifice along the way to win. Many characters win but sometimes at great cost.So unless I read it wrong, I really don't understand what he is trying to say.

solkyoshiro4381d ago

My point is that alot of characters don't come off as realistic or even deep. The are often shallow and contrived to serve as plot devices and little more.

There is often little room for a character to grow and discover, their is only a standard sequence of action, plot, action, climax, end credits.

Look at something like Game of Thrones. Those are some of the most realistically written characters around. They grow, they fail, they make mistakes. Some of them to dire consequences. Where is that in video gaming?

It's also why I used Kain as my example, in the end he did "win". But his journey was very human, he didn't win everything via Deus Ex Machina and everything was not wrapped up neatly. He was a character that stood out from the world and the plot because of the way he was written.

TheFirstClassic4381d ago

Eh, I'm not sure how you found the plot of metal gear solid "predictable". The first mgs especially had a very intriguing plot, and the entire series has several philisophical messages in it. And Solid Snake generally doesn't "win" except maybe in the good ending of the first mgs. Seems like his life sucks to be honest, especially considering the end of mgs 4. Kind of bittersweet really.

s45gr324381d ago

Nice article, and yes is time to have complex, deep characters in our games

byeGollum4381d ago

deep story and characters aren't easy to create. If they were we'd have so many of them... only very few games have made me care.

TheModernKamikaze4381d ago

That's what separates Video Games from Movies.

smashcrashbash4381d ago (Edited 4381d ago )

Okay first of all Game of Thrones is a long going series with enough room for the characters to grow, make mistakes and be developed. Games stories don't last as long as that and because of the short time they have to develop a story there usually isn't any room for the deep character development you are speaking of.

Secondly like I said in my post above we have many characters in modern times who not only make mistakes but pay for them. May be not always permanently scared or have a horrible demise but many times characters pay for their reckless behavior, arrogance or thoughtlessness. I think we have come very far from the perfect image hero of James Bond. For example Kratos has a complex personality that most people can't seem to see beyond just simply being angry or a 'jerk'.

Now don't misunderstand I know what you mean. I believe certain themes are over used. Like for instance instead of simply having one side be good and one side be bad in a conflict why can't both sides have ample reason for wanting to fight instead therefore making both sides plausible or have the character believe he his fighting on the right side and half way through he realizes he was the bad person all the time.

But I think the level of character complexity you are talking is too great for a game. A game is not a novel with hundreds of pages and several volumes or a television series going on for several seasons.Even games like Mass Effect's story still comes out sounding contrived and corny. It's not easy to create characters and plots equal to other media especially when you have game play and other factors to consider. Movies, television series and books HAVE to try and make their stories and characters connect because that is usually their only concern.Trying to make a character seem genuine in a game is not as important to many developers especially the growing fact that many people don't seem to care anymore.

Titanz4381d ago

I'm always puzzled by the people who demand a Zelda timeline, or a Mario games to include a story backdrop. I'm willing to except that each title for a specific franchise, takes place in different generations, or galaxies.

Not all titles need to be based on specifics.

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Agent7567d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle67d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.