
BNR Exclusive: Interview with Kostas Zarifis of Kung Fu Superstar

BNR: Remember the Kung Fu Superstar trailer that debuted earlier this week? Well, we have some good news- an exclusive interview with one of the devs.

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kahjah4361d ago

Nice interview, how hard was is to to get the interview?


Stalled Momentum: The Status Of The Kinect Within The Next Generation

Ian Fisher writes: Based on the small tech demos that Microsoft showed the press back in May, the new Kinect has some pretty impressive horsepower to it that ought to make for some cool games – the only issue is that there are hardly any to begin with.

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allformats3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Like I've said elsewhere, Microsoft should have taken notice to the stalled momentum of Kinect on Xbox 360, which saw the same fate as Ninendo's Wii....

It's a gimmick - it lasts for a while and then fades. That Kinect gimmick, along with motion controls, has died - it's not as intriguing as it once was.

So in this vein, I'll say Kinect simply is stalled with nowhere to go, plus Microsoft is forcing it upon gamers, making Xbox One $100 more than PS4.....

PS4 being the console with better specs, etc.

Why spend $500 million on something gamers never asked for, and build your next-gen console around it, is beyond me. The leadership at Microsoft has been pretty lost on all this. It's a shame.

darthv723897d ago

sometimes things get presented without the gamers asking for them. i never asked for a touchpad in my controller or a light bar but i can understand their intention and sony thinking people will be receptive to the idea if given the right motivation to use them.

Its all perspective and everyone has their own variation of that. What may not appeal to one can certainly appeal to another. i wouldnt expect someone with an a sense of traditionalism to be convinced in any way when it comes to trying something different.

i guess i have the benefit of being older and more open to ideas that change things up now and then. i've seen the birth of gaming and watched it grow to something bigger and be accepted in some societies and shunned in others but it needed time to grow.

All the spin offs to gaming/entertainment that have succeeded had to start somewhere with those willing to be open to new ideas and from that is where all the different genres of gaming came from. were it not for a company to take a chance on something different we would not be presented with the RPG or the shmup or the games that make you get up and dance.

there is much potential from both the new kinect as well as the ps4 eye that will go beyond just the surface but to see those ideas realized.....it takes someone to give them a chance.

Ashlen3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

I don't think that age or traditionalism have anything to do with wanting or not wanting Kinect.

just because something is created doesn't mean that it is good, useful, needed or wanted. Virtual Boy, failed simply because it was completely impractical.

For every good gaming innovation there have been 10 ideas that have failed because they were just bad ideas. Kinect will in my opinion fall into that category.

Kinect was made to improve games but the fact is your asking a computer to interpret human actions which are going to be wildly varied from person to person. It's never going to have the type of accuracy needed for the fast paced response most games require.

There is a reason why none of the third parties are making games for it, and why Ryse which was going to be a Kinect game dropped the Kinect part. It's because Kinect is simply not capable of performing the the job of controlling game play as good as existing technology aka the controller.

Bigpappy3897d ago

@darthv72: very well stated.

This "allformats" guy is on a heavy trolling roll. He is usually first in Xbox article and pushing his and making no sense what so ever.

Gamers never asked for any of the advances we have in gaming to day. They were all forced upon us. From CD's Turbo Grafx to Bluray by SOny; from dial online play by Sega to broadband only by M$. All forced in there words. I still think those of you who keep harping on the "Forced" key word have no idea what the definition of the word is. You just heard some one you idolize use it and decided you should use it too. Xbox One is far from being the only console on the market, and is the only one that come with Kinect. So I would say at this point: "Stop feeding the trolls".

thekhurg3897d ago

Let me know when that light bar and touchpad on the DS4 controller bump the price of the PS4 by $100.

Until then, your analogy is absurdly stupid.

Rhaigun3897d ago


People were up to the idea when Kinect initially released. Myself among them. A lot of us bought one. Problem is, it was a waste of my money. I might have gotten a good 20 hrs of play out of it. I bought Kinect sports, Kinect Adventures, Child of Eden and Disneyland. I even tried the commands in Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim. It was all repetitive and cumbersome, and that's when it worked.

The reason a lot of people are complaining about it, is because they don't want it. Even if its improved, its still not that fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3897d ago
YNWA963897d ago

But in an article about Sony & VR, a gimmick that died long before kinect, its great? I thought you people only wanted a controller and a great system, which PS4 is, and I cannot wait to get mine, but please, if you hate MS, fine, but the BS.... Jeez...

SilentGuard3897d ago

Bad timing. MS started development on the One in 2010 around the same time Kinect was breaking sales records. By the time Kinect sales and software plunged they were already heavily invested in Kinect. They should cut there losses on Kinect and introduce an sku without it. There will still be support for Kinect...for those that actually want it and are willing to spend money on Kinect software. The ones that want it are the ones developers are going to care about anyway.

3897d ago
Shadonic3897d ago

"Like I've said elsewhere, Microsoft should have taken notice to the stalled momentum of Kinect on Xbox 360, which saw the same fate as Ninendo's Wii.... "

So you want it to become one of the highest selling peripheral ( since its coming with all Xbox's that goes for Xbox one becoming the highest selling console as well) and then you want it to basically die out not due to issues with the device but just not much support for it ?

I mean MS already has it set for the graphical wants ppl wanted with the Wii and considering Mod supports coming to the One it would boost up the popularity of the device if it brought in interesting Mods like the bulletstorm kinect mod or something.

Really I'ts been proven that everything that most gamers have been having concerns about can actually work it just depends upon how its done.

BallsEye3897d ago

As I said on different article...in Project Spark you can mo-cap and record your full body animations,facial expressions + voice and put it into the game you're making on any character in realtime world or cutscenes, you can also share your animations and voice ocer to the community. It looks awesome, check out project spark youtube channel. It is not a gimmick.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3897d ago
Axonometri3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

I'm taking the scenic park and watch route. I have to say I am really not keen on the whole Kinect 2, Kinect new, Kinect one... What ever the frick you call the damn thing. Designing everything around it and giving no option to it and at the same time basically not having squat in software for it is just dumb.

Having said that... There are a lot of smart talented people at Microsoft and Xbox. Why the hell did no one speak out? Not just on one thing... but it is like everyone feared for their lives to say a word.

GiantEnemyCrab3897d ago

If developers want to take their time with the new sensor I am okay with that. I do not want a ton of shovel ware.

GodGinrai3897d ago

Agreed. I would rather see it play a support role to the controller to enhance my interaction with the game (project spark and forzas autovista mode for eg)along with smart glass where applicable. But the controller should always be the main input..atleast until we get to that holodeck tech!

RiPPn3897d ago

It is very interesting that games like Ryse and Crimson Dragoon which were Kinect only games on a system that didn't have a 100% Kinect installed base are now not Kinect games on a system that has a 100% installed base. I think this alone invalidates any argument that because Kinect is available with every system devs will take better advantage of it.

Bigpappy3897d ago

New Kinect will need a new approach. i.e. have to start all over and uses different techniques that are unfamiliar. Hence scrap it and come with something at a later date

SilentGuard3897d ago

An old argument, but I still believe MS in its arrogance and greed wanted/wants to use Kinect for data ming and smart ad targeting. The true power and use of Kinect is its ability to capture data to sell to third parties and target ads to particular users making it a potential cash cow for MS. This is why they push it so hard without actually having any compelling software or uses to justify its inclusion with every console.

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Out of continues Ep 52: Game Reviews pt 2

Stafa and Ali talk about LittleBigPlanet Karting, and then main topic is on game reviews being obsolete after launch due to games getting updates. Then news topics on some kickstarts, Humble Bundle, Windows Blue, Museum of Modern Art, and Timesplitters.

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Kung Fu Superstar Joins Kickstarter

"Become the most popular Martial Arts stuntman Hollywood has ever known, while learning real Kung Fu techniques and fighting in movies!"