
Dishonored - first gameplay trailer to be unveiled this Thursday

DSOGaming writes: "As we’ve said and before, Dishonored is one of our most anticipated games of 2012. And although we’ve seen some earlier gameplay footage from it, we can’t wait what the latest build looks like. We bet that we are not the only ones, right? Well, get ready everyone as the first gameplay trailer of Dishonored will be unveiled this Thursday, on May 31st."

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GodHandDee4390d ago

YES! Looks to be one of the best new IPs this year

Crazyglues4390d ago (Edited 4390d ago )

Can't really say that until we see the first Game-Play trailer...


sourav934390d ago (Edited 4390d ago )

Well, we've seen the cinematic reveal trailer, which sort of explains the concept of the game, and also reveals some gameplay aspects. I, for one, am looking forward to this game, so, I have been occasionally checking out Bethblog on any new info. Bethesda released this .gif; http://farm8.staticflickr.c...
This shows actual gameplay. Though very brief, the graphics look stunning, and it kind of has a first person AC vibe to it. So, to sum up, it sure looks like to be one of the best new IPs this year. But, as you have also stated correctly, we do need to watch the gameplay trailer first.

Update: I actually found this on youtube from a couple of months ago showing some gameplay. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Crazyglues4390d ago

@ sourav93

Wow if that's game play, wow that looks amazing.. I'm super pumped if it comes out looking that good... that's really nice...

I'm pumped to see this trailer now... especially now that Bioshock Infinite got delayed- if it turns out looking that good- the game already has a pretty nice game concept and story, so if they get it too look that good it's a Day-One buy for me...


GodHandDee4390d ago

We have seen gameplay though. There have been around 2 or so developer diaries already and they show gameplay and the environments. They look amazing

Reborn4390d ago

Sounds* like this could turn out really well.

I can't wait.


The Magic of 'Dishonored’s' Blink

It’s a shame, really, that so few games have “borrowed” Dishonored’s Blink – in the right hands, such a power could be game-changing.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17471d ago

It felt kinda cheap to me… both in terms as a tactic, and game design

Abnor_Mal471d ago (Edited 471d ago )

There was a small game called Aragami that “borrowed” the blink, that was a good game.

Unfortunately I heard the sequel wasn’t good so I stayed away from trying it out.

sairenfox2099469d ago

The sequel changed some of the mechanics from the first game but it was still a very polished and enjoyable experience. You should definitely give it a shot sometime. The game's currently on sale on Steam

Abnor_Mal469d ago

Okay thanks for the heads up, will look out for it being on sale one day.

I really did like the first and played it back to back as soon as I finished the first play through.


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Dishonored's engaging lore, creative levels, and timeless gameplay are well worth revisiting for fans of the immersive sim and stealth genre.


Xbox Store Kicks Off Arkane Studios Publisher Sale

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just kicked off Arkane Studios publisher sale, offering up to 80% off on some of the best games from Arkane Studios, including Deathloop, Dishonored, and Prey for Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One right now!"

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