
Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends - Release date and first official Trailer

BigBen Interactive today confirmed the final release date of Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends. New Trailer available.

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OmegaSaiyanX4395d ago

Such a shame the developers who made TDU 1 and 2 shut down, TDU was different and unique and worked very well a mix of arcade and sim driving in an open ended environment and drive where you want and how you want with added features that TDU2 supports such as the Casino DLC.

I am surprised the big players in the industry didnt buy up the studio as I know Atari are/were the publishers but imo TDU was a silent winner in its own class.


'Defiance', 'Baldur's Gate Enhanced' added to Amazon Mayem event

XMNR: Amazon updated its Digital Games Mayhem Sale for downloadable PC titles with some new selections Friday and Saturday. This includes the television tie-in, Defiance, along with the upgraded version of one of the greatest role-playing games ever made, Baldur’s Gate.

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Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends Review - LaPS3

Test Drive: Ferrari Racing takes us in an interesting tour through Ferrari's history. Slightly Mad Studios has created a fine racing game that still gives the impression it hasn't harnessed its full potential. The inexplicable delay suffered in Europe sealed its fate, eliminating any possibility of arousing interest.

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Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends PC Not Cancelled After All, Finally Out On Digital Stores

DSOGaming writes: "A while back, we informed you about the cancellation of the PC version for Test Drive: Ferrari Legends. Thankfully though, it appears we were wrong as the game has finally hit Gamersgate and Steam."

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honestgamer4195d ago

I like the "it appears we were wrong..." bit, followed by conclusive proof that they were wrong.