
Digital Foundry vs Starhawk

"The technology underpinning the experience also manages to impress. Large environments and battles are crammed with dynamic light sources, generous use of alpha and particle effects - all of which help to deliver a sense of spectacle and intensity to heated single- and multiplayer games. Of course, there are a few stumbling blocks along the way. Performance could be smoother when the engine is put under stress, and the sub-HD framebuffer in combination with an overly aggressive post-process anti-aliasing solution can makes things appear softer than we'd like." Digital Foundry

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IHateYouFanboys4374d ago ShowReplies(4)
givemeshelter4374d ago

Why is this surprising?
Consoles this generation had a combination of 720p and lower resolution depending on certain games.
It's a trade off to determine if running the game in sub HD resolutions will provide better performance or keeping the game at 720p for its visual appeal.

Almost all games on consoles this generation with large environments and numerous unscripted scenes with more advanced effects are Sub HD.
It's the necessary trade off to keep performance smooth.
It's the reason you see games like Halo, StarHawk, and especially Alan Wake Sub HD.
Who cares. They all still look great

MAJ0R4374d ago

That's true, but it was just my thought that PS3 exclusives would never trade that off to run in sub-hd.

Ha I'm joking, but I think we can all agree that there will be a double standard in terms of a PS3 exclusive being accepted as sub-hd, while a 360 exclusive would get ridiculed for being sub-hd.

givemeshelter4374d ago (Edited 4374d ago )

I fully agree. Unfortunately and this is really sad. If this were an Xbox360 exclusive, this site would light up like a Christmas tree bashing the game for being Sub HD, however this being a PS3 exclusive, no such "action" is taken.
What you find are very cleaver and ingenious game developers for consoles right now.
By limiting real time effects to a minimum and using LDR instead of HDR and using smaller environments and scripted scenes, little to no destructible environments as for one example, console developers can keep games looking amazing and running solid at 720p. Uncharted, KZ and Gears Of War come to mind.
It's a trade off that developers do to keep games running solid.


I think many people on this site forget this. As soon as a game on consoles are more open, use more A.I and dare to use real time effects such a Global Illumination and Real Time Eye adaptive HDR and sub surface scattering, frame rates OR resolutions will suffer or both. So a trade off HAS to be made.
When you look at games like Alan Wake, you see the trade off that had to be made to run that game on consoles.
The game uses HDR and a combination of real time effects, shadows etc. It's a performance killer.
It's a all about trade offs and quite frankly I believe for the most part, console developers have done a FANTASTIC job at this balancing act. Kudos to them working with limited hardware making games look amazing.

Shaman4374d ago (Edited 4374d ago )

If you have a big open game, lots of ai and alphas (grass, fire, explosion) you are either going sub hd or low frame per second, or both. PS3 didn't really have alot of open world games. Infamous 2 was last one and it had no AA. Its all about trade offs. When you have scripted game you can much easier control frame rate "spikes", its predictable, and engine is not thinking what to do next. When you have game like Starhawk or GTA engine has to know in every milisecond what to show on the screen no matter how far or high you go above the map. Not sure if Starhawk has real time dynamic time of day, but if it has like GTA than its even worse situation. You can't virtually cheat a single light or shadow, everything has to be real time.

Actually givemeshelter, AW was originally 2xMSAA and 720p according to DF at 2009 E3. The reason why they went 4xMSAA was to lower the shimmering and alpha aliasing on trees(they had ALOT of them). AW being fully deferred shading game had enormous frame buffer with 4xMSAA and 720p was not an option. GG said they cut their frame buffer in half by dropping QAA (same memory footprint like 2xMSAA) and that gave them alot of performances.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34374d ago

Let's see how fast this place heats up...based on the double standards. There will be spinning...oh yes...there will be spinning.

raytraceme4374d ago (Edited 4374d ago )

Infamous Festival of Blood uses the same engine as infamous 2 PLUS it includes FXAA, Runs at a full 720p resolution, and is open world.

Also starhawk has a 40fps avg. and I would gladly take that over a 720p resolution. The ps3 has always brought out the top looking games (after the pc that is) and has proven itself to be the top console in terms of graphics. I still don't get why people still argue that eh ps3 isn't.

I still see people arguing about the Last Of Us' graphics those people still don't get the fact that uncharted 3 holds the crown for best graphics on a console. Yet these people still have their doubts... hmm smh

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MrDead4374d ago (Edited 4374d ago )

I’m just having fun playing a good game.

I'll leave the pixel counting and brand bashing to the sad children.

NaViTo4374d ago

I absolutly agree with you!

DarthJay4374d ago

That is what it is supposed to be about. Play games to have fun. Who cares what is exclusive to what? That's why I own everything.

BitbyDeath4374d ago

Exactly, it looks and plays just fine so that's all that matters to me.

suicidalblues4374d ago

Eurogamer said it best;

"It's a beautiful game that's superb to play and it's exclusive to PlayStation 3 - we highly recommend you check it out."

sandman2244374d ago

I'll be so happy when they can make all games at 1080p at 60fps. I'm tired of hearing about what the developers sacrifice in order to get a game to run smooth.

BitbyDeath4374d ago

Devs will always want something more, you'll never hear the end of that.

chukamachine4374d ago

This generation has been about rez,fps,aa,360,ps3.pc.

If a game looks great on PS3, a pc or 360 fanboy was state it does not look as good as pc.

If a game is lower rez on 360, it is slagged off.

But lets be honest here.

360 came out first and a year + later the Ps3 came out, and the amount of people slagging the ps3 off before release was unreal, never seen so much hate before.

Halo,gears were not for me.

I'm a pc gamer by heart, but after playing uncharted 1 i was sold. Loved the story and gameplay was fun.

You buy what you like.

PC'S These days top spec, are 15-20 times faster then PS3/360 in alot of ways.

Why argue with console owners over graphics, some of them still look fantastic.

The new GOD OF WAR, the last of us, the new halo look great for old tech.

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Best Sci-Fi Games on the PS3

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zaanan29d ago

Not a single Reistance? Fuck this article.

mastershredder29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Starhawk over Warhawk?...... Dude, NO ONE should listen to you.

Odd choices for "best" more like you settled as these being the "best" that available to you at the time, cause a lot of these blow or were average to poor performers that ended up in bargain bin.

Missing too many great sci-fi titles here. The Void, The Resistance Series, Killzone 2 and 3, Enslaved, man.. there were so many, this is redicu-list.

FreeckyCake29d ago

Nobody should listen to you either with that attitude.

OtterX28d ago

I agree that Starhawk shouldn't be above Warhawk, however I must say that Starhawk multiplayer was incredible for its time! Many people wrote it off bc the single player was quite terrible, bc it was basically 1 huge tutorial for the multiplayer. But I can tell you never spent any significant amount of time in MP. It was doing incredibly tense base building w air, foot and land vehicle (and mech!) combat long before Fortnite was ever a thing.

I bet it would have been much better received if it had just ditched the story mode all together. So many people like yourself completely wrote it off based on reviews by reviewers that let the criticism of single player weigh heavily on their scores. I bet you didn't even play it.

Friendlygamer29d ago

The riddick games are some of the best stealth titles ever, highly underrated

YourMommySpoils29d ago

What games? All recall plating was Escape from Butcher Bay.

Friendlygamer29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

There's also the less acclaimed 'assault on dark Athena'

( also, not saying this to you specifically but there's both resistance and killzone games on the list, it's amazing how even something so simple and innocent as a game list can be turned into misinformed vitriol here lol )

jznrpg29d ago

Glad to see Resonance of Fate. Enslaved was pretty good too. I’m sure there are others nobody has listed but I’m too tired to try and think of anything


Roundtable: Dead Game Franchises We Miss

With every big game now belonging to a big intellectual property, there are those that have become redundant. Here are the series' we miss.

RPGer1106d ago

I miss Dark Cloud I mean damn, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the best Action RPG game ever made. The game have: Rich Worlds, different setting, tons of contents, vareity in gameplay like never before (and even after), best buliding mechanics, crafting system like no one did and finally impressive graphics.

Most underrated game ever. It deserved the popularity and sales of Zelda and Final Fantasy. ut unfortunately, Level-5 and Sony didn't advertise it at all.

titans99991106d ago

My franchises I wish would make a come back, are Battlefront by pandemic studios - galactic conquest was the best, mercenaries 1 and 2, and prototype 1 and 2...great games!


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