
The Adventurer - New game from the developers of 'Necrovision'

DSOGaming writes: "The Farm 51, the team behind Necrovision, unveiled their upcoming FPS game in Games Day 2012. Their new game will be called ‘The Adventurer’ and is set before World War II."

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b_one4372d ago

game looks cool, even better coz i know what he is talking about - story is kind of advanced, gameplay too


Interview: The Adventurer "Not just an Uncharted or Tomb Raider clone", says Producer

Thirteen1 magazine was extremely lucky to have a chance to ask Polish developer, The Farm51, about their latest ambitions to bring the action-adventure genre to a closer perspective than behind a rugged explorer’s shoulder with Project Adventurer.

Project Adventurer, a title in development for PC and Xbox360, sets players on the road to uncovering lost artefacts, battling supernatural baddies, and raiding undiscovered temples – all through the first-person perspective.

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HammadTheBeast4247d ago

I still don't know if that screenshot up there is from Uncharted or this. He looks like a hairier Nathan Drake.

Welshy4247d ago (Edited 4247d ago )

I'd rather they were just honest and said "OK, we know it's all a bit Uncharted, but we wanted a shot at it and see if we can possibly put a different spin on it or add our own touch".

The constant denial when it couldn't be an anymore obvious clone of a massive AAA franchise is just dumb and noone is falling for it!

Edit: i mean... come on? really??


Looking at them side by side, it kinda looks like if Uncharted was on PS2 and the real Uncharted being a next gen sequel xD

BitbyDeath4247d ago

Actually i think that screenshot is of a different Uncharted clone, called 'Unearthed'.

Which i think was made by indian developers.

Welshy4247d ago

I stand corrected, you're right.

My comment still stands and applies to both though =P

jc485734248d ago

it's a first person game. very different IMO. I've always preferred 3rd person over 1st.

Carl_Shocker4247d ago

Not really...changing the perspectives dosen't change the entire game

It looks (by cutscenes) like Uncharted, two guys as characters like Sully and Drake, the outfits are similar, the setting like in Drakes Fortune

It's basicaly a First Person Uncharted

jc485734247d ago

it does change things. You're looking through the damn camera, so it's a whole different perspective experience.

specialguest4247d ago

The classic 1920s explore outfit was around before Uncharted was ever imagined. This game resembles the 1999 movie The Mummy more than anything from the exact match of the heroes outfit to the treasure hunting and fighting supernatural beings.

HarryMasonHerpderp4247d ago

I think it's more to do with the characters appearances *cough* Drake *cough* Sully *cough*

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Xbox 360, PS3 have "reached their technological peak" - Adventurer dev

We’ve maxed out the technology of the Xbox 360 and the PS3, according to Artur Falkowski, producer of gorgeous upcoming FPS The Adventurer – who suggests the team is now readying itself for the next gen.

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Morrigan-Aensland4282d ago ShowReplies(1)
Droid Control4282d ago

I think we can all agree that we need next gen consoles. No, not Wii U, I said NEXT GEN consoles!

4282d ago
abzdine4282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

lol i was thinking the same.
Devs have maybe maxed out the 2 machines (which is not true, for PS3 at least) but i think there is no limit to creativity and PS3 360 provide enough horsepower to allow good stuff.
Wii U will prove him wrong for the next 5 years !

DarkTower8054282d ago (Edited 4282d ago )

As far as "untapped" hardware abilities I would say the 360 has more left than the PS3. SSM, GG and ND keep pushing and pushing PS3 limits and have been for a few years now. On the 360 ONLY Epic seems to push the hardware, and now 343 seems to be pushing it further (sorry Bungie, you didn't) as well.

b_one4282d ago

technically i know who he is and what studio he represents(Polish ppl, some of them was involved with some bigger projects), but i think he is not right person to cry about "technological peaks" he may cry about small dev team and lack of time and cash to optimize code, making changes to engine etc, sorry for him, coz optimization never comes easy and is time consuming, no "CODE GURU One CLICK Wizard-Creator" here... sorry.

For PC they have a chance to make some nice game, for x360, too but it may look dumbed down, but for ps3... even they are not optimistic now :)

antbolton894282d ago

DarkTower805 are you kidding the 360 was maxed 3 years ago everytime a new ps3 exclusive comes out it looks better than the games before it

DarkTower8054282d ago

Lol, in an article like this I really can't tell if that's sarcasm.

palaeomerus4282d ago

HA HA AHA HA HAAAAAH! OH, that was a good one. LOL!

DA_SHREDDER4282d ago

"reached their technological peak"

I agree with that. But I also think there's a lack of quality titles that can even compare to NES titles when it comes to imagination and lore.

Nexgensensation4282d ago

these developers are talking about technological peaks and yet they can't deliver a game that's worth every penny spend.

2.) I understand some developers at least try to set an distinction to there craft, but here's the thing, anytime you try to be something other than yourself you end up being the same as everyone else.

All I can say is this, stick to the basics and try your best not to forget the fundamentals. If you can stay true to that logic you can break every rule in the book. Thus, becoming something truly unique.

Xperia_ion4282d ago

I care about games and not tech, I don't need 1080p in every game to make me happy, thou I'm getting a PC to play RE remake in 1080p.

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The Adventurer is more than just an Uncharted rip-off - BeefJack preview

BeefJack: "The Adventurer looks to owe more than a little to the Uncharted series – but does it have its own tricks up its beautifully rendered sleeves? We take a first look at this gorgeous upcoming FPS, and find out why it’s even more than meets the eye."

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shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4285d ago

"Is The Adventurer basically Uncharted, but viewed from a first-person perspective? That’s certainly the first impression a lot of people got when the first batch of screenshots was released a couple of weeks ago. "

Other games came to mind when I first laid eyes on uncharted.

Freak of Nature4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

Yup, first thing that came to mind for me was Raiders of the lost ark. Not a game but style and feel wise....

With the great success of Uncharted there is bound to be new games that emulate it,. But hopefully will bring something new to the table, new innovations and additions, this game seems to aspire to Uncharted, but they look to be also trying to expand on it with there own take...

I am interested, lets see how this comes out, it's promising...

MilkMan4285d ago

Sounds interesting, I'll be keeping an eye out for more developments. I like shooters that offer more than just running and gunning.

PhantomTommy4285d ago

This could actually be pretty good. I just hope that "The Adventurer" is a working title.

MysticStrummer4285d ago

If The Adventurer had released first, this article would have a very different tone. " Is Uncharted a Shameless Rip-off of The Adventurer? "