
Secret God of War III footage made Jaffe sweat

In a recent interview, Eat Sleep Play co-founder David Jaffe discussed the advantages of developing exclusively for Sony's PlayStation 3 console.

In addition, Jaffe expanded on his God of War III viewing stating that SCEA Santa Monica raised the bar, leaving him wondering "how the fu** are we going to compete?"

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die_fiend5597d ago

Hmmm...the advantages are that it's probably a bit harder but you get up to 50GB of space to work with, a hard drive, more power...Surely that doesn't need discussing?

MURKERR5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

starting feb 2009 from reports ps3 should pull away graphically with KZ2 then heavy rain, god of war 3,infamous, gran turismo should all hopefully aid the snowball effect

Bnet3435597d ago

Regarding the God of War III footage he recently witnessed, Jaffe commented, "it looked better than Gears 2; it looked like a Renaissance canvas-style painting come to life," said Jaffe.

lol oh shiz. Jaffe brings out the big guns. But I mean it should because Gears 2 is a game from 2008. Come on Jaffe, we know. -_-

BTW is anyone still pissed about Brett Ratner directing the damn movie? I still can't get over that ever since it got announced. I wanted Zack Snyder to direct it since he did 300. God of War movie like 300 would of been so bad ass and I know 100% in my mind would of been a box office smash. I'm still pissed why they picked a damn fool like Ratner.

Saint Sony5597d ago

Especially now that Japan export has gone down 27%, and there are some massive cut downs done and more to come... it is very important for devs to give a serious thought if it really is worthy to stay exclusive.

Of course we all do hope GOW3 is exclusive to PS3. Signs just are kinda evil.

MURKERR5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

call of duty 4, uncharted,mgs4,gears of war made people take note,immersed you in action like never before,gears ONE's graphics pushed 360 sales and rightly so it was a game that made my jaw drop,if theres a pricedrop around kz2 launch oh boy look out graphics certainly push sales

and your lets hope gow3 stays exclusive to sony is a desperate comment,sony owns the ip

The Killer5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

1: more powerful console

2: the console which will dominating in the near future and with 10 years life cycle

3: investment in the future because they(developers) will gain name recognition(by having good games early in the ps3 life cycle) and will have to spend less on making games on multiple platforms with the ps3 is 80+ million, and they will have ready engines and all they have to do is improve it

4: hack free

5: more freedom and options for developers


Beforelunch5597d ago

There are organizations I really despise. They lack morals, character, and honesty. They carve out space in the mainstream for predaceous politics. In case you can't tell, I'm talking about Sony here. To get immediately to the point, I want you to know that Sony is an organization with more ambition than conviction. Knowing, as they say, is half the battle. What remains is to remind Sony about the concept of truth in advertising.

When Sony made its puppy-dog foot soldiers wag their little tails by promising to let them scorn and abjure reason, I realized for the first time that Sony wants nothing less than to burn our fair cities to the ground. Its slaves then wonder, "What's wrong with that?" Well, there's not much to be done with corrupt lascivious-types who can't figure out what's wrong with that, but the rest of us can plainly see that Sony's collaborators' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be. I have reason to believe that Sony is about to carry our once-proud nation deeper into savagery and depravity. I pray that I'm wrong, of course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that every time Sony tells its hatchet men that the world can be happy only when its camp is given full rein, their eyes roll into the backs of their heads as they become mindless receptacles of unsubstantiated information, which they accept without question.

The biggest difference between me and Sony is that Sony wants to produce a new generation of mawkish self-promoters whose opinions and prejudices, far from being enlightened and challenged, are simply legitimized. I, on the other hand, want to put to rest goofy and belligerent memoirs such as Sony's. Sony's power-drunk rodomontades can be quite educational. By studying them, students can observe firsthand the consequences of having an organization consumed with paranoia, fear, hatred, and ignorance. Now, I don't want to overwork the story about how Sony plans to eliminate those law-enforcement officers who constitute the vital protective bulwark in the fragile balance between anarchy and tyranny, so let's just say that it doesn't want us to know about its plans to discourage us from expressing our apothegms in whatever way we damn well please. Otherwise, we might do something about that. Letting impetuous pickpockets encourage the acceptance of scapegoating and demonization is unthinkable. Added to this is something else: If Sony honestly believes that some of my points are not valid, I would love to get some specific feedback from it.

Because we continue to share a common, albeit abused, atmospheric envelope, it has been a long-standing observation of mine that as witnesses to mankind's inner dissatisfaction, we must shatter the adage that Sony's machinations won't be used for political retribution. Its helpers probably don't realize that because it's not mentioned in the funny papers or in the movies. Nevertheless, it is morally unjustifiable for Sony to subjugate persons of culture, refinement, and learning to the most delirious geeks you'll ever see. Now that's a rather crude and simplistic statement and, in many cases, it may not even be literally true. But there is a sense in which it is generally true, a sense in which it honestly expresses how if its attempts to bribe the parasitic with the earnings of the productive have spurred us to argue about its shenanigans, then Sony may have accomplished a useful thing. Sony's reports appeal to people who are fearful about the world's political and economic situation and long for simple solutions to complex problems. Ask anyone.

Sony has been trying to convince us that it has the trappings of deity. This pathetic attempt to advocate jealous histrionics deserves no comment other than to say that Sony says it is within its legal right to give ill-bred, pouty franions far more credibility than they deserve. Whether or not it indeed has such a right, Sony deeply believes that every word that leaves its mouth is teeming with useful information. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the truth is very simple: What I wrote just a moment ago is not the paranoid rambling of an illiberal, moonstruck wacko. It's a fact.

Sony periodically puts up a facade of reform. However, underneath the pretty surface, it's always business as usual. Sony has frequently been spotted making nicey-nice with teetotalism-prone ninnies (especially the insecure type). Is this because it needs their help to extend its fifteen minutes of fame to fifteen months? Whatever the answer, it talks a lot about recidivism and how wonderful it is. However, it's never actually defined what it means. How can Sony argue for something it's never defined? Let me give you a hint: Sony wants us to feel sorry for the prolix, shambolic potlickers who write off whole sections of society. I think we should instead feel sorry for their victims, all of whom know full well that the first thing we need to do is to get Sony to admit that it has a problem. It should be counseled to recite the following:

* I, Sony, am a satanic, garrulous porn star.
* I have been a participant in a giant scheme to blacklist Sony's enemies as terrorist sympathizers or traitors.
* I hereby admit my addiction to feudalism. I ask for the strength and wisdom to fight this addiction.

Once Sony realizes that it has a problem, maybe then it'll see that it has come up with proven methods to suppress all news that portrays it in a bad light. All you have to do is let your guard down.

The Sony Foundation's latest report on insensate cameralism is filled with fabrications, half-truths, innuendo, and guilt by association, which makes it obvious to me that Sony says that bad things "just happen" (i.e., they're not caused by Sony itself). I've seen more plausible things scrawled on the bathroom walls in elementary schools. I can't help it if Sony can't take a joke. An equal but opposite observation is that Sony sees the world as somewhat anarchic, a game of catch-as-catch-can in which the sneakiest dopeheads nab the biggest prizes. Sony has called people like me uncompromising big-labor bosses, patronizing, callous urban guerrillas, and twisted ochlocrats so many times that these accusations no longer have any sting. Sony sincerely continues to employ such insults because it's run out of logical arguments. I suppose an alternate explanation is that Sony writes really long and boring letters. Of course, this sounds simple, but in reality, the real issue is simple: We must continue to monitor its cheerleaders and expose them as the inhumane libertines they are.

The question, therefore, must not be, "Why does the media consistently refuse to acknowledge that the ideological underpinnings of Sony's ruses have struck a receptive chord among thousands of immature freaks?" but rather, "When Sony promotes one social program after the next to take care of some segment of society, is it doing it for that segment of society or is it doing it because it seeks power and position?". The latter question is the better one to ask because I deeply believe that it's within our grasp to counteract the subtle, but pervasive, social message that says that this is the best of all possible worlds and that Sony is the best of all possible organizations. Be grateful for this first and last tidbit of comforting news. The rest of this letter will center around the way that it will do everything in its power to give voice, in a totally emotional and non-rational way, to its deep-rooted love of phallocentrism. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; Sony's intimates argue that it does the things it does "for the children". These are the same intolerant Philistines who institutionalize sex discrimination by requiring different standards of protection and behavior for men and women. This is no coincidence; Sony and its dupes are, by nature, purblind New Age ranters. Not only can that nature not be changed by window-dressing or persiflage, but I don't believe that national-security interests can and should be sidestepped whenever Sony's institutional interests are at stake. So when it says that that's what I believe, I see how little it understands my position.

Isn't it historically demonstrated that besotted charlatans are responsible for the ignorant tenor of Sony's expositions? I ask because what really upsets me is that it wants to maintain social control by eliminating rights and freedoms. This is equivalent to saying that it doesn't do us much good to become angry and wave our arms and shout about the evils of its apologues in general terms. If we want other people to agree with us and join forces with us, then we must challenge the present and enrich the future. It has been said that the longer Sony wears the mask of charlatanism, the harder it is to remove. I believe that to be true. I also believe that the really interesting thing about all this is not that much of the noise made on its behalf is generated by inane morons who seem to have nothing better to do with their time. The interesting thing is that if we don't soon tell it to stop what it's doing, it will proceed with its conniving tractates, considerably emboldened by our lack of resistance. We will have tacitly given it our permission to do so.

Sony's treatises are based on two fundamental errors. They assume that no one is smart enough to see through Sony's transparent lies and they promote the mistaken idea that it is a perpetual victim of injustice. Sony has a talent for inventing fantasy worlds in which its musings prevent smallpox. Then again, just because Sony is a prolific fantasist doesn't mean that the sun rises just for it. You should not ask, "How much longer can we tolerate Sony's offensive communications before the whole country collectively throws up?", but rather, "How will Sony's comrades react when they discover that Sony wants to quote me out of context?". The latter question is the better one to ask because its mind has limited horizons. It is confined to the immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal and basic and is then leveled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. Let me sum up. You don't need a preschool diploma to understand that Sony favors manipulative psychological techniques over honest discussion.

MorganX5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

Now, in 50 words or less, tell us how Sony is different than any other for profit business? I can't wait for your psychoanalytical diatribe of Microsoft, the NXE, and their attempts to sell you digital media while preventing you from using it freely.

I wait with baited breath ...

Edit: I don't necessarily disagree with everything you've said, I guess I missed the point and fail to see how you are able to single out Sony, particularly when Microsoft is as bad if not worse.

pswi605597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

i will take my chart over your wall of garbage any day...


beavis4play5597d ago

and wondered "what the f#ck is he talking about?!!!

MorganX5597d ago

He doesn't like Playstation Home.

prowiew5597d ago


You should consider making a blog.

Sheddi5597d ago

now that is a WALL OF TEXT!

No Way5597d ago

What movies has Brett Ratner directed?

No Way5597d ago


Hmm, he directed the Rush Hour movies.. Did not know that.
I didn't know he did half those movies.. Ha.

DaTruth5597d ago

You have too much time on your hands...

MNicholas5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

... that I gave you bubbles so that others will read your post and laugh.

Here's a bit of uninvited advice about life that I'm writing out of sheer sympathy for a lost soul.

Whatever chip you have on your shoulder, whether it's the supposedly sleazy guy who got the girl you like (umm, she probably puts up with the sleaziness because he's good in bed and makes her feel sexy, unlike you who make her feel creeped out or worse, bored), Sony, or anyone else you want to demonize, has nothing to do with it. Get some good clothes, get yourself groomed properly, then drive to a different town and pretend to be someone you're not and learn how to play the game. Then you'll get laid and will no longer be motivated to write 20 page posts on how some random corporation represents all the evil in the world.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 5597d ago
Pennywise5597d ago

I want to see this footage. The trailer looked good, but it didnt make me sweat!

Serjikal_Strike5597d ago

The trailer was good but I want to see what D. Jaffe seen!

SL1M DADDY5597d ago

God of War III looks as good or better than Killzone 2. Rather than stealing thunder from the launch of Killzone 2 by releasing the stunning quality footage of GOWIII they will wait until after the launch of Killzone 2 too release it so that we will again have another awesome title to talk about for months to come. It's just a theory but it makes me wonder. I just wonder if they are keeping a wrap on it until after next year Q1.

CViper5597d ago

A friend of mine interviewed with Santa Monica Studios to work on GOW3. They definitely showed him some of their production pipeline and some of the gameplay.

He said it was definitely amazing, the scale is bigger than anything hes seen and the graphics hold up too.They are using deffered rendering and it does look more like the first teaser we saw.No Grand Theft Auto / sandbox downgrade..

BUT, that could be whatever.

He also said that the footage he saw at Spike was terrible, he said it looked flat and unlit, and its not even in the same realm of what he saw.

So there is clearly something going on with the spike footage, I think it can be confirmed old by many sources, and not what anyone had originally seen. With that in mind, I have to believe what SlimDaddy is saying.

Santa Monica studios = Gods. I dont want to say the product would embarrass what Killzone2's team has done, but why show off everything when there is an entire 2009 of revelation? I think what we saw was a teaser, and its unfortunate that Jaffe's comments were there to get all of our hype up. But he said himself, the spike tv stuff is 'meh' and not what he has seen.

I mean, just compare teh cgi trailer to the game teaser, not only are they just different, its different art design\themed as well.

The teaser at spike was more of a Pixar/Dreamworks movie style quality rendering. Just not the dirty/gritty realm of God of war i'd expect.. which is what the first teaser shows.

But yeah, theres plenty of time to wait for this bad boy to show up. The sad thing is that the bad looking teaser, still looks phenomenal compared to games these days. And we are complaining about it. Ahh to be a PS3 owner.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5597d ago
twoface5597d ago

Developers turn into sweat bags in the presence of Kratos

TheHater5597d ago

Gods turn into sweat bags in the presence of Kratos.

pwnsause5597d ago

Bots turn into sweat bags in the presence of Kratos.

ultimolu5597d ago

Kratos makes even grown men sh*t their pants. o_O

DragonWarrior465345597d ago

What do you expect? The game is being made by the most awesome and best devs in the world. Team Santa Monica is da bomb!

TheHater5597d ago

I personally feels that Team ICO are the best because everything they release is GOLD. But that just my opninion

No FanS Land5597d ago

Yeah but he surely means that Santa Monica is the best studio around because they produced a game with gorgeous graphics, great soundtrack, fast paced action, all this without any lag and no (or almost) loading through the entire game. And THAT is awesome.

LeonSKennedy4Life5597d ago

Open Zone sucks...

I got banned because somebody called me gay and I asked why he called me gay.

The admins need to be more personal with their banning. They should know who to ban and who not to ban. Don't rely on your bubble system to work everything out!

SL1M DADDY5597d ago (Edited 5597d ago )

*hums C&C Music Factory song*

chanto235597d ago

well bend over then...LMAO!!!! /jk

Bnet3435597d ago

Reading chanto23's comment and looking at SL1M DADDY's avatar just made me cringe a little.

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The Best Video Game Opening Levels In Gaming History

The Opening Levels that hooked gamers from the outset.

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Ranking Every God of War Game From Worst to Best

Cultured Vultures: Let’s delve into Kratos’ long and rampageous history and find out which games are worth the hype and which are better left buried under the weight of Kratos’s might.

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JL2930164d ago

Both requels over 2 and 3? Clowns. Those are two of the most boring games I've ever played.

Snookies12164d ago

GoW 3 was amazing, but I personally hated just one thing. (This is on me alone, because I was dumb, lol.) I hated that you couldn't skip cutscenes on repeat playthroughs. I had to go back through the game a third time because I missed one trophy accidentally on my way to the platinum... The cutscenes were great the first go round, even the second... But the third was pretty agonizing.

Haven't played Ragnarok, but I still think GoW 4 is a wonderful game in its own right. Not sure how I would stack them up against each other honestly.

Monstieur164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

I don't consider the reboot part of the original series. The original series were high-skill games with combos and rewards for mixing things up.

solideagle163d ago

lol square, square and triangle is the only combo you needed. I have played all of them on the hardest difficulties...

Golfcoachh164d ago

Maybe I’m just old school but I just couldn’t get into the last two. Maybe it’s the slower action and more story telling but the original trilogy was by far my favorite.

Crows90163d ago

It's not that youre old school. They're different genres

JL2930162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Me either, at all. It's just yap yap yap. They try to be a RPG's instead of being action games like they used to be.

Fluke_Skywalker163d ago

I'd put the two psp games over 3 in terms of story any day. But not over 2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 162d ago
TheEnigma313164d ago (Edited 164d ago )

My favorite was part 2 and I think Ragnarok is better that 2018.

Shane Kim164d ago

The newer games are better imo.

ravens52164d ago

There is no worst. Except for Ascension, only cause I didn't play it lol. They are all masterpieces. 1,2,3, 2018 and Ragnarok. 1 of, if not the greatest video game franchise...besides MetalGear.

Snookies12164d ago

Oh wow, I actually forgot that Ascension even existed... I never played it either.

Crows90163d ago

I like ascension. It was different and some interesting combat additions.

darthv72163d ago

If you didnt play it, how could you call it the worst? Its not as bad as the media portrayed it. Honestly the worst are those flash games. they arent even considered true GoW games but in name only. At least Ascension is a real GoW game.

ravens52163d ago

Not saying it's a terrible game. Just mean it's at the bottom of my list. I played a little bit of it. Jus to me, compared to the other main games, it's last.

Fluke_Skywalker163d ago

Ascension is the only GOW game I never finished. Hated it.

Inverno164d ago

Can't agree, older games do so much more than the last two. More weapons, magic abilities, enemies are more varied, level design is also more aesthetically pleasing, and agree with those who say that they shouldn't have removed jumping. Was a time I'd agree, but those old games are so so much better, that they really should've looked into bringing into the reboot/sequels.

Crows90163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

If a game is good then a game is good. Doesn't matter what came before or what comes after.

Inverno163d ago

Of course it matters. If not for what what came before there wouldn't be an after. And if something is great before then you strive to make it just as good if not better, after. I personally don't think there's a fair way to judge the new with the old because the newer games are still essentially a reboot, and went a way different direction. But I still believe the old games did it better. I'm probably bias though since I've been going back to old games and have been finding that they lack all the annoying aspects that devs have shoehorned into new games to fluff out game time.

Crows90162d ago


Im not talking about the passage of time here. Im talking about individual pieces of software. If a game is good then it is good. Thats not a controversial statement. You can compare good with good...sure. But you still end up with good. Now if there is a bad game in the mix and you compare you do end up with some differentials between them...makes sense to compare and see where it went wrong.

But theyre different genres and styles which were individually executed very well.

And no. The new games are not a reboot. Theyre a new direction but simply a continuation.
Tomb raider was a reboot.

Inverno162d ago

The new games are definitely a reboot, and a continuation, it can be both which it is. And a good game might be good, but my point is that if there are things done better before it then there's plenty of room for critiquing and trying to make whatever comes after better rather than just good.

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God of War 3 Remastered Has Sold 4 Million Copies To Date

God of War 3 Remaster has sold 4 million copies since its inception, making the franchise PlayStation's most profitable gamer merch brand.

purple101325d ago

Haha I still remember my brother playing the opening scene on ps3!!!

Yeh he had to put the controller down his heart was beating too fast trying to get past first 10 minutes. He said "it's too much". Best thing I've ever seen in gaming. Haha

robtion325d ago

A great game from an era before things went politically correct and gaming turned serious/'mature'.

It certainly wasn't concerned about upsetting or offending anyone and was more fun because of it.

The boss battles and set pieces still top most games released today.

SullysCigar325d ago

This game was absurdly good for it's time. The very definition of 'epic'.

robtion325d ago

Yes. The graphics were just ridiculous compared to most other games on the market at the time.

masterfox325d ago

I wished Ascension had the same treatment.

Heavenly King325d ago

Ascension SP had some things better than GOW3, and also some things worst than GOW3. But in general it was a really good game, for me it also deserves a REMASTER. The problem per se with the game is that most people were satisfied on how GOWIII ended, so Kratos got his revenge, so in order to rise the interest in the game how have to make it MORE EPIC is that the game did not had the epicness of fighting huge bosses (I guess due to technical difficulties,the game had actually a lot more colors (because the world is not dying like in GOWIII) so it is graphically more demanding that is my guess), but it compensated with having in general a more complex combat system, and an amazing soundtrack. but in general the game needed to be more epic than GOWIII somehow, and that did not happened, after GOWIII people had expectations through the roof. They should have waited and release it for PS4 so the vision of the game is not compromised.

My list of good and bad compared to GOWIII

The combat was more elaborated, which allows you to be more immersed in the fights. Also every enemy was more resistant, even those that you could usually kill in 2-3 attacks in previous games. THE LAST BOSS is so damn epic!!!, but there is only one moment like this in the whole game.

I love the fact that "cicle" in the new enemies (killing animations) are not QTEs, in Ascension they are mini-games on their own, depending on the enemy, making it more engaging. You had to dodge and hit when the window was open in order to eventually do the killing blow.

GOOD: The Soundtrack
it has the orginal trilogy musics, but with a new perspective since the game had a new composer. The ST was amazing also the new music written specifically for this game were badass

GOOD: The puzzles actually require you to think.

BAD: There are bad camera angles during the game, like zooming way too out of vista, and then swarming you with "light units" that like I said before had better AI and did not die of 2 attacks. those parts a few, but are a mess.

Other thing that really annoyed me is that when you fight a sub-boss/heavy unit in a big arena; that ARENA WAS EMPTY, it was just you and against the medusa, or against the manticore. They should have zoom in into the action to avoid noticing the void scenario. I guess emptiness was because of the game having a lot more colors (because the world is not dying like in GOWIII) so it is graphically more demanding. My guess is that it was not possible technically, since in most of those cases you had huge vistas or intricate scenarios that needed to be rendered. The fact that the cerberus is smaller in this game disappointed me.

BAD: Only one BADASS EPIC moment, the others moments of the game were great but, they needed to set the bar even higher than GOWIII and they failed miserably.

BAD: The graphics did not improved much. I was GOWIII with more colors, and that's it.

So 4 good things against 4 bad ones. The problem is those 2 last BAD aspects are actually why the game was received so poorly. Everyone expects the next game to have a really BIG improvement in all aspects in contrast to the previous one, and that was not the case in ascension. And also GOW is the definition of EPIC, and that was not there neither. The jump on every aspect from GOWI to GOWII was huge being on the same console, and the jump from GOWII to GOWIII was humongous (obviously because a more powerful console). While the jump from GOWIII to Ascension is too little, and people expected more.

On it's own is a good game; but is not sufficient when GOWIII was released before it.

CrimsonWing69325d ago

I know this is unpopular opinion, but I prefer these over the new ones. I’m not saying the new ones are bad or anything, but they sort of get boring to me, whereas the older games were like non-stop roller coaster rides.

ChiefofLoliPolice325d ago

I love the new ones but I understand what you mean. The older ones had more action and was more arcady like.

MIDGETonSTILTS17325d ago

Ragnarok was not BIG at all… GoW1 had larger set pieces, and it was on ps2.

GoW 2018 had big moments in its own way…. Ragnarok abandoned these aspects though

robtion325d ago

I agree. It was just less serious and more fun.

victorMaje325d ago

One of my all time favourites.

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