
PlayStation3: Too Little, Too Late

Brian Crawford of Forbes.com writes, "Not only has Sony gone from first to last in the market for videogame consoles, it has done so at the worst possible moment. Nintendo's Wii and games such as "Rock Band" and "Guitar Hero" have pushed the on-screen action into the living room, turning console gaming from geek to chic.

Now Sony's ( SNE - news - people ) latest move, slashing the PlayStation3's price by $100 to $299 and offering a thinner version of the ginormous console, has almost no hope of making a difference. That's because Sony's technology-packed console will remain more expensive than either the Xbox 360, which starts at less than $20,0 and the Wii, which sells for $250.

Not a good place to be, with price cuts for those consoles almost surely on the way. And while Sony's offering is packed with expensive technology, it's the least mature where it matters most: motion-sensitive controllers and online gaming. "

Gue15370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

Another article but from another site utilizing the same tittle? WTF?

Talking about desperate fanboys...

CliffyB5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

You think the PS3 has now "won the console war" You are certain that it will now start outselling the 360. If so add a reply, so we can all get your name and laugh at you later. Me? I think the console war is far from over and won't be making any fanboy-driven predictions.

EDIT: Eagle21 you are the first. Any other fanboy?

OmarJA5370d ago

Shut up CliffyBoy your just a laughable joke like any other bot in this site...

DonCorneo5370d ago

LMAO!!!!.. or he can predict the future.. oh yeah, the ps3 outsold the crapbox in Europe by one million even with crappy's one-year headstart.. or maybe the writer is correct, but who cares? if losing the console wars means having the best exclusives year-in and year-out, then i would cheer for sony to keep on "losing".

Lou-Cipher5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

I think it is funny how people are happy with 2nd place in sells, but don't seem to care about having good games or reliable hardware.

The fact that the PS3 is continuing to dominate MS in quality game titles is all anyone should care about.

Besides the PS3 is about to steal the very best exclusive the 360 has.

No its not Halo or Gears, its that AAAA quality game known only as:


DMason5370d ago

Are you guys seriously this f*cking retarded? You say that this guy is a Microsoft fanboy? He writes for a analytical business and financial publication. He does not give a flying f*ck about the console war. You say he's an "Xbot". No, he's making predictions on business trends.

Wow, the fanboyism on this site has hit a new all time low. PS3 fanboys are the absolute worst. I can almost guarantee the average IQ of a PS3 fanboy is about 47. And that's being generous.

CliffyB5370d ago

What a surprise. I should shut up, yet no takers on my offer. You should shut up Omarja you little fangirl and enjoy the wait for FFvs 13.

killersmoke5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

ps3 cut price took sales for six months. plus I would expect a good answer to sony's cut. plus next year you got natal included... the war is over. sony 3rd, microsoft 2nd, wii 1st.....


@ OMARJA< WHO's pathetic? looks like the Droids looking for maybe a month come back just to be shut down by M$..........

da720izcumin5370d ago

the ps3 is already doomed.
it's a little 2 late kids....
but it was a nice race, that microsoft before the ps3 even entered the market.

BTW, here comes those year of the ps3 articles again!!!
love those...they're like pies, cause i get to throw it @ the clown's face @ the end of the day...

Once Upon a Fable5370d ago

The PS3 lost. Period.

wait you say it can catch up??

Ok, lets wait and see. :)

AngryTypingGuy5370d ago

As far as dominating the market like PS2, yes it's too late for the PS3 to do that. They've simply lost too much market share to the other two for that to realistically happen. However, I will stick by my previous prediction that now that a cheaper PS3 is available, its monthly sales will pass the 360s for the time being.

Will it be enough to pass the 360 eventually? Maybe, but that remains to be seen. I hate to tell you Sony fanboys, but it's not a given that it will. There is a chance the PS3 will remain the PS3rd for this gen.

killersmoke5370d ago



borgome5370d ago

Everyone I know who owns a Ps3 bought it mainly because its cheaper alternative to buying a dedicated blu ray player.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5369d ago
LordMarius5370d ago

"it's the least mature where it matters most: motion-sensitive controllers and online gaming."

Who wrote this? Forbes is trying to outdo Cnet

5370d ago
Microsoft Xbox 3605370d ago

Now its too late? LOL

Two significant jump today and the media still won't stop bashing the PS3.

PixlSheX5370d ago


1st day and already two "too late/bad move/i'm jelous sony" articles

hulk_bash19875370d ago

It seems like every time something positive comes out of the PS3 camp, some douchebag has to come and sh@t all over it for the rest of us.

sunnygrg5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

Another day, another hate article.

Sony keeps on trying, and people keep on finding new ways to whine!

Oh and according to Forbes, motion control is the nest big thing :O

no_more_trolling5370d ago

its time people stop with this console hate
just game on ur system, its a smart choice to have both systems, cuz both have games that you all would love to play

im interested in KZ2, and Uncharted 2

plus i can play online for free

my xbox live expired and now i feel the need to play online again, but dont want to pay to play multiplayer

am i a converted fanboy? no
i never was a fanboy, im just doing what feels good in my heart.

games are meant to be enjoyed, and you make good friends in the process, we should all cut this partisan crap and enjoy games the way they were meant to be enjoyed.

I_am_rushin5370d ago

Obviously a fanboy. Just hear me out. He wrote the article in such a hurry that he made a mistake. On Forbes!

"That's because Sony's technology-packed console will remain more expensive than either the Xbox 360, which starts at less than $20,0 and the Wii, which sells for $250."

Why does it seem that the entire gaming media wants Sony to fail? What has Sony ever done except for innovate in the gaming industry?

eagle215370d ago

360 is old news......prehistoric hardware! :)

gambare5370d ago

the guy really wants hits for his site

Greywulf5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

Let the sony hate continue boys..

BEHIND Motion controls.. LOL that should be the new "BAM THERE IT IS!"

"which starts at less than $20,0 and the Wii, which sells for $250." 20 I can just see the feverish panic while typing. lol.. and the hilarious thing is the more expensive Wii sells more than the dirt cheap 360.

MazzingerZ5370d ago

is that a real link? Are you guys really sure that it's not some hacker that is redirecting from forbes...it just feels so unreal all the stuff they write LOL I could get a job there and make a better analys.

Once sales figures are released I guess the next step will be to report that the Slim has overheating problems, you'll see

mrv3215370d ago

BURLINGAME, Calif. -- Not only has Sony gone from first to last in the market for videogame consoles, it has done so at the worst possible moment. Nintendo's Wii and games such as "Rock Band" and "Guitar Hero" have pushed the on-screen action into the living room, turning console gaming from geek to chic.

Now Sony's ( SNE - news - people ) latest move, slashing the PlayStation3's price by $100 to $299 and offering a thinner version of the ginormous console, has almost no hope of making a difference. That's because Sony's technology-packed console will remain more expensive than either the Xbox 360, which starts at less than $20,0 and the Wii, which sells for $250.

Not a good place to be, with price cuts for those consoles almost surely on the way. And while Sony's offering is packed with expensive technology, it's the least mature where it matters most: motion-sensitive controllers and online gaming.

Both Nintendo ( NTDOY.PK - news - people ) and Microsoft ( MSFT - news - people ) are pressing their advantage in those areas. Nintendo is bundling its latest game, "Wii Sports Resort," with an add-on that allows its WiiMote controller to pick up an even wider range of motion. Microsoft, meanwhile, is larding its Xbox Live online gaming service with movies, videogames and even live, interactive game shows.

RememberThe3575370d ago

First they need to lower the price as soon a possible or they were going to fail. And now that they have lowered the price, they are going to fail anyway? Am I getting this right?

I hate when people who don't know sh*t about this industry write about it. It shows you how niche this industry is when Forbs can't even find a logical journalist.

callahan095370d ago

Wow. Seriously, why does the PS3 get so much hate by the media? This is ridiculous. It smells like damage control, but why would a so-called independent journalist want to damage control this announcement?

Information Minister5370d ago

Trollish article, obviously written by a Microsoft fanboy in denial.

MTEC85370d ago

too little to late articles already!? I honestly do not think that is what Microsoft and Nintendo is thinking.

Aclay5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

First the media was complaining/crying about the PS3 needing a price cut and "lagging" PS3 sales, and now that the PS3 has got a price cut, even before a DAY has gone by, they are already shooting it down... but then again, this shouldn't be a surprise the media has always been down Sony's throat this gen. just because Sony isn't in the lead.

Like I said in an article yesterday: PS3 price cut + GT5 (whenever it comes out) + FFXIII in Japan this holiday = Massive Impact. I haven't said this in a long time, but I can't wait until September's NPD numbers come in.

The PS3 may or may not still have a chance to outsell the 360 this gen., but I still expect a $299 PS3 to cut down the 360's lead substantially until the Xbox 360 Elite hits $199 or until the Arcade hits $149, because the PS3 has already proven time and time again that it can outsell the 360 at a higher price point.

njr5370d ago

Forbes Article: Too Little, Too Late.

IzKyD13315370d ago

Did they really say the PS3 was "behind" in motion controls and online gaming? Compared to what? The Wii? Forbes, just stick to business and leave gaming to us, because you don't know jack sh1t about it

Nineball21125370d ago

This submission:


begs to differ about which console is least expensive (not to mention all that you get with it).

I would have expected less "sensationalism" from Forbes.... They must need the hits?

ocha845370d ago

that's why the slim is #1 on amazon, the 80 gig model is #10, and the 160 gb models is #85~!!!! I know amazon doesn't count for all the retailers out there but~ i cannot remember the last time the ps3 was anywhere near the #1 spot on the bestseller list~!

CrazzyMan5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

Too late to play:

Resistance 1 & 2
MotorStorm + M:PR
Heavenly Sword
Uncharted 1 & 2
Ratchet and Clank (both games)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Valkyria Chronicles
Demon`s Soul
Killzone 2
NGS 1 & 2
White Knight Story
Quantum Theory
Disgaea 3
Siren New
Yakuza 3
God of War 3
Heavy Rain
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy XIII Versus
Gran Turismo 5
The Agent

Gamertags5370d ago

Why on earth would it be too late? Never too late to try to turn things around. Silly article.!

Sarcasm5370d ago

Wow, it hasn't even been a few hours and it's already #1 on amazon?

JokesOnYou5370d ago

I say just wait and see....I mean too late for what? Surely it will help sony close the gap a bit, but personally I don't think this will lead to a huge sales boost for ps3.


Blaster_Master5370d ago

This price cut just goes to show how much of a rip off the 360 really is at $300 bucks, or even $200 bucks for the arcade. The 360 doesn't have wifi, HD dvd player, bluetooth mic and keyboard support, no web browser, no AAA exclusives besides Mass Effect, and doesn't have free online. The ps3 will be king of all as soon as they implement cross game chat. There will be no competition then, even if the other consoles drop their price. They sure as hell aren't worth half the squid they are going for at this point in their life cycles.

BTW, Microsoft better be selling the elite for $200 bucks this winter or they are gonna get smashed in sales by Sony.

darkequitus5370d ago

This is so funny.#

MS could hire the greatest minds to make the most efficient hardware ever created and RROD would still crop up.

Where as Sony cound sell the PS3 for a dollar finding a way to make it for no money at all (i.e. 1 dollar profit per console, more than now) and they would has still failed.


evrfighter5370d ago

This is THE Forbes we're talking about here you know. These guys eat, sleep, and breathe finance.

What's pretty funny is. The people who you guys should not want to read this ( Sony shareholders) are the people who will most likely read it.

morganfell5370d ago

Yeah, this is Forbes. The guys that have had to lay off staff at their own genius organization. Ha ha ha. Roger McNamee had to leave and was replaced by an efficiency expert. What a laugh. get your own act together Forbes. And let's not even talk about that loon Steve Forbes....


FamilyGuy5370d ago

I love that comment 1.1 currently has no disagrees and 64 agrees.

No one here agrees with this article and that's hilarious.

Noob5370d ago

Whats up with the damage control?

t-dizzle5370d ago

I will admit this article seems really premature, but this guy is writing for one of the most respected business publications in the world, and you are making it out like he writes for some crappy xbox blog that a 12 year old runs in his basement. Forbes has routinely predicted the wealthiest corporations/state economies in the world, so don't try to shrug this guy off like he doesn't understand business. As for the PS3 slim, I am taking a wait and see attitude with it as I assume a lot of people will, but dammit people, calm down. The guy is writing this from a business perspective, from a financial perspective, from an analyst perspective. He is not writing from a fanboy perspective.

Deal with it!


Boody-Bandit5370d ago

For a console from a company with a history of 10 year life spans and they are not even 3 years into this one? Oh yeah this is a quality article. Will the hate never end?

Anon19745370d ago

and the Wii would be pressing it's advantage?

Riiiiiight. Perhaps Forbes should stick to stock analysis. 120 million PS2 owners didn't have motion control. Do you think they're all suddenly jumping aboard the motion control train?

read disc error5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

slim or no slim. XBL > PSN by a pretty big margin.

do you N4g sony fanboys really think that MS won't counter with a price cut of their own?

Pika-pie5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

I dont care if Sony isnt No.1 this gen. Nintendo has shown us that number 1 in sales doesnt necessarily mean no1 for gaming

usern4g5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )


Forbes is ignorant of a the multi-billion-dollar video game industry.

Dont lose faith Troops!

theEnemy5370d ago

-coming from someone who doesn't even play games.


NickIni5370d ago

It's about 12 hours since it was officially announced, we have yet to see any results, but already it's been declared a failure?

This is why gaming journalism is fudged up.

gaffyh5370d ago

@1.39 - They obviously didn't. I'm sure someone predicted this exact title was coming in another article a few days ago.

Kill Crow5370d ago

489,381 per month to catch it by Jan 2011. 112,934 per week.
286,879 per month to catch it by Jan 2012. 66,203 per week.
202,914 per month to catch it by Jan 2013. 46,826 per week.
156,971 per month to catch it by Jan 2014. 36,224 per week.

Current rate is: -51,873 per month
Avge for last 6 mths
Negative number means 360 is still outselling PS3 by that amount per month on avge

t-dizzle5370d ago

And that is why their is cause to worry. It is not a niche publication. It is a trusted source for BUSINESS analysis. They are reacting to this story from a business perspective. What does this mean for sony in the console market. NOT what it means for the loyalists out there.

@ 1.42 "coming from someone who doesn't even play games." Don't you get it? This is why it is so much more dangerous to have it come from the mouth of a magazine like this. Forbes analysts make the Financial Times, CNN, Fox News, whatever, and they go on a spell out their thoughts. Do you think all 120 million people who bought a ps2 were gamers? That they read gaming publications? No. It came from publicity/advertising and word of mouth. This is bad word of mouth.

edgeofblade5370d ago

I think this is great for PS3.

But make no mistake: Forbes would not be flamebaiting, and you know it. I would take their story seriously and agree or disagree with it based on it's content.

And for the record, I disagree.

MagicAccent5370d ago (Edited 5370d ago )

Cue the Motivational Photo

GameGambits5370d ago

This is officially the most retarded thing ever written on this entire planet. Congratulations you are now 100X dumber than any HipHopGamer article EVER written.

Take a bow.

Anon19745370d ago

If you look at the official ship numbers from both Microsoft and Sony there's only 190,000 consoles separating them for the first six months of this year. And consider this, last year at this time the 360 was behind Sony by over a million consoles for the calendar year. The 360 had it's price cut, received a sales boost and was able to end the year about dead even with Sony. If the 360 could overcome a deficit of a million consoles with a price cut, do you really not think Sony could overcome 190,000 now?
If Sony and Microsoft's ship numbers are hit for the fiscal year, and there's no reason at this point to think that they won't, Sony will have eaten away at the 360's one year lead by about 3 million consoles. Time will tell, but that's what they're telling their shareholders and they don't make those projections lightly. If they miss the targets it hits their stock price and then there's some explaining to do.

NaViTo5370d ago

This has to be the most hilarious article I've read in all day! Call it Damage Control try.

nothere4135370d ago

I just heard two of my friends saying they'll be getting one now.

Too little, too late... MY ASS.

thesummerofgeorge5370d ago

But apparently there's only room for the console in first place. Where did this concept come from that only one of the two consoles can exist (I exclude wii from this equation for obvious reasons) that's bull, the PS3 is doing great at this point in its lifespan, it's not all black and white, where because it's not beating the 360 at this point, it's failing or Sony needs to quit gaming market... That's faulty logic. This guy's an idiot, straight up.

DaTruth5370d ago

I really don't understand this concept where you sell more in three years than your competition, yet are dead because they started earlier than you. If I sell ten million consoles a year and they sell nine million a year, how could they possibly be selling more than me. Every single year PS3 has outsold 360, and yet, somehow 360 is the God of consoles and it sells the least.

Last year they sold less, this year they will have sold less; is there something wrong here, when selling more than your competition makes you less!

Is this the Bizarro world; "Bizarro Superman help them by killing them!"

Buttons5369d ago

First it was the PS3 is too expensive, and now when it's not, it's NOT GOOD ENOUGH??

+ Show (54) more repliesLast reply 5369d ago
Megaton5370d ago

"And while Sony's offering is packed with expensive technology, it's the least mature where it matters most: motion-sensitive controllers and online gaming."

I lol'd.

callahan095370d ago

Yeah, seriously. I didn't know that the Wii had more mature online gaming features and functionality than the PS3? The 360 does in some areas, sure, like cross-game voice chat and voice messaging, but that's a service you have to pay for repeatedly. I mean, at this point the PS3 costs less than the 360 Elite! It is the exact same price, but you get blu-ray and wi-fi support, and you never have to pay to play online with what is actually quite a sophisticated online network considering that it's free. It makes the Wii's online functionality look practically non-existent. Considering that for 300 bucks I can get a PS3 and sign up for an online account and start playing online immediately for no extra cost, and if I pay that same 300 bucks for the 360, I can't sign up for the account and play online unless I plunk down some extra money. So yeah, I think the PS3 is sitting pretty right now on pretty much all levels.

DaTruth5370d ago

I think the gaming industry has lost itself when motion controls are more important for gaming than actual games.

gdguide5370d ago

Yeah, the PS3 selling just under 10% less than the 360 this last quarter = dooooooooomed. Man, they need to do their homework on things.

Ju5370d ago

Boss: "Come up with some crap so we can post that sh!t an generate some hits". Editor: "Bu...bu...but then I need to lie!". "Just shut up and do it." (looks into wallet with big envelope).

Knghtz5370d ago

How would anyone have a big envelope in their wallet?

Ju5370d ago

LOL. Use your imagination...

rucky5370d ago

Funny I always thought a game console should be about the quality of games. And too late for what? Is there a deadline somewhere I don't know about?

FireJackal5370d ago

Didn't you know?Every PS3 is gonna explode in late 2010.

GarandShooter5370d ago

Crap! I was hoping it would at least hold out until the world ends in 2012.

madpuppy5370d ago

Impossible, I'm pretty sure that Microsoft patented the "exploding console" feature exclusively for the Xbox 360.

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shinoff218311h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Doesn't seem to be that bad of a month. Got a bit of something for everyone.

Please do not support braid anniversary edition. Don't support Phil phish, he's a very despicable person, a a cry baby.

One example


Tacoboto11h ago

Wrong developer. Phil Phish was the developer behind Fez.

Jonathan Blow was behind Braid. If you're gonna cancel culture, don't take down the wrong indie...

CrimsonWing692h ago

Man, I don’t know why, but it also irks me when people try to tell others what to do. Fez was an awesome game, I couldn’t care less if the dev was a douche.

This is just extra cringe since the person actually doesn’t know what they’re talking about 🤦‍♂️