Video Interview:Legends of WrestleMania (TrueGameHeadz)

2.0 from TrueGameHeadz writes:
"In all honesty, I have never cared about the release of a wrestling title… ever. It's just not my thing, but, for the first time ever, "Legends of WrestleMania" has more than peaked my interest. One of the reasons I have overlooked a lot of the recent WWE and WCW releases was that I just don't care about the wrestlers - however, if you throw Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant in the ring together, I'm going to take a second look. Sure, I could go back to my NES and set up the same match in the original "WrestleMania" game, but, seeing the gods of my youth in HD is a completely different experience. When TrueGameHeadz went to New York Comic Con last week Unit got a chance to check out the THQ's latest game, and what we can expect when the game hits stores on March 24th."

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Top 7 WrestleMania Video Games

This weekend is WrestleMania XXX,and with the celebration underway Nerds on the Rocks decides to checkout the Top 7 wrestling game bearing the event's name. From the NES to the PlayStation 2, the brand has extended through generations of gaming consoles.

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Legends of WrestleMania 2 Not On THQ's Radar

THQ Tank has confirmed on his twitter account that THQ has no plans right now to release a sequel to Legends of WrestleMania.

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5 of the Best… Pro Wrestling Games

The biggest event in the professional wrestling calendar is almost upon us, so with Wrestlemania XVII so close, what better time to look back at five of the best recreations of sports entertainment gaming has to offer?

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DaReapa4808d ago

Surprised to see that none of the N64 gems made that list. NWO vs WCW Revenge was a beast.

Mr PS3604808d ago

No Mercy was the best wrestling game ever.

Grown Folks Talk4807d ago

Pro Wrestling (NES) Wrestlemania Challenge (NES) NWO vs WCW (N64) Wrestlemania 2000 (N64) Royal Rumble (Sega Genesis) Raw (Sega Genesis)

The bestest. The end.

Best actual wrestling NWA in the 80s.

Relientk774807d ago

Loved the early WWE Smackdown games